< COMSYS wins the Best Paper Award at IEEE LCN 2015
24.11.2015 13:10 Age: 9 yrs
COMSYS wins Best Paper Award at ACM MSWiM 2015
For their paper: "Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks" Mirko Stoffers, Torsten Sehy, James Gross, and Klaus Wehrle were granted the Best Paper Award at ACM MSWiM 2015 in Cancún, Mexico. Congratulations!
In their paper, the authors presented a technique to automatically detect data dependencies between events in a Discrete Event Simulation, which ultimately speeds up the parallel execution of the simulation. To this end, the paper discusses the design of a language, which is specifically tailored to ease this kind of analysis while maintaining similarity to existing languages. A static code analysis then determines the dependencies and allows parallel execution of events detected as independent.
COMSYS thanks the authors for the successful preparation and presentation of the paper.