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IoP Young Researcher Award 2022 for Jan Pennekamp

At the Scientific Advisory Board Meeting of the Internet of Production (Excellence Cluster) of RWTH this month, COMSYS researcher Jan Pennekamp, together with Yannik Lockner (working for the Institute for Plastics Processing...[more]


Lernen. Forschen. Grillen.

Last Thursday, September 8th, we celebrated the 75th birthday of Otto Spaniol and the 10th aniversary of COMSYS (with a delay of 2 years due to COVID19).[more]


Salil Kanhere Stays with COMSYS as Visiting Professor

Professor Salil Kanhere from UNSW Sydney will stay with COMSYS starting from August 2022 until the end of October 2022 as part of his Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award. With this prestigious award, the Alexander von Humboldt...[more]


PhD Defense of Jens Hiller

On July 1st, 2022, Jens Hiller successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations![more]


COMSYS Chair Outing 2022

On Tuesday, June 28, COMSYS went rafting on the river Rur for the annual chair outing. After having breakfast together in the morning, we drove to Hilfarth where we began our two-and-a-half-hour boat ride. Split across two...[more]


David Hellmanns gives talk about Operational Technology networks on Monday

On Monday, May 30, 2022 at 13:00, David Hellmanns will give a talk about the real-time requirements of Operational Technology networks at the COMSYS seminar room. David is a PhD candidate with IPVS Uni Stuttgart...[more]


ICT Young Researcher Award for Jan Pennekamp

COMSYS researcher Jan Pennekamp was recently awarded with the ICT Young Researcher Award 2021 in recognition for his contributions to research related to "Information & Communication Technology" at RWTH Aachen University. In...[more]

Displaying results 22 to 28 out of 152
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