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Jan Pennekamp, Johannes Lohmöller, Eduard Vlad, Joscha Loos, Niklas Rodemann, Patrick Sapel, Ina Berenice Fink, Seth Schmitz, Christian Hopmann, Matthias Jarke, Günther Schuh, Klaus Wehrle, and Martin Henze
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '23), June 12-16, 2023, Zaragoza, Spain Volume 13901, page 489-505.
Publisher: Springer,
June 2023
ISBN: 978-3-031-34559-3
Tobias Lorz, Johann Jaeger, Antigona Selimaj, Immanuel Hacker, Andreas Ulbig, Jan-Peter Heckel, Christian Becker, Markus Dahlmanns, Ina Berenice Fink, Klaus Wehrle, Gerrit Erichsen, Michael Schindler, Rainer Luxenburger, and Guosong Lin
Interconnected grid protection systems - reference grid for testing an adaptive protection scheme
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy, June 12-15, 2023, page 3286-3290.
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