< COMSYS Workshop on Industry/Research Collaborations
06.07.2017 09:27 Age: 8 yrs

Our Memoization paper selected as part of the 21st Annual Best of Computing

The 2016 SIGSIM-PADS paper '<link file:1307>Automated Memoization for Parameter Studies Implemented in Impure Languages' by authors <link>Mirko Stoffers, <link>Daniel Schemmel, <link>Oscar Soria Dustmann and <link>Klaus Wehrle wins the distinction of being selected one of the 231 most notable books and articles by ACM's <link http: www.computingreviews.com recommend bestof annual best of>21st Annual Best of Computing. The notable books and Articles list from Computing Reviews consists of item nominations from CR reviewers, CR category editors, the editors in chief of ACM journals and other researchers from the computing community. We thank <link http: www.computingreviews.com browse>W. M. Waite for the kind <link http: www.computingreviews.com review>review of our contribution.
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