Communication and Distributed Systems
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstr. 55
52074 Aachen, Germany
E-Mail: sloun[[at]]
Phone: +49 241 80-21414
Office: Building E3, Room 9017
As part of the Security and Privacy research group, my research revolves around security-related topics; specifically, I research how Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), particularly those that use anomaly detection, can be used to effectively defend modern systems against attacks. This research includes the development of modern (and efficient) defenses against ransomware and the integration of host- and network data to improve detection capabilities.
Since April 2021, I am a researcher and Ph.D. student at the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems and a part of the Security and Privacy research group. In 2015, I began my studies at RWTH Aachen University, received my B.Sc. degree in 2018, and graduated with an M.Sc. in Computer Science in 2020.
Supervision of Theses
I am supervising Bachelor's and Master's Theses in the area of host-based defense mechanisms, particularly host-based IDSs. If you are interested in these topics, look at my publications to identify a specific topic that suits your interests best and email me.
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Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS '25), February 24–28, 2025, San Diego, CA, USA
Publisher: Internet Society,
ISBN: 979-8-9894372-8-3
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Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '23), November 26-30, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, page 3543-3545.
Publisher: ACM,
ISBN: 979-8-4007-0050-7/23/11
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47th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
Edmonton, Canada, September 26-29, 2022
Publisher: IEEE,
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Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS '22), September 26-30, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark Volume 978-3-031-17143-7, page 574--594.
Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland,