Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Güneş, James Gross (Eds.)
Springer Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-12330-6, approx. 537 pages, May 2010
A crucial step during the design and engineering of communication systems is the estimation of their performance and behavior; especially for mathematically complex or highly dynamic systems network simulation is particularly useful. This book focuses on tools, modeling principles and state-of-the art models for discrete-event based network simulations – today’s primary method in academia and industry for performance evaluations of new network designs and architectures. In the first part, the book introduces network simulation frameworks such as OMNeT++ and ns-3 and discusses simulation related aspects like parallelization, integration of real software and the simulation of hardware. The following two parts cover modeling techniques for network simulations and focus on wireless networks and models of the higher protocol layers, respectively. In particular, the part on wireless network models covers all essential modeling principles for dealing with the physical and link layers as well as the properties of the wireless channel. Moreover, this part presents detailed models for prominent wireless systems like IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16. The part on higher protocol layers investigates classical modeling approaches for the network layer, the transport layer and the application layer in addition to modeling approaches for peer-to-peer networks and network topologies. The book addresses master and PhD students of computer science and electrical engineering as well as at researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are working with network simulation at any layer of the protocol stack. In order to support the use of the book in lectures, teaching material (slides) is available on request.
Further Information
We provide teaching material for the chapters to easily build courses on the basis of this book. If you are interested, send an email to Klaus Wehrle, James Gross or Mesut Güneş to obtain the required login information.
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