Enhancing Research Oriented Teaching in Computer Science (Research Focus Classes)

The goal of the project is to analyze, further develop and document the concept of research focus classes (RFCs). RFCs with an interdisciplinary, practice-oriented research focus offer the opportunity to integrate strategic partners. Specifically, within the department of computer science, we plan to support the establishment of new RFCs to increase its offers of research-based learning opportunities for students. Their availability will give a larger number of students the opportunity to gain scientific experience at an early stage. The project will document how RFCs are currently being organized to subsequently develop a concept (or toolbox), which supports lecturers in setting up corresponding modules themselves.

This project focuses on the evolution of teaching concepts at RWTH Aachen University, i.e., to sustainably transfer RFCs beyond the department of computer science. As such, it pursues several important direction:

  • Innovative teaching with digital and analog teaching, learning and examination formats
  • Promoting interdisciplinary skills
  • Qualifications for a modern world
  • Greater individualization of studies


LeLe002. Funded by the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

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