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29.09.2016 08:38 Age: 8 yrs

COMSYS student David Hellmanns named excellent young consumer researcher

For his Bachelor's thesis "Making Individual Cloud Usage of Smartphone Users Transparent", COMSYS student David Hellmanns was awarded the young consumer researcher award 2016 (Nachwuchsförderpreis Verbraucherforschung 2016).

The award was presented by NRW Science Minister Svenja Schulze, NRW Consumer Protection Minister Johannes Remmel, and Wolfgang Schuldzinski, Board member of the NRW Consumer Advice Center, at the occasion of the 2016 International Conference on Consumer Research (ICCR). It is worth 2000 Euro. In his thesis, which was advised by COMSYS researcher and head of security and privacy Martin Henze, David investigated how to improve the privacy of smartphone users with respect to cloud computing. He developed a smartphone application that enables users to quantify their individual usage of cloud services. His results reveal that different user behavior results in significantly different cloud usage. The whole COMSYS team thanks David for his excellent performance and congratulates him for this outstanding achievement! (Origin of photo material: Verbraucherzentrale NRW)
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