< CUMUL & Co: ACSAC Artifact Competition Finalist
24.01.2023 15:54 Age: 2 yrs

ICT Young Researcher Award for Dominik Kus

Another year, another winner! Dominik Kus, currently M.Sc. student at COMSYS, was awarded with one of two ICT Young Researcher Awards 2022 in the category of B.Sc./M.Sc. students.

The ICT Young Researcher Award is granted "for scientific motivation and efforts in the Profile Area of Information and Communication Technology" each year. Dominik made several contributions in the area of Industrial Intrusion Detection and Industrial Network Security: His work in our Research Focus Class resulted in an ACM CPSS Workshop '22 paper on Machine Learning-Based Industrial Intrusion Detection. Also, Dominik is currently working on his master's thesis project at COMSYS (advised by Jan Pennekamp, Eric Wagner & Konrad Wolsing), which is supported by an ICT Speed Fund. This funding enabled him to present his work on Ensemble Learning for Industrial Intrusion Detection as poster at ACSAC 2022.

We were delighted to learn that the other award in the B.Sc./M.Sc. student category went to Antoine Saillard, who also participated in the RFC and is currently supervised by Prof. Martin Henze.

Congratulation to our RFC alumni Dominik and Antoine!

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