< COMSYS student awarded for BSc thesis in Communication and Distributed Systems
14.02.2014 08:47 Age: 11 yrs

Guest Talk: "Software-defined Multicast: Using OpenFlow to Push Overlay Streams into the Underlay"

We are pleased to announce a guest talk by Prof. Dr. David Hausheer, TU Darmstadt.

When: Friday, February 14th 14:00
Where: Ahornstrasse 55, building E3, room 0.19 (COMSYS Seminar room)
Title: Software-defined Multicast: Using OpenFlow to Push Overlay Streams
into the Underlay


Today, an increasing number of live video streaming
services are provided over the Internet. To deliver these video
streams in a scalable and cost-efficient manner, approaches such
as Content Delivery Networks have been proposed. They usually
end at the edge of the residential Internet Service Provider
(ISP) networks. From the edge, they have to transport individual
unicast streams to the clients. Peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming
mechanisms promise to further improve the situation for content
providers by reducing the load on their infrastructure by using
the client devices in the distribution process. While this is
promising for the content provider, in both cases the costs stay
with the ISPs. They have to carry a potentially large number
of individual streams with the same content to their clients. To
address this problem, in this talk the OpenFlow-based
cross-layer approach entitled Software-defined Multicast (SDM) is
proposed that allows ISPs to offer a service with support for traffic
originating from outside their own network.


Prof. Dr. David Hausheer is assistant professor at the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Technische
Universität Darmstadt since May 2011. He holds a diploma degree in
electrical engineering and a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences from ETH
Zurich. From 2005 - 2011 he has been employed as a senior researcher and
lecturer at University of Zurich, Switzerland, while being on leave as a
visiting scholar at EECS, UC Berkeley from October 2009 to April 2011.
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