< 6th Heidelberg Laureate Forum
05.10.2018 14:00 Age: 6 yrs

Cluster of Excellence "Internet of Production" approved

The hard work on the application of the excellence cluster "Internet of Production" paid off! The new funding period starts in January 2019 and will initially last for seven years. COMSYS participates in this cluster and was also involved during the application. We thank all involved partners for their invested effort that contributed towards this success!

Copyright WZL

The Internet of Production (IoP) pursues the vision of enabling a new level of cross-domain collaboration by sharing available semantically adequate and context-related data from development, production, and use in real time, even globally across participants of the IoP.
COMSYS mainly focuses on research regarding the infrastructure of the IoP. In particular, we focus on seamless low-latency analysis and execution and secure industrial cooperation.

We are looking forward to all collaborations within the cluster of excellence!

We also want to congratulate the participants of the other two excellence clusters without COMSYS involvement "Fuel Science Center" and "ML4Q – Matter and Light for Quantum Computing".

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