< Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in gesucht!
29.01.2013 09:36 Age: 12 yrs
By: weingaertner
COMSYS Winter Retreat
Research in Action: The COMSYS research group has recently spent one weak on its annual winter retreat in Kleinwalsertal, Austria.

Enthusiastic: Georg, René and Alex!

Mirko learning to ski and to fly

Klaus after some disruptive use of a kicker/snowboard-jump
Honestly, there are many recurring events and tasks many PhD students do not like, for example weekly telephone conferences or filling out endless forms for various purposes. However, there is one recurring event at COMSYS everybody looks forward to. We’re speaking of the annual winter retreat in Kleinwalsertal, where everybody from the team of Prof. Klaus Wehrle joins in for an exciting blend of research and fun.
Being isolated from the university with all its distractions and without proper Internet connectivity, the Söllerhaus in Kleinwalstal is an excellent place for developing and discussing new and emerging research ideas in a very lively environment. As we spend one week with about 15 people, there is enough time for everybody to receive feedback and to take home new ideas. In the past, we’ve also used this venue for concentrated teamwork on research projects, publications and grant applications.
Beyond research, Kleinwalsertal is an eldorado for snow-sports, as it offers brilliant ski slopes and great winter hiking trails. COMSYS wasn’t COMSYS if it didn’t take advantage of this. Hence, we also spend some time on the slopes. And there was almost no excuse for people who didn’t ski. Every year, we teach a number of COMSYS newbies how to master skis or snowboards – and so far, nobody has broken his or her legs!