Past Projects

 A list of projects that have been done at COMSYS in the past:

  • Bonn-Aachen International Research School of Applied Information Technology with University of Bonn
  • COAT: Computational ecosystem for clinical applications of organ crosstalk (ERS PFExC005, 2022-2024)
  • COMTEX: Context in Anonymous Short Texts (ERS OPSF485, 2018-2019)
  • CONNECT: Innovative smart components, modules and appliances for a truly connected, efficient and secure smart grid (ECSEL Joint Undertaking, 2017-2021)
  • CONSENT: Conformance-driven and Auto-configured Security for Home and Industrial Networks (NERD.NRW, 2018-2021)
  • CRAWLER: A flexible and versatile cross-layer coordination architecture (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • Digital Campus (BMBF, DAAD, 2020-2021)
  • FootPath: Infrastructure-less Indoor Navigation (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • HODRIAN: HöchstrObuste, DRahtlose kommunikationskomponenten für Industrielle ANwendungen (BMBF, 2016-2018)
  • Horizon: Scalable parallel network simulation (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • IMPactDigital: Innovative Measures to Personalize the Introduction to Higher Education via Digitalization (BMBF, 2019)
  • IoTRUST: Maßnahmen zum Nachweis der IT-Security für vernetzte Consumer-Electronic-Produkte unter Anwendung einer Klassifizierung des Sicherheitsbedarf (2018-2019)
  • IPACS: Intelligent Privacy-Aware Cloud-Based Services (DFG EI, 2013-2016)
  • KleeNet: Symbolic execution of distributed systems (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • KoI: Koordinierte Industriekommunikation (BMBF, 2015-2017)
  • MemoSim: Avoiding of Redundant Computations in Simulation Parameter Studies by Memoization (DFG, 2016-2019)
  • MetroQoE: QoE mechanisms in Wireless Metropolitan Area Sharing Networks (B-IT Research School)
  • Mobile ACCess: Mobility and city-wide communication environment for secure internet services (IKT.NRW, 2009-2012)
  • myneData: Self-determined Utilization of Personal Data with Inherent Protection of Privacy and Data (BMBF, 2016-2019)
  • NEPTUN: Privatsphäre erhaltende Technologien und die Sicht der Nutzer auf Privatsphäre (DFG EI, 2014-2015)
  • PREserv: Privacy Enhanced Sensing, Encoding, Relaying & Visualization (IKT.NRW, 2013-2016)
  • QuaP2P: Quality in Peer-to-Peer Networks (DFG RG 733, 2006-2012)
  • RatPack: Analysis of animal ecological and social networks with programmable sensor nodes
  • REDeFiNE: REflex-based Distributed Frequency control for power NEtworks (DFG SPP 1914, 2020-2023)
  • Refector: Heuristic packet repair mechanisms (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • REFLEXES: A Co-Designed Architecture for In-Network Control (DFG SPP 1914, 2016-2023)
  • SAFE: Safety Analysis of Concurrent Systems (ERC PoC Grant, 2021-2022)
  • Securing Smart Objects: IP-based communication security for Internet-connected Smart Objects (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • SensorCloud: Trustworthy management and analysis of sensor data in a cloud infrastructure (BMWi, 2012-2014)
  • SliceTime: Large scale network emulation (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • SoulMigration: Seamless Application State Migration (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • SSICLOPS: Scalable and Secure Infrastructures for Cloud Operations (EU H2020, 2015-2018)
  • SYMBIOSYS: Symbolic analysis of temporal and functional behavior of networked systems (ERC CoG Grant, 2015-2021)
  • TinyWifi: Briding the gap between sensornets and meshnets evaluation (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • TRINICS: TRansparent Information on INdividual Cloud Service usage (BMBF, 2016-2018)
  • Ultra high-speed Mobile Information and Communication systems (UMIC) research cluster at RWTH Aachen University (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)
  • VODSim: A modular BitTorrent model for the ns-3 network simulator
  • Wireless Link Diversity: Exploiting link dynamics/diversity and stable addressing in Wireless Sensor Networks (DFG EXC 89, 2006-2014)


Before starting our new endeavors at COMSYS in 2010, our group (then called the Distributed Systems Group) has been involved in the following research projects since 2004.

  • ADAPT: Integration and adaptation of legacy applications, systems, and protocols with mobile ad-hoc networks.
  • AEON: Accurate Prediction of Power Consumption in Sensor Networks.
  • LHIP: Lightweight Host Identity Protocol.
  • MHT: Mobile Hash Table.
  • MMOG: Peer-to-Peer-based Infrastructure Support for Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
  • MORE: Dynamic Multipath Onion Router.
  • OCALA: Overlay Convergence Architecture for Legacy Applications.
  • SEMOBIS: Bridging the Heterogeneity of today's Internet.
  • TimeTOSSIM: Time accurate and scalable simulation of sensornet applications.
  • Dynamic TinyOS: Modular and transmparent incremental code updates for sensornets.
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