
The figure below shows the course offerings of COMSYS. The arrows within this figure indicate recommended ways how you can specialize within the area of communication when doing your bachelors and masters in computer science at RWTH Aachen University.

Starting with your bachelor, the mandatory lecture “Datenkommunikation” (previously "Datenkommunikation und Sicherheit") lays the foundation which you need in order to specialize within the area of communication. If you decide to specialize within this area, you can choose from the lectures Communication Systems Engineering, Advanced Internet Technology, and Mobile Internet Technology as one of your “Wahlfpflicht”-lectures. The Proseminar, Softwarepraktikum, and seminars offered by COMSYS give you further opportunities to get into touch with our topics. Finally, a bachelor thesis at COMSYS allows you to get a detailed understanding of one of the topics our group does research on.

In your master studies, you can continue your path in the area of communication by attending more of our lectures. Our seminars and labs give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in this area even more. At the end of your studies, the master thesis is a good possibility to get acquainted with one of our many research topics.

If you are not only interested in the state of the art in communication systems but want to know more about ongoing research, the Research Focus Classes and research-oriented thesis projects allow you to get into touch with ongoing research activities. And if you are really into research, the opportunity to do a Ph.D. at COMSYS might wait at the end of your studies. 


Bachelor Courses

Datenkommunikation (DatKom) BSc Mandatory

  • Communication services, layer models, protocols
  • Physical basics of transmission
  • Error handling and medium access
  • Internet Protocol (IP) and Routing: Connecting remote hosts
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Connecting applications
  • Application Layer: Email, DNS, HTTP

Offered during winter term.

Module handbook entry: Lecture: Datenkommunikation

Elective Courses (Bachelor & Master)

Advanced Internet Technology (AIT) BSc MSc Elective

This course builds on basic technology in data communication (as taught, e.g., in "Datenkommunikation") and focuses on techniques to create more scalable, reliable, and performant networks and networked applications, to finally handle the network complexity as it might arise in the Internet of Things.

  • Peer-to-Peer networks: unstructured P2P systems, general network topologies, structured P2P systems, P2P applications
  • Cloud computing: cloud and distributed data storage
  • Software Defined Networking (SDN)
  • Sensor networks
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)

Offered during summer term.

Module handbook entry: Lecture: Advanced Internet Technology

Mobile Internet Technology (MIT) BSc MSc Elective

This course builds on basic technology in data communication (as taught, e.g., in "Datenkommunikation") and focuses on different characteristics of wireless networks as well as on new technologies needed to handle mobility and security challenges in wireless networks.

  • Physical foundation of modern wireless communication
  • Medium access for wireless technologies 
  • Data networks: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11)
  • Routing in mobile multi-hop networks
  • Mobile cellular networks: From GSM to LTE
  • Secure mobility in mobile networks: Mobile IP, HIP

Offered during summer term.

Module handbook entry: Lecture: Mobile Internet Technology

Communication Systems Engineering (CSE) BSc MSc Elective

This course builds on basic technology in data communication and operating systems (as taught, e.g., in "Datenkommunikation" and "Betriebssysteme und Systemsoftware") and takes a more practical look into working with networked systems.

  • Design principles of modern communication systems
  • Kernel basics, interrupts, and programming techniques
  • Toolchains and testing methods
  • Timing and profiling
  • Discrete event simulation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Large scale measurements of networked systems

Offered during winter term.

Module handbook entry: Lecture: Communication Systems Engineering

Seminars, Labs, and Co.

Proseminar BSc Elective

In a Proseminar, you get the basic knowledge on how to write a scientific paper and how to give a presentation. This course is to prepare you on working on a seminar topic later on.

  • How to do a literature survey?
  • How to write scientific papers? Which conventions to follow, how to e.g. cite literature?
  • How to give a good presentation?
  • Topics: Data communication & wireless networks

Offered during summer and winter term.

Module handbook entry: Proseminar: Informatik

Seminars BSc MSc Elective

In a seminar you are assigned a scientific topic. You have to write a paper about it, and present the work in a presentation. The seminars offered by COMSYS are organized in a conference style.

  • Find related literature
  • Write your own (survey) paper
  • Peer-review the papers of other seminar students
  • Prepare a final version
  • Present your topic at a one- or two-day workshop
  • Topics: From lectures and our research directions
    We also maintain an overview of seminar topics we offered in the past.

Offered during summer and winter term.

Seminar descriptions: Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology

Bachelor Lab BSc Elective

In a Bachelor lab (Software-Projektpraktikum) you learn to work on a software project in a team. Topics are varying, oriented at our teaching and research areas.

  • Hands-on experience on distributed systems
  • Get to know your protocols
  • Deepen your knowledge on communication systems

Typically offered in summer term

SS 25: Practical Internet eXperience (PIX)

Master Lab MSc Elective

In a Master lab you get a deeper insight into the practical aspects of our teaching and research areas.

  • Internet and mobility, Wireless, IoT, Apps
  • Linux operating system: Networking, communication internals
  • Mobile operating system: Android
  • Effective programming techniques
  • Exercises: Hands-on
  • Small 6-week projects on individual topics

Typically offered in winter term.

WS 24/25: Practical Internet eXperience II (PIX II)

Research Focus Class MSc Elective

This course gives you the opportunity to come into contact with real research. Topics are varying; always one of our current research topics is chosen as basis.

  • Interactive lecture concept
  • Research area chosen and introduced by COMSYS research staff
  • Selection of current research topics by the participants
  • Talks and discussions prepared by the participants
  • Real research: Ad-hoc simulations, prototypes, experiments on demand

WS 24/25: Research Focus Class: Medical Data Privacy

For more details and an overview of past offers, please see our dedicated page on our research focus classes.

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