We share our broader research vision and scientific publications that can be accessed on the respective project websites or directly through our yearly sorted list of publications.
Currently, the COMSYS team is involved in the following research projects.
- IoP: Internet of Prodution for enabling a new level of cross-domain collaboration for production (DFG EXC 2023, 2019-2025+)
- LEGATO: LEarninG how to enhAnce neTwork prOtocols (DFG)
- MAKI: Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet (DFG SFB 1053, 2013-2024)
- RFC: Enhancing Research Oriented Teaching in Computer Science (ETS LeLe002, 2024-2025)
- VeN2uS: Vernetzte Netzschutzsysteme Adaptiv und Vernetzt (BMWK, 2021-2025)
- VeSiTRUST: Verlässliche Sicherheitsgarantien für Unternehmen in Wertschöpfungssystemen (BMBF, 2024-2028)