Ina Berenice Fink, M.Sc.

Communication and Distributed Systems
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstr. 55
52074 Aachen, Germany

E-Mail: ina.fink[[at]]
Phone: +49 241 80-21419
Office: Building E3, Room 9031

Short CV

I am a researcher and PhD student at the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems since September 2019. Before, I graduated as M.Sc. in Computer Science at RWTH Aachen University in July of the same year. I am part of both the Security and Privacy Group and the Cyber-Physical Systems Group with my research interest covering all aspects of reliable and secure communication in the (Industrial / Infrastructure) Internet of Things. To this end, I am specifically interested in exploring and exploiting the potential of programmable switches.

In June 2020, I received the 1st prize of the Women's STEM Award sponsored by Deutsche Telekom AG for my master’s thesis on "Advanced In-Network Security for Smart Devices". In May 2019, I was awarded the 1st prize of the Female Student Travel Award 2019 by the Collaborative Research Center MAKI (Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet) in recognition of my academic performance.


I am currently affiliated with the VeN2uS project, where I research how to combine high communication reliability and resilience with low latency in the context of critical infrastructure. Before, I was associated with the CONSENT project, where I examined how to enhance smart home security with access control and software-defined networking. As a student assistant (2017-2019), I was further involved in the myneData and TRINICS projects.


I am/have been involved in various teaching activities at RWTH Aachen University. These include supervising topics in our preseminar and seminar courses as well as working as a teaching assistant for our basic and advanced lectures (e.g., Data Communication and Security and Advanced Internet Technology) and our Practical Internet eXperience (PIX) Lab. Furthermore, I supervised several student projects in our Research Focus Classes (Cyber-Physical System Security, In-Network ProcessingSecuring Industrial Networks), and I was employed as a part-time lecturer for Sicherheit in Datennetzen (B course) at FH Aachen in WS 2020/2021.

I regularly offer individual topics for bachelor’s and master’s theses. If you are interested in writing your thesis with me, please drop me a short mail with your motivation and concrete interests under consideration of our general recommendations regarding available theses


Priya Date, Pascal Ackermann, Charuta Furey, Ina Berenice Fink, Stephan Jonas, Mustafa K. Khokha, Kristophe T. Kahle, and Engin Deniz
Visualizing flow in an intact CSF network using optical coherence tomography: implications for human congenital hydrocephalus
Scientific Reports, 9(1):6196.
April 2019
Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous) - Poster Session, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, page 543-544.
Publisher: ACM,
November 2017
ISBN: 978-1-4503-5368-7
Ina Berenice Fink, Bernd Hankammer, Thomas Stopinski, Yannic Titgemeyer, Roann Ramos, Ekaterina Kutafina, Jó Agila Bitsch, and Stephan Michael Jonas
BrainLab - Ein Framework für mobile neurologische Untersuchungen
62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS).
Publisher: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House (2017),
August 2017

Note: Best Abstract Award

Ina Berenice Fink, Bernd Hankammer, Thomas Stopinsky, Roann Ramos, Ekaterina Kutafina, Jó Agila Bitsch Link, and Stephan Jonas
Informatics for Health 2017, Manchester UK , page 2.
April 2017
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