% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: UTC % Creation date: 2025-03-31 % Creation time: 23-32-40 % --- Number of references % 17 % @Article { dombrowski-vdi, title = {Funktechnologien f{\"u}r Industrie 4.0}, journal = {VDE Positionspapier}, year = {2017}, month = {6}, day = {1}, publisher = {VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e.V.}, address = {Stresemannallee 15, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Bentkus, Alexander and Bonanati, Florian and Dekorsy, Armin and Dombrowski, Christian and Doubrava, Michael and Golestani, Ali and Hofmann, Frank and Heidrich, Mike and Hiensch, Stefan and Kays, R{\"u}diger and Meyer, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Andreas and ten Brink, Stephan and Petreska, Neda and Popovic, Milan and Rauchhaupt, Lutz and Saad, Ahmad and Schotten, Hans and W{\"o}ste, Christoph and Wolff, Ingo} } @Proceedings { 2017-serror-netsys-industrial, title = {Demo: A Realistic Use-case for Wireless Industrial Automation and Control}, year = {2017}, month = {3}, day = {16}, tags = {koi}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2017/Ansari_et_al_Wireless_Industrial_Automation_Demo_NetSys_2017.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, event_place = {G{\"o}ttingen, Germany}, event_name = {International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2017)}, DOI = {10.1109/NetSys.2017.7931496}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Ansari, Junaid and Aktas, Ismet and Brecher, Christian and Pallasch, Christoph and Hoffmann, Nicolai and Obdenbusch, Markus and Serror, Martin and Wehrle, Klaus and Gross, James} } @Inproceedings { 2014-aktas-wintech-a-framework-for-remote-automation-configuration-and-monitoring, title = {A Framework for Remote Automation, Configuration, and Monitoring of Real-World Experiments}, year = {2014}, month = {9}, day = {7}, pages = {1--8}, tags = {crawler}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-aktas-wintech-remote-cross-layer.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2014), Hawaii, USA}, event_place = {Hawaii, USA}, event_name = {9th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2014)}, event_date = {7 September 2014}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-3072-5}, DOI = {10.1145/2643230.2643236}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Pu{\~n}al, Oscar and Schmidt, Florian and Dr{\"u}ner, Tobias and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2014-aktas-punal-wowmom-machine-learning-based-jamming-detection-for-80211-conference, title = {Machine Learning-based Jamming Detection for IEEE 802.11: Design and Experimental Evaluation}, journal = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14), Sydney, Australia}, year = {2014}, month = {6}, day = {16}, pages = {1--10}, tags = {crawler}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-aktas-wowmom-jammingdetection.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14), Sydney, Australia}, event_place = {Sydney}, event_name = {15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14)}, event_date = {16-19 June, 2014}, language = {en}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Pu{\~n}al, Oscar and Aktas, Ismet and Schnelke, Caj-Julian and Abidin, Gloria and Gross, James and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2014-comsnets-aktas-graph-based-redundancy-removal, title = {Graph-based Redundancy Removal Approach for Multiple Cross-Layer Interactions}, year = {2014}, month = {1}, day = {7}, pages = {1-8}, tags = {crawler}, url = {http://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-aktas-comsnets-redundancy.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India}, event_place = {Bangalore, India}, event_name = {2014 Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS)}, event_date = {7-10 January, 2014}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4799-3635-9}, DOI = {10.1109/COMSNETS.2014.6734899}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Henze, Martin and Alizai, Muhammad Hamad and M{\"o}llering, Kevin and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Article { 2013-elsevir-aktas-harnessing-cross-layer-design, title = {Harnessing Cross-Layer Design}, journal = {Elsevir Ad-hoc Networks}, year = {2013}, month = {10}, day = {1}, tags = {crawler}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Alizai, Muhammad Hamad and Schmidt, Florian and Wirtz, Hanno and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Poster { 2013-fkie-aktas-poster-cross-layer-koordination-jamming, title = {Cross-Layer-Koordination zur Erkennung und Behandlung von Jamming-Angriffen (Poster)}, year = {2013}, month = {4}, note = {F\&T Tag, Wachtenberg}, tags = {crawler}, publisher = {Fraunhofer Institute FKIE}, organization = {F\&T Tag}, extern = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2012-aktas-new2an-AnAdaptiveCodecSwitchingSchemeforSIPbasedVoIP-conference, title = {An Adaptive Codec Switching Scheme for SIP-based VoIP}, journal = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012)}, year = {2012}, month = {8}, day = {27}, pages = {1-12}, abstract = {Contemporary Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) systems typically ne- gotiate only one codec for the entire VoIP session life time. However, as different codecs perform differently well under certain network conditions like delay, jitter or packet loss, this can lead to a reduction of quality if those conditions change during the call. This paper makes two core contributions: First, we compare the speech quality of a set of stan- dard VoIP codecs given different network conditions. Second, we propose an adaptive end-to-end based codec switching scheme that fully conforms to the SIP standard. Our evaluation with a real-world prototype based on Linphone shows that our codec switching scheme adapts well to changing network conditions, improving overall speech quality.}, tags = {crawler}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-new2an-codecswitching.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {LNCS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012), St. Pettersburg, Russia.}, event_place = {St. Pettersburg, Russia}, event_name = {12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012)}, event_date = {27-29 August, 2012}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-3-642-32685-1}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-32686-8_32}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Schmidt, Florian and Weingaertner, Elias and Schnelke, Caj-Julian and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2012-aktas-wowmom-CRAWLER:AnExperimentationPlatformforSystemMonitoringandCross-Layer-Coordination-conference, title = {CRAWLER: An Experimentation Architecture for System Monitoring and Cross-Layer-Coordination}, journal = {Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12), San Francisco, USA}, year = {2012}, month = {6}, day = {25}, pages = {1--9}, tags = {crawler}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-wowmom-crawler.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12), San Francisco, USA}, event_place = {San Francisco}, event_name = {13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12)}, event_date = {25-28 June, 2012}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4673-1238-7}, DOI = {10.1109/WoWMoM.2012.6263686}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Schmidt, Florian and Alizai, Muhammad Hamad and Dr{\"u}ner, Tobias and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2012-aktas-simutools-FANTASY:FullyAutomaticNetworkEmulationArchitecturewithCross-LayerSupport-conference, title = {FANTASY: Fully Automatic Network Emulation Architecture with Cross-Layer Support}, year = {2012}, month = {3}, day = {19}, pages = {57-64}, tags = {crawler, fantasy}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-simutools-fantasy.pdf}, web_url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2263019\&CFID=88550183\&CFTOKEN=31687193}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {ICST}, address = {Brussels, Belgium}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools '12), Desenzano del Garda, Italy}, event_place = {Desenzano, Italy}, event_name = {5th ACM International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools '12)}, event_date = {19-23 March, 2012}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-1510-4}, DOI = {10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247759}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and vom Lehn, Hendrik and Habets, Christoph and Schmidt, Florian and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2011-12-conext-schmidt-refector, title = {Refector: Heuristic Header Error Recovery for Error-Tolerant Transmissions}, year = {2011}, month = {12}, day = {6}, pages = {1--12}, tags = {refector}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-schmidt-refector-conext.pdf}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Tokyo, Japan}, event_place = {Tokyo, Japan}, event_name = {7th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT)}, event_date = {6-9 December, 2011}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-1041-3}, DOI = {10.1145/2079296.2079318}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Schmidt, Florian and Alizai, Muhammad Hamad and Aktas, Ismet and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inbook { 2010-aktas-modeling-application-traffic-bookchapter, title = {Modeling Application Traffic}, year = {2010}, month = {4}, pages = {397-426}, publisher = {Springer}, chapter = {18}, booktitle = {Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation}, ISBN = {978-3-642-12330-6}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Mengi, Cem and King, Thomas} } @Inproceedings { inproceedingsreference201001221179332027, title = {Towards a Flexible and Versatile Cross-Layer-Coordination Architecture}, year = {2010}, month = {3}, day = {15}, pages = {1-5}, abstract = {In wireless and mobile networking, volatile environ- mental conditions are a permanent challenge, resulting in a demand for cross-layer optimizations. To further increase flexibility, we believe cross-layer architectures should adapt themselves to these changing conditions, just as they adapt the network stack, devices, and applications. In this paper, we propose CRAWLER, a novel cross-layer architecture that combines three core properties: signaling between all layers and system components; extensibility and adaptability at runtime; and high usability for cross-layer developers. CRAWLER increases flexibility, as well as expediting and simplifying cross- layer development.}, note = {Work in Progress session}, tags = {crawler}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-03-infocom-aktas-crawler.pdf}, misc2 = {Print}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, San Diego, CA, USA}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-1-4244-6739-6}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Aktas, Ismet and Otten, Jens and Schmidt, Florian and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { inproceedingsreference201001227195395138, title = {Iterative Source-Channel Decoding with Cross-Layer Support for Wireless VoIP}, year = {2010}, month = {1}, day = {18}, volume = {1}, pages = {1-6}, abstract = {This paper presents a cross-layer approach for iterative source-channel decoding (ISCD) in wireless VoIP networks. The novelty of the proposed method is the incorporation of both, speech bits as well as protocol header bits, into the ISCD process. The header bits take the role of pilot bits having perfect reliability. These bits are distributed over the frame as strong supporting points for the MAP decoder which results in a significant enhancement of the output speech quality compared to the benchmark scheme using ISCD for speech only. For this approach, we exploit new cross-layer concepts that support the direct communication between non-adjacent layers. These concepts enable the iterative exchange of extrinsic information between the source decoder located on the application layer and the channel decoder located on the physical layer. This technique can also be applied to audio and video transmission.}, tags = {refector}, url = {fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-01-scc-breddermann-iscd.pdf}, misc2 = {CD-ROM / DVD-ROM}, editor = {Rudolf Mathar, Christoph Ruland}, publisher = {VDE Verlag}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, series = {Proceedings of International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding}, organization = {ITG}, event_place = {Siegen}, event_name = {International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding 2010}, event_date = {January 18-21, 2010}, language = {en}, ISBN = {978-3-8007-3211-1}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Breddermann, Tobias and Lueders, Helge and Vary, Peter and Aktas, Ismet and Schmidt, Florian} } @Proceedings { 2009-aktas-maple-ModeldrivenSupportforSourceCodeVariabilityinAutomotiveSoftwareEngineering-Workshop, title = {Model-driven Support for Source Code Variability in Automotive Software Engineering}, year = {2009}, month = {8}, pages = {44-51}, abstract = {Variability on source code level in automotive soft- ware engineering is handled by C/C++ preprocessing directives. It provides fine-grained definition of variation points, but brings highly complex structures into the source code. The software gets more difficult to understand, to maintain and to integrate changes. Current approaches for modeling and managing vari- ability on source code do not consider the specific requirements of the automotive domain. To close this gap, we propose a model- driven approach to support software engineers in handling source code variability and configuration of software variants. For this purpose, a variability model is developed that is linked with the source code. Using this approach, a software engineer can shift work steps to the variability model in order to model and manage variation points and implement their variants in the source code.}, keywords = {automotive software engineering; programming; model-driven engineering; variability modeling;}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {CEUR}, booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE), San Francisco, CA, USA}, ISSN = {1613-0073}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Mengi, Cem and Fu{\ss}, Christian and Zimmermann, Ruben and Aktas, Ismet} } @Conference { 2007-aktas-VTC-ApplicabilityofaMulti-ModeMACProtocol-Conference, title = {Applicability of a Multi-Mode MAC Protocol}, year = {2007}, month = {4}, day = {22}, pages = {969 - 973}, booktitle = {Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007. VTC2007-Spring. IEEE 65th}, author = {Otyakmaz, Arif and Aktas, Ismet and Schinnenburg, Marc and Pabst, Ralf} } @Conference { 2007-aktas-WCNC2007-AMulti-ModeMACProtocolwithRelaySupport-Conference, title = {A Multi-Mode MAC Protocol with Relay Support}, year = {2007}, month = {3}, day = {11}, pages = {328 - 333}, abstract = {Future mobile radio networks will have the requirement of very high data rates. Typical wireless data communication will not only occur in short range scenarios like hotspots in airports, city centres, exhibition halls, etc., but also in wide area environments, e.g. a moving car in a rural environment. Data services will require a ubiquitous mobile radio system and demand better quality of service, like high data rates and low delays. Two promising concepts for future mobile radio communication are the deployment of relays and the ability to adapt to various deployment strategies by using different radio access technologies, i.e. modes with a common technology basis. The former concept allows enlarging the cell coverage. Relays are not wired connected and consequently a cost-efficient alternative to base stations that work in a decode-and-forward principle. The latter concept provides modes that are tailored solutions for specific environments and thus allow the adaptation to various scenarios by selecting the most adequate one. The aim of this work is to merge the advantages taken from both concepts to one solution.}, booktitle = {Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2007. WCNC 2007}, author = {Otyakmaz, Arif and Aktas, Ismet and Schinnenburg, Marc and Pabst, Ralf} }