< ComSys at RWTH Science Slam
28.11.2013 13:47 Age: 11 yrs
Comsys Seasonal Party 2013
It´s winter once again!
The Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS) wishes you all a relaxed and pleasant winter time!
To celebrate this time of the year in an informal and friendly setting we would like to invite you to our seasonal party on Tuesday December 17th at 17:30 h.
Where: Comsys seminar room (Informatikzentrum, E3, main floor)
Students, staff and former members, family, kids and significant others are very welcome!
Food contributions are welcome.
To make our planning a bit easier and to ensure that there is glühwein for all of you and not all people bring the same dish, please <link>register for the party until December 8th.
A wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or your favourite secular celebration and a happy and prosperous New Year to you!