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Eric Wagner Wins Prix d'Excellence 2020, Awarded by Foundation de Luxembourg

On Saturday, Eric Wagner was awarded the Prix d'Excellence 2020 of the Foundation de Luxembourg for his master's thesis he conducted at COMSYS and which was being co-supervised by the b-tu Cottbus-Senftenberg. With this award,...[more]


Jan Pennekamp talks about Remote Workshops

Jan Pennekamp was recently interviewed to express his take on remote workshops that he experienced at first hand as part of his presenations at IEEE BIoTCPS 2020 and IEEE CPS-Sec 2020. In his opinion, remote conferences can...[more]


PhD Defense of Jan Rüth

On August 14th, 2020, Jan Rüth successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations![more]


Ina Fink awarded Women’s STEM Award 2020 for best international thesis

Ina Fink, former COMSYS student and now researcher, was awarded the Women’s STEM Award 2020 for her master's thesis. The award is presented by audimax MEDIEN GmbH and Deutsche Telekom AG and funds 3000 Euro for the best...[more]


Sebastian Reuter and Mirko Stoffers awarded KuVS prize for best theses!

Sebastian Reuter and Mirko Stoffers were awarded the KuVS prize for the best theses in the area of Communication and Distributed Systems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 2019. Sebastian was awarded for his Bachelor...[more]


Guest Talk by Matthias Wichtlhuber from DE-CIX

We are delighted to annouce a Guest Talk by Matthias Wichtlhuber (DE-CIX), who will be talking about countermeasures against Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks at DE-CIX and also about internet traffic changes due to...[more]


Research Internships for North American Undergrads

Join us this summer for an exciting ten-week research stay in Germany.[more]

Displaying results 36 to 42 out of 154
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