< Guest Talk: "Sensors with Lasers: Building a WSN Power Grid"
13.03.2015 11:13 Age: 10 yrs

COMSYS takes 2nd place of Communication Software Award at NetSys 2015

Christian Dombrowski presented in collaboration with Prof. James Gross (KTH Stockholm, Sweden) the EchoRing protocol, a novel MAC protocol designed to allow hard real-time communication over wireless links. The demonstration of the protocol under varying external conditions and parametrizations took the second place of the Communication Software Award at NetSys 2015.

The runner-up picture of the Communication Software Award (NetSys 2015)

Runner-up of the Communication Software Award (NetSys 2015)

At this years International Conference on Networked Systems (<link http: www.netsys2015.com>NetSys 2015), COMSYS took the second place of the prestigious Communication Software Award for a demonstration of a MAC protocol Christian Dombrowski developed in collaboration with Prof. James Gross from KTH Stockholm, Sweden. The EchoRing protocol aims to support latency constrained communication using wireless connections at very high reliabilities. It takes advantage of cooperative principles to improve the robustness against transmission errors. The demonstration featured a comparison of various MAC protocols under varying external conditions. Attendants could change parameters of the communication system and experience the resulting implications for the latency and reliability of the transmission using a graphical interface. COMSYS thanks in particular Prof. James Gross and Dominik Chmiel for their support in the preparation phase of the demonstration.
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