< Guest Talk: "Human-Centered Information Systems and Query Processing"
28.11.2013 07:45 Age: 11 yrs

ComSys at RWTH Science Slam

The popular RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht (Night of Science) was held on 8 November. The Science Slam has been an integral, and increasingly popular, part of the event. This year again the Aula (Assembly Hall) was heaving. Little wonder - ComSys' very own Prof Spaniol (aka Alois Potton) was among the participants. He presented "Das informatische Justizklavier" (hmm, that's a bit tough - The Computer Sciences' Legal Piano, perhaps). Despite strong competition by contenders like 'Red Wine and Nano Spaghetti - A Receipe Against Cancer' or 'Of Physicists and Tarts - The World of Quantum Computing' Otto won the 2nd prize (the audience decided). You see - ComSys not only excels in research .........
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