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Last updated on 2012-11-28

Dr.-Ing. Oscar Puñal

Dr.-Ing Oscar Puñal is now a Senior Systems Manager at Ericsson.

Short Biography

In May 2008 I started working towards my PhD at the Mobile Network Performance (MNP) Group of Prof. James Gross (now with KTH Stockholm). In November 2012 MNP was integrated into the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems of Prof. Klaus Wehrle.

I received the Diploma degree on electrical engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2008. Before that, I spent two years at the Technische Universität Berlin (Telecommunication Networks Group of Prof. Adam Wolisz) working as student assistant and on my Diploma thesis.

My research interests are in cross-layer optimization algorithms and protocols for wireless local area networks and vehicular networks.



James Gross, Oscar Puñal, and Marc Emmelmann
Multi-User OFDMA Frame Aggregation for Future Wireless Local Area Networking
Proc. of the 8th International IFIP Networking Conference (NETWORKING'09), page 220--233.


James Gross, Marc Emmelmann, Oscar Puñal, and Adam Wolisz
Dynamic Single-User OFDM Adaptation for IEEE 802.11 Systems
Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM'07), page 124--132.
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