This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-03-31 Creation time: 23-32-40 --- Number of references 22 inproceedings 2013-sec-routing-switching-maki A Blueprint for Switching Between Secure Routing Protocols in Wireless Multihop Networks 2013 6 4 Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks (D-SPAN 2013) accepted 1 MarcWerner JörgKaiser MatthiasHollick EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle inbook 2013-book-weingaertner-benchmarking-p2p Benchmarking Peer-to-Peer Systems Understanding Quality of Service in Large-Scale Distributed Systems 2013 7847 69-79 2016-11-11 Print Effelsberg, Wolfgang and Steinmetz, Ralf and Strufe, Thorsten Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Content Delivery Overlays EN 978-3-642-38672-5 10.1007/978-3-642-38673-2_5 EliasWeingaertner RenéGlebke AlexanderHocks techreport 2012-weingaertner-fgsn-sim-iot How to simulate the Internet of Things? 2012 9 26 SEEMOO-TR-2012-0 11. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze" TU Darmstadt Sammelband der Beiträge zum 11. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze" (Technical Report) EliasWeingaertner MatteoCeriotti KlausWehrle inproceedings 2012-aktas-new2an-AnAdaptiveCodecSwitchingSchemeforSIPbasedVoIP-conference An Adaptive Codec Switching Scheme for SIP-based VoIP Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012) 2012 8 27 1-12 Contemporary Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) systems typically ne- gotiate only one codec for the entire VoIP session life time. However, as different codecs perform differently well under certain network conditions like delay, jitter or packet loss, this can lead to a reduction of quality if those conditions change during the call. This paper makes two core contributions: First, we compare the speech quality of a set of stan- dard VoIP codecs given different network conditions. Second, we propose an adaptive end-to-end based codec switching scheme that fully conforms to the SIP standard. Our evaluation with a real-world prototype based on Linphone shows that our codec switching scheme adapts well to changing network conditions, improving overall speech quality. crawler fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-new2an-codecswitching.pdf Online LNCS Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012), St. Pettersburg, Russia. St. Pettersburg, Russia 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012) 27-29 August, 2012 en 978-3-642-32685-1 10.1007/978-3-642-32686-8_32 1 IsmetAktas FlorianSchmidt EliasWeingaertner Caj-JulianSchnelke KlausWehrle conference 2012-wns3-weingaertner-glebke-vodsim Building a modular BitTorrent model for ns-3 2012 3 26 373-344 Over the past decade BitTorrent has established itself as the virtual standard for P2P file sharing in the Internet. However, it is currently not possible to investigate BitTorrent with ns-3 due to the unavailability of an according application model. In this paper we eliminate this burden. We present a highly modular BitTorrent model which allows for the easy simulation of different BitTorrent systems such as file sharing as well as present and future BitTorrent-based Video-on-Demand systems. Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2012), 26 March 2012, Desenzano del Garda, Italy Desenzano del Garda, Italy Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2012) 978-1-4503-1510-4 1 EliasWeingaertner RenéGlebke MartinLang KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2012-wons-bosling-redmann-weingaertner Can P2P swarm loading improve the robustness of 6LoWPAN data transfer? 2012 1 9 131-134 Online IEEE
Piscataway, NJ, USA
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS '12), Courmayeur, Italy Courmayeur, Italy en 978-1-4577-1722-2 10.1109/WONS.2012.6152218 1 MarcelBosling TorstenRedmann JeanTekam EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-nsdi-slicetime-weingaertner SliceTime: A platform for scalable and accurate network emulation 2011 3 30 Online USENIX
Berkeley, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '11), Boston, MA, USA Boston, Massachusetts en 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt Hendrikvom Lehn TobiasHeer KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-weingaertner-device-driver-enabled Device-driver enabled Wireless Network Emulation 2011 3 Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings ot the4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2011) Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2011), Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain accepted en 978-1-936968-00-8 1 EliasWeingaertner Hendrikvom Lehn KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2010softcomweingaertnerprotocolanalysis Flexible Analysis of Distributed Protocol Implementations using Virtual Time 2010 9 23 225 - 229 available in IEEE Xplore Online FESB
Split, Croatia
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2010) Hvar, Croatia en 978-1-4244-8663-2 1 EliasWeingaertner MarkoRitter RaimondasSasnauskas KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2010-heer-pisa-sa PiSA-SA: Municipal Wi-Fi Based on Wi-Fi Sharing 2010 8 2 1 588-593 With the goal of providing ubiquitous wireless services (e.g., tourist guides, environmental information, pedestrian navigation), municipal wireless networks are currently being established all around the world. For municipalities, it is often challenging to achieve the bandwidth and coverage that is necessary for many of the envisioned network services. At the same time, Wi-Fi-sharing communities achieve high bandwidth and good coverage at a very low cost by capitalizing on the dense deployment of private access points in urban areas. However, from a technical, conceptual, and security perspective, Wi-Fi sharing community networks resemble a patchwork of heterogeneous networks instead of one well-planned city-wide network. This patchwork character stands in stark contrast to a uniform, secure platform for public and commercial services desirable for the economic success of such a network. Hence, despite its cost-efficiency, the community-based approach cannot be adopted by municipalities easily. In this paper, we show how to realize municipal wireless services on top of a Wi-Fi-sharing infrastructure in a technically sound and economically attractive fashion. In particular, we focus on how to securely provide services to mobile clients with and without client-side software support. Our solution cleanly separates the roles of controlling and administering the network from providing bandwidth and wireless access. With this separation, commercial ISPs and citizens with their private Wi-Fi can contribute to the network infrastructure. This allows municipalities in turn to focus their resources on municipal wireless services. mobile_access Print IEEE Press
Washington, DC, USA
International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, ICCCN 2010, Zurich Zurich, Switzerland International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, ICCCN 2010 en 978-1-4244-7114-0 10.1109/ICCCN.2010.5560103 1 TobiasHeer ThomasJansen RenéHummen HannoWirtz StefanGötz EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle
inbook 2010-simtools-sasnauskas-transport Modeling Transport Layer Protocols 2010 6 389-399 Print Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Guenes, James Gross Springer
17 Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation en 978-3-642-12330-6 1 RaimondasSasnauskas EliasWeingaertner
inproceedings icc2010vpsim Towards Network Centric Development of Embedded Systems 2010 5 23 1-6 Nowadays, the development of embedded system hardware and related system software is mostly carried out using virtual platform environments. The high level of modeling detail (hardware elements are partially modeled in a cycle-accurate fashion) is required for many core design tasks. At the same time, the high computational complexity of virtual platforms caused by the detailed level of simulation hinders their application for modeling large networks of embedded systems. In this paper, we propose the integration of virtual platforms with network simulations, combining the accuracy of virtual platforms with the versatility and scalability of network simulation tools. Forming such a hybrid toolchain facilitates the detailed analysis of embedded network systems and related important design aspects, such as resource effectiveness, prior to their actual deployment. Online IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27 en 978-1-4244-6402-9 1550-3607 10.1109/ICC.2010.5502185 1 StefanSchürmanns EliasWeingaertner TorstenKempf GerdAscheid KlausWehrle RainerLeupers article 200803WeingaertnerPromox ProMoX: A protocol stack monitoring framework Electronic Communications of the EASST 2009 3 17 2009 1-10 In this paper, we present a preliminary glance on our framework for protocol stack monitoring using Xen (ProMoX). ProMoX uses the Xen hypervisor to virtualize entire instances of operating systems which may execute any arbitrary protocol implementation. By utilizing system virtualization for external monitoring, ProMoX can transparently inspect any protocol state and performance metrics of protocol implementations carried by a guest operating system. This way, ProMoX supports both the indentification of faults within early prototypes as well as the evaluation of new protocol designs. Accepted for publication online EASST
Kassel, Germany
Proceedings of the GI/ITG KIVS Workshop on Overlay and Network Virtualization 2009 en 1863-2122 1 EliasWeingaertner ChristophTerwelp KlausWehrle
article inproceedingsreference200903099502213244 Time accurate integration of software prototypes with event-based network simulations Proceedings of the 11th Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS/Performance 2009) 2009 37 2 49-50 Accepted as poster presentation. Print ACM SIGMETRICS
New York, NY, USA
ACM en 0163-5999 10.1145/1639562.1639580 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt TobiasHeer KlausWehrle
proceedings 2009-Weingaertner-ICC-NetworkSimulator-Comparison A performance comparison of recent network simulators 2009 A widespread methodology for performance analysis in the field of communication systems engineering is network simulation. While ns-2 has established itself as virtually the standard network simulation tool, other network simulators have gained more and more attention during the last years. In this paper, we briefly survey new developments in the field of network simulation and conduct a performance comparison study by implementing an identical simulation set-up in five simulators, namely ns-2, OMNet++, ns-3, SimPy and JiST/SWANS. Our results reveal large differences according to both run-time performance and memory usage. Print IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2009 (ICC 2009) Dresden, Germany en 1 EliasWeingaertner Hendrikvom Lehn KlausWehrle conference 2008-heer-pisa-full Secure Wi-Fi Sharing at Global Scales 2008 6 16 1 1-7 The proliferation of broadband Internet connections has lead to an almost pervasive coverage of densely populated areas with private wireless access points. To leverage this coverage, sharing of access points as Internet uplinks among users has first become popular in communities of individuals and has recently been adopted as a business model by several companies. However, existing implementations and proposals suffer from the security risks of directly providing Internet access to strangers. In this paper, we present the P2P Wi-Fi Internet Sharing Architecture PISA, which eliminates these risks by introducing secure tunneling, cryptographic identities, and certificates as primary security concepts. Thus, PISA offers nomadic users the same security that they expect from a wired Internet connection at home. Based on its three fundamental mechanisms, PISA achieves a flexibility which opens significant advantages over existing systems. They include user mobility, anonymity, service levels with different performance and availability characteristics, and different revenue models for operators. With this combination of key features, PISA forms an essential basis for global, seamless, and secure Wi-Fi sharing for large communities. mobile_access Print IEEE
Washington, DC, USA
Proc. of 15th International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 15th International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT) 16-19 June 2008 en 978-1-4244-2035-3 1 TobiasHeer StefanGötz EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle
inproceedings 200809WeingaertnerSyncNetworkEmulation Synchronized Network Emulation 2008 6 3 1 1 1-2 Awarded with ACM SIGMETRICS Best Student Panelist Award. The corresponding Abstract was included on the USB Stick of the 2007 SIGMETRICS conference. Online
Annapolis, MD
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 Student Thesis Panel, Annapolis, MD ACM en 1 EliasWeingaertner
article 200808WeingaertnerSIGMETRICSPERSyncNetWorkEmulation Synchronized network emulation: matching prototypes with complex simulations SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2008 36 2 58-63 Network emulation, in which real systems interact with a network simulation, is a common evaluation method in computer networking research. Until now, the simulation in charge of representing the network has been required to be real-time capable, as otherwise a time drift between the simulation and the real network devices may occur and corrupt the results. In this paper, we present our work on synchronized network emulation. By adding a central synchronization entity and by virtualizing real systems for means of control, we can build-up network emulations which contain both unmodified x86 systems and network simulations of any complexity. This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the ACM HotMetrics 2008 workshop. print en 0163-5999 10.1145/1453175.1453185 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt TobiasHeer KlausWehrle techreport 200807VOMLEHNAIB200816NetworkSimulatorComparison Comparing recent network simulators: A performance evaluation study Aachener Informatik Berichte 2008 2008-16 AIB 2008-16 1-28 Ranging from the development of new protocols to validating analytical performance metrics, network simulation is the most prevalent methodology in the field of computer network research. While the well known ns-2 toolkit has established itself as the quasi standard for network simulation, the successors are on their way. In this paper, we first survey recent contributions in the field of network simulation tools as well as related aspects such as parallel network simulation. Moreover, we present preliminary results which compare the resource demands for ns-3, JiST, SimPy and OMNeT++ by implementing the identical simulation scenario in all these network simulation tools. Online
Ahornstr. 55, Aachen, Germany
RWTH Aachen University Technical Report 0935-3232 Hendrikvom Lehn EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle
inproceedings 200707WeingaertnerEuroView2007HVSNNGN Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks in the context of next-generation networks 2007 7 23 1 1 Both Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are technologies that gained extensive attention in the research community during the last years, and many people agree that those are about to contribute to the networks of tomorrow in a signi cant way. Within the talk, we present our work on the novel paradigm of Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks (HSVNs) and their contribution to next-generation network architectures. The idea behind Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks is to deploy sensor nodes within the road environment. For example, it is imaginable that future roads will be equipped with sensor nodes that are able to sense environmental events, such as ice, aquaplaning or structural damages. Those events are gathered locally using a wireless sensor network and are delivered directly to vehicles that pass by. Afterwards, information is spread in a wider area using the VANET. online EuroNGI online Proceedings of 7th Würzburg Workshop on IP "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2007) Würzburg, Germany 7th Würzburg Workshop on IP "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2007) 23.7.2007 / 24.7.2007 en none none 1 EliasWeingaertner FrankKargl mastersthesis 200705WeingaertnerDiplomarbeit Datenausbreitung in hybriden Sensor-Fahrzeug-Netzwerken 2007 In this thesis, an approach for the integration of wireless sensor networks with vehicular ad-hoc networks for the purpose of road and traffic monitoring is investigated. The WSN organizes itself into multiple shortest paths trees, which are used to collect sensor data. The data is delivered to gateway nodes which interact directly with passing vehicles. We further investigate the feasibility of the approach using a real-world deployment. German
Ulm, Germany
Ulm University Master's Thesis (Diplomarbeit) 1 EliasWeingaertner
techreport 200706WeingaertnerFGSN07HSVNPrototype A prototype study on Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks Proceedings of the 2007 GI Special Interest Meeting ("Fachgespraech") on Wireless Sensor Networks 2007 1-4 Proceedings published as technical report at RWTH Aachen. Klaus Wehrle RWTH Aachen University
Bonn, Germany
RWTH Aachen Aachen, Germany Fachgespraech Sensornetzwerke 16.7.2007 / 17.7.2007 A prototype study on Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks 0935-3232 1 EliasWeingaertner FrankKargl