Overview of Past Seminar Topics

The following lists (grouped by semester) give some insight into topics that have been available when taking a seminar with COMSYS. Most likely, future seminars will feature equally broad selections of topics.

SS 2024 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Alternative Positioning Navigation and Timing Methods
  • Anonymization of (Passive) Internet Measurement Data
  • Applications for Vertical Federated Learning (VFL)
  • Attacking Industrial Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Automated Security Analysis of Android Apps
  • Characteristics of Packet Loss in the Internet
  • Collecting Water Data – What For?
  • Collision or Collusion? On the impact of synchronous wireless transmissions
  • Comparing Website Acceleration Approaches
  • How does the general public understand cybersecurity?
  • In-Network Computing Orchestration
  • Keeping the Fuse Intact: Resilient Communication in Power Grid Protection Systems
  • Multi-tenant Programmable Switches
  • Network Tomography
  • Novelties in DTLS 1.3
  • Privacy-Preserving Smart Metering for Grid Stabilization
  • Scalable Network Emulation
  • Securing Latent Spaces
  • Sequentialization for Concurrency Testing
  • Spam Mails in Academia
  • Symbolic Partial-Order Reduction (POR)
  • Technical Reputation Systems for Supply Chains
  • Testing P4 Programs
  • Wireless Communication Technologies

WS 2023/2024 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Anonymization of (Passive) Internet Measurement Data
  • Characteristics of Packet Loss in the Internet
  • Characteristics of Wireless Industrial IoT Communication
  • Collecting Water Data – What For?
  • Communication Paradigms in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
  • Comparing Website Acceleration Approaches
  • Containerization and Its Security Implications
  • Crypto Wars X.0
  • Down to Earth: Evaluating Starlink’s Performance
  • Exploiting the AirTag
  • Fault Localization for Internet Service Providers
  • Heuristics for Networks, Heuristics in Networks
  • How Secure is IEC 61850 for Power Grid Communication?
  • Information Leakage in Scientific Documents
  • Keeping the Fuse Intact: Enabling Redundancy and Low Latency in Power Grid Protection Systems
  • Modern Metrics to Evaluate Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Reductions in Distributed System Testing
  • Routing – There’s No Right Way, Is There?
  • SMGW Infrastructure: Security and Use Cases
  • Sandboxing: A Bane or a Boon?
  • Searchable Encryption: Quo Vadis?
  • Smart Grid Network Device Configuration: Practicability of Best Practices
  • Testing P4 Programs
  • Weaker or Stronger? – Predictive Race Detection

SS 2023 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • All Good With VPN?
  • Anomaly Detection in Industrial Network Traffic
  • Anonymization of (Passive) Internet Measurement Data
  • Attacking Federated Learning Schemes
  • Automatic Certificate Enrolment in the IoT
  • Characteristics of Packet Loss in the Internet
  • Communication in Power Grids
  • Cyber Attacks in Space: How secure are Satellites?
  • Delay and Jitter Modeling for Real-time Applications
  • Designing an Effective Honeypot for Power Grids
  • Dummy Topic
  • ECN & L4S – Modern congestion management
  • Effective Concurrency Testing
  • Enhancing Water Disaggregation
  • Flow Telemetry on the Internet
  • Impact of Cyber Attacks on the Power Grid
  • Multi-tenant Programmable Switches
  • Overview of Cryptojacking Approaches
  • Predicting, Monitoring and Resolving Conflicts in CPS
  • Provenance Graphs in Security Contexts: A Survey
  • Quo Vadis Contact Tracing Research
  • Reductions in Distributed System Model Checkers
  • Researching Starlink
  • Routing – There’s No Right Way, Is There?
  • SMGW Infrastructure: Security and Use Cases
  • Satellite Communication with TCP and QUIC
  • Searchable Encryption: Quo Vadis?
  • Testing P4 Programs
  • The Quest for Perfect Failover
  • Transferring NILM Models
  • Underwater Authentication

WS 2022/2023 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Advanced Queuing Techniques
  • Amplification DDoS Attacks
  • Anomaly Detection for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
  • Attacking & Securing Radar Communication Protocols
  • Attacking Federated Learning Schemes
  • Classification of Cyberattacks against Power Grids
  • Co-Simulation of Power Grid and Communication Networks
  • Compiling Packet Processing Programs
  • Concurrency Bugs in Go
  • Flow Telemetry on the Internet
  • Input Matters: Applicability of Packet- vs. Flow-based Network Monitoring to Intrusion Detection and Forensics
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Application Permissions
  • LEO Satellite Navigation
  • Modular Switch Programming
  • Predicting, Monitoring and Resolving Conflicts in CPS
  • Privacy Challenges in Clinical Data Processing
  • Privacy-Preserving Genome Processing
  • Provenance Graphs in Security Contexts: A Survey
  • Reliable Communication in Industrial Networks
  • Remote Attack on Car
  • Retrofitting SCADA security mechanisms
  • SILM – The more, the merrier?
  • Secure Provisioning of (Industrial) IoT Devices
  • Security for In-vehicular Communication
  • Self-Configuring Protocol Stacks: The Solution?
  • Server Push: Reinforcement Learning to the Rescue?
  • Sketches, Collages & Co. – In-Network Data Summaries
  • State Merging in Symbolic Execution
  • The Boon and Bane of Perceptual Hashing
  • Unobtrusive Home Water Monitoring

SS 2022 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Adapters to the rescue? – Programming TEEs
  • Advanced Queuing Techniques
  • Attacks Against Industrial Control Systems
  • Automated Checkpointing for Energy Harvesting
  • CSI: ICS – Industrial Network Forensics
  • Communication in Power Grids
  • Compiling Packet Processing Programs
  • Concolic Engines in Hybrid Fuzzing
  • Cybercrime: Are we still safe? Were we?
  • Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Flaws of Computer Simulations
  • Flow Telemetry on the Internet
  • IoSat: Routing in Mega Constellations
  • MadIoT: When Smart Devices Attack Smart Grids
  • Message Authentication for Constrained Devices
  • Modular Switch Programming
  • On the Taxonomy of Private Computing
  • On the Taxonomy of Private Computing
  • Packet Size Optimizations in Sensor Networks
  • Problems Transcending Space and Time
  • Protocols and Network Security in Power Networks
  • QUIC-supported Video Streaming Techniques
  • Retrofitting SCADA security mechanisms
  • Routing – There's No Right Way, Is There?
  • Server Push: Reinforcement Learning to the Rescue?
  • The Malware Arms Race: A Survey
  • Tracking Down Cryptocurrency Mixing Services
  • Up in the Air: Exploring Starlink
  • Usage Enforcement in Digital Data Sharing
  • Verifiability in Privacy-Preserving Computing

WS 2021/2022 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Adversarial Attacks on Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems
  • An Overview on Contact Tracing Check-In Approaches
  • Better together: Hybrid Concolic Fuzzing
  • CSI: ICS – Industrial Network Forensics
  • Composing Dataplane Programs
  • Congestion Notification To The Rescue
  • DNS over TLS/HTTPS/QUIC/... – What's the Price?
  • Does HTTP/3 Alone Improve the Web?
  • Email Under Attack?
  • Energy Saving Approaches vs. Usability of Wireless Systems
  • Gathering IoT Device Communication Behavior
  • HB-based Data-Race Detection
  • Hidden Gems – Studying Public Datasets
  • ICS Under Attack
  • Machine Learning in Host-based Intrusion Detection
  • Making IPv6 Scanning Feasible
  • Mining Attacks in Digital Currencies
  • Multiple Tenants on a Programmable Switch
  • No More Blue Screens: Automated Firmware Testing
  • Small Scopes in Different Shapes
  • The Energy Consumption of Modern Networked Systems
  • Trends in Privacy-Preserving Process Mining

SS 2021 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • 5G in Industry and Automation – Salvation or just Evolution?
  • ADS-B-based GPS Spoofing Detection
  • An Overview on Covid Contact Tracing Approaches
  • Approximating in the network
  • Attacks against Power Grid ICT Networks
  • Attacks in Datasets for Industrial Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Bottlenecks in Symbolic Execution
  • Communication in Power Grids
  • Compiler Fuzzing
  • Either-Or? Toward Co-Existence of Wireless Communication Technologies
  • Gathering IoT Device Communication Behavior
  • Generating & Storing Packets on Programmable Switches
  • HTTP Prioritization Strategies and their Impact
  • How to Trust My IoT Devices?
  • How’s my network doing?
  • Low-Effort Wireless Link Quality Prediction Algorithms
  • Measuring Router Queues
  • Multipath Transport and ML-based Congestion Control
  • Multiple Tenants on a Programmable Switch
  • Off-Chain Ledger Computations
  • One Switch to Rule Them All: The Potential of Programmable Data Planes for Enhancing Network Security
  • Out-of-order Symbolic Execution
  • Recent Views on Phishing and Countermeasures
  • Remote Network Security for Smart Homes
  • Smaller Scopes – Greater Chances
  • Survey on Methods for Reliability Engineers & DevOps
  • The State of Email Security
  • The full Story of Encrypted DNS
  • Towards Middlebox-aware Secure Communication
  • Trends in Privacy-Preserving Process Mining
  • Trusted Computing in the IoT
  • What do I need to do? On Security Advices Users Get

WS 2020/2021 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • 5G in Industry and Automation – Salvation or just Evolution?
  • Abstract Problems: Transcending Space and Time
  • An Internet-Wide View on TLS Deployments
  • Analyzing Dataplane Programs
  • Analyzing IoT Device Communication Behavior
  • Anomaly Detection in Maritime AIS Tracks
  • Approximating in the network
  • Bounding Search Spaces
  • CSI: Network – Monitoring & Forensics
  • Composing Dataplane Programs
  • Congestion and Rate Control for Video Conferencing
  • Escaping Bugs at Runtime
  • Faster, Better, Stronger: The Potential of Emerging Wireless Communication Protocols for the IoT
  • How to Trust My IoT Devices?
  • How's my network doing?
  • Interorganizational Data Sharing in the IIoT
  • Intrusion Detection Systems for Power Grids
  • Off-Chain Ledger Computations
  • Quo Vadis International Data Spaces (IDS)
  • Recent Trends in Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming
  • Recent Views on Phishing and Countermeasures
  • Security of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
  • Underwater Network Security

SS 2020 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Automatically Testing Protocol Implementations
  • Building AQMs at line-rate
  • Certificate Management in the Web-PKI
  • Congestion Control in the Era of Machine Learning
  • Coverage and Data Quality in Crowd Sensing
  • Cybersecurity in the Maritime Automatic Identification System
  • Data-Plane State Migration
  • Debugging Multithreaded Software
  • Explaining Learned Networking Decisions
  • Finding Bugs in Bug Finding Software
  • Going the Distance – Teleoperation
  • HTTPS Security over Time
  • High-performance Test Packet Generation
  • Industrial IoT Attack Scenarios
  • Influence of Community Support on Application Security
  • Interconnecting the Unconnected
  • Internet Path Transparency
  • Interorganizational Data Sharing in the IIoT
  • Judging the Interaction of Congestion Control
  • Measuring Router Queues
  • Modeling Memory Hierarchies
  • Monitoring in heterogeneous Networks
  • Navigating The Seas of Symbolic Execution
  • P2P-level Attacks on Bitcoin
  • Protecting the (Smart Home) IoT
  • State-aware Industrial Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Techniques for Cyber-Physical System Honeypots
  • Trusted Computing & Blockchain

WS 2019/2020 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • Analyzing Performance with Symbolic Execution
  • Automatically Testing Protocol Implementations
  • Automatically Testing Testing Tools
  • Cryptocurrency Abuse in the (Dark) Net
  • Data Races in the Wild
  • End-to-End Security in the Internet of Things
  • Ethereum-based Token Systems
  • HTTPS Security over Time
  • Impact of the GDPR on the Web
  • Improving Applications through Programmable Switches
  • In-Network Computing
  • Influence of Community Support on Application Security
  • Internet Path Transparency
  • Intrusion Detection in the Era of Machine Learning
  • Limitations and Opportunities LPWAN Communication for IoT Devices
  • Monitoring in heterogeneous Networks
  • On-the-fly Data Processing in the Network
  • P2P-level Attacks on Bitcoin
  • QFBVA Decision Procedures
  • See without Cameras, Hear without Microphones
  • Survey of Partial Order Reduction Techniques
  • The difficulty of predicting Data Plane Program Performance
  • Traceroute
  • Using IoT Devices for DDoS Attacks

SS 2019 - Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet Technology:

  • 5G and the Milk Churn
  • Attacking Stylometric Approaches
  • Automatically Testing Protocol Implementations
  • Browser Fingerprinting Techniques and Countermeasures
  • Composing SDN Applications
  • CrowdSourced Mobile Network Measurements: Traffic Shaping
  • How Do Blockchains Forget?
  • Impact of the GDPR on the Web
  • Internet outage detection
  • IoT Security: How to attack a vulnerable device?
  • Making Cities Smart
  • On the Fly – Light-weight Data Processing in the Network
  • On the Influence of Unprotected BGP
  • On the Run – Algorithms in Wireless Scenarios
  • P4 Hypervisors
  • Partial Order Reduction
  • Piece of Cake: Fixing WiFis and Access Links
  • QFBVA Decision Procedures
  • Quality over Quantity: Guiding Path Exploration
  • RDMA: network faster than your SSD
  • Security Analysis of LPWAN Communication for IoT Devices
  • Security Threats Introduced by the Internet of Things
  • Sharding Is Scaling (Blockchains)
  • Taming the Web PKI
  • Using IoT Devices for DDoS Attacks
  • WiFi still sucks – how hard?

WS 2018/2019 - Seminars on Advanced and Mobile Internet Technology:

  • Beyond the Radio
  • Blockchain-based Storage Systems
  • Cloudlets
  • Coverage and Data Quality in Crowd Sensing
  • Crime in the (Industrial) Internet of Things
  • Empirical Evaluations (Or: Are they lying?)
  • Extracting Data From Machine Learning Models
  • Heavy Hitter Detection
  • IoT Security: How to attack a vulnerable device?
  • Modeling Energy Consumption
  • Network Function Virtualization Use Cases
  • On the Influence of Unprotected BGP
  • On the Use of VPNs for Internet Measurements
  • Overview on Methods to Generate IPv6 Hitlists
  • Partial Order Reduction
  • Quality over Quantity: Guiding Path Exploration
  • RDMA: network faster than your SSD
  • Rare Event Simulation
  • Security in the Industrial Internet of Things
  • The Fusion of Two Hypes: Deep Learning in IoT
  • The Mobile Tracking Ecosystem
  • The State of Concolic Execution
  • Tradeoffs in Real World TLS Usage
  • Use cases of blockchain for the IoT
  • Use-After-Free Attacks on Online Identities
  • Using IoT Devices for DDoS Attacks
  • You spin me right round, baby Right round...
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs in Blockchains
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