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DFG Priority Programme 1914 Plenary on October 19th

COMSYS welcomed over 30 researchers and PIs from all over Germany[more]


SFB MAKI Distinguished Lecture: Dr. Lars Eggert "QUIC - A New Internet Transport"

We are pleased to announce a distinguished lecture series talk in the scope of the SFB MAKI by Dr. Lars Eggert (NetApp, California).[more]


Now hiring!

As of September, COMSYS has a selection of open HiWi positions![more]


Our Memoization paper selected as part of the 21st Annual Best of Computing

The 2016 SIGSIM-PADS paper 'Automated Memoization for Parameter Studies Implemented in Impure Languages' by authors Mirko Stoffers, Daniel Schemmel, Oscar Soria Dustmann and Klaus Wehrle wins the distinction of being...[more]


COMSYS Workshop on Industry/Research Collaborations

The Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems will be hosting a one-day workshop with selected representatives from research and industry. The goal of this workshop is the establishment of new and the strengthening of...[more]


Guest Talk: "Efficient Networking in Millimeter Wave Bands" (copy 1)

We are pleased to announce a guest talk by Joerg Widmer (IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain).[more]


Guest Talk: "Weaving with Stopping Times"

We are pleased to announce a guest talk by Florin Ciucu (University of Warwick, UK).[more]

Displaying results 64 to 70 out of 154
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