The Computer Science departement is located outside of Aachen’s city center, but reachable by bus in a few minutes. Most research groups are located in building “Informatikzentrum” (German for “computer science center”) at Ahornstraße 55; a few others are in the “UMIC building” on Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße or in the IT Center at Seffenter Weg / Kopernikusstraße.
Most Computer Science courses are taught in “Informatikzentrum”.
You can reach “Informatikzentrum” by bus 33 and 73 (bus stop “Hainbuchenstraße” or “Halifaxstraße”) or by bus 12, 22, 23 and 75 (bus stop “Halifaxstraße”).
Dirk Thissen
RWTH Aachen University
Department of Computer Science, Informatik 4 (COMSYS)
Room 9014
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
E-Mail: student-exchange (at)
Tel: +49-241-8021403
Fax: +49-241-80621403