< UROP @ COMSYS: Welcome Sarah!
26.06.2024 09:50 Age: 209 days


Three COMSYS researchers gave four presentations at the latest NOMS conference.

In May, Jan Pennekamp, Ike Kunze, and Markus Dahlmanns took part in the 2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024) in Seoul, South Korea. The conference was a great opportunity to discuss novel network operation techniques, telemetry opportunities, and security approaches. Especially around the topics of our researcher’s talks many discussions evolved and seeded great input for our future research and that of the community. Specifically, Jan, Ike, and Markus gave four talks: Ike presented how to leverage the QUIC spin bit to identify unresponsive traffic, and Markus expounded on the benefits and drawbacks of state-of-the-art IPv6-wide measurement techniques for the IoT. Additionally, Jan and Markus gave talks about the overall picture of their dissertations within the framework of the NOMS’ Doctoral Symposium.

In addition to the conference, our researchers also took the opportunity to do (private) sightseeing in South Korea. Most prominently, Ike, Jan, and Markus visited the DMZ at the border with North Korea.  While COMSYS cannot contribute to unifying both countries, we hope that our research activities are useful globally.

COMSYS is looking forward to continuing the discussions that evolved at the conference.

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