This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-03 Creation time: 07-17-13 --- Number of references 211 inproceedings 2024-wagner-madtls Madtls: Fine-grained Middlebox-aware End-to-end Security for Industrial Communication 2024 7 1 ACM 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM AsiaCCS '24), Singapur Singapur ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS) July 1-5, 2024 10.1145/3634737.3637640 1 EricWagner DavidHeye MartinSerror IkeKunze KlausWehrle MartinHenze inproceedings 2024-kunze-spintrap SpinTrap: Catching Speeding QUIC Flows 2024 5 7 IEEE/IFIP Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS '24) 2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium accepted 1 IkeKunze ConstantinSander LarsTissen BenediktBode KlausWehrle article 2024_lohmoeller_sovereignty-survey The Unresolved Need for Dependable Guarantees on Security, Sovereignty, and Trust in Data Ecosystems Data & Knowledge Engineering 2024 5 1 151 Data ecosystems emerged as a new paradigm to facilitate the automated and massive exchange of data from heterogeneous information sources between different stakeholders. However, the corresponding benefits come with unforeseen risks as sensitive information is potentially exposed, questioning their reliability. Consequently, data security is of utmost importance and, thus, a central requirement for successfully realizing data ecosystems. Academia has recognized this requirement, and current initiatives foster sovereign participation via a federated infrastructure where participants retain local control over what data they offer to whom. However, recent proposals place significant trust in remote infrastructure by implementing organizational security measures such as certification processes before the admission of a participant. At the same time, the data sensitivity incentivizes participants to bypass the organizational security measures to maximize their benefit. This issue significantly weakens security, sovereignty, and trust guarantees and highlights that organizational security measures are insufficient in this context. In this paper, we argue that data ecosystems must be extended with technical means to (re)establish dependable guarantees. We underpin this need with three representative use cases for data ecosystems, which cover personal, economic, and governmental data, and systematically map the lack of dependable guarantees in related work. To this end, we identify three enablers of dependable guarantees, namely trusted remote policy enforcement, verifiable data tracking, and integration of resource-constrained participants. These enablers are critical for securely implementing data ecosystems in data-sensitive contexts. Data sharing; Confidentiality; Integrity protection; Data Markets; Distributed databases internet-of-production; coat-ers; vesitrust Elsevier 0169-023X 10.1016/j.datak.2024.102301 1 JohannesLohmöller JanPennekamp RomanMatzutt Carolin VictoriaSchneider EduardVlad ChristianTrautwein KlausWehrle inproceedings 2024-kunze-civic In-Situ Model Validation for Continuous Processes Using In-Network Computing 2024 5 internet-of-production Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS '24) accepted 1 IkeKunze DominikScheurenberg LiamTirpitz SandraGeisler KlausWehrle inproceedings 2024-wagner-acns-aggregate When and How to Aggregate Message Authentication Codes on Lossy Channels? 2024 3 5 22nd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '24), Abu Dhabi, UAE Abu Dhabi, UAE International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) March 5-9, 2024 accepted 1 EricWagner MartinSerror KlausWehrle MartinHenze article 2024_pennekamp_supply-chain-survey An Interdisciplinary Survey on Information Flows in Supply Chains ACM Computing Surveys 2024 2 1 56 2 Supply chains form the backbone of modern economies and therefore require reliable information flows. In practice, however, supply chains face severe technical challenges, especially regarding security and privacy. In this work, we consolidate studies from supply chain management, information systems, and computer science from 2010--2021 in an interdisciplinary meta-survey to make this topic holistically accessible to interdisciplinary research. In particular, we identify a significant potential for computer scientists to remedy technical challenges and improve the robustness of information flows. We subsequently present a concise information flow-focused taxonomy for supply chains before discussing future research directions to provide possible entry points. information flows; data communication; supply chain management; data security; data sharing; systematic literature review internet-of-production ACM 0360-0300 10.1145/3606693 1 JanPennekamp RomanMatzutt ChristopherKlinkmüller LennartBader MartinSerror EricWagner SidraMalik MariaSpiß JessicaRahn TanGürpinar EduardVlad Sander J. J.Leemans Salil S.Kanhere VolkerStich KlausWehrle article 2024_pennekamp_supply-chain-sensing Securing Sensing in Supply Chains: Opportunities, Building Blocks, and Designs IEEE Access 2024 1 8 12 9350-9368 Supply chains increasingly develop toward complex networks, both technically in terms of devices and connectivity, and also anthropogenic with a growing number of actors. The lack of mutual trust in such networks results in challenges that are exacerbated by stringent requirements for shipping conditions or quality, and where actors may attempt to reduce costs or cover up incidents. In this paper, we develop and comprehensively study four scenarios that eventually lead to end-to-end-secured sensing in complex IoT-based supply chains with many mutually distrusting actors, while highlighting relevant pitfalls and challenges—details that are still missing in related work. Our designs ensure that sensed data is securely transmitted and stored, and can be verified by all parties. To prove practical feasibility, we evaluate the most elaborate design with regard to performance, cost, deployment, and also trust implications on the basis of prevalent (mis)use cases. Our work enables a notion of secure end-to-end sensing with minimal trust across the system stack, even for complex and opaque supply chain networks. blockchain technology; reliability; security; trust management; trusted computing; trusted execution environments internet-of-production 2169-3536 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3350778 1 JanPennekamp FritzAlder LennartBader GianlucaScopelliti KlausWehrle Jan TobiasMühlberg inproceedings 2024-dahlmanns-cired Reliable and Secure Control Center to Station Device Communication 2024 The increasing demands on the power grid require intelligent and flexible solutions that ensure the grid's stability. Many of these measures involve sophisticated communication between the control center and the stations that is not efficiently realizable using traditional protocols, e.g., IEC 60870-5-104. To this end, IEC 61850 introduces data models which allow flexible communication. Still, the specification leaves open how DSOs should interconnect their stations to realize resilient communication between the control center and station devices. However, DSOs require such communication to adapt modern solutions increasing the grid's capacity, e.g., adaptive protection systems. In this paper, we present our envisioned network and communication concept for future DSO's ICT infrastructures that enables the control center to resiliently and flexibly communicate with station devices. For resilience, we suggest interconnecting each station with two distinct communication paths to the control center, use MPLS-TP and MPTCP for fast failovers when a single link fails, and mTLS to protect the communication possibilities against misuse. Additionally, in accordance with IEC 61850, we envision the control center to communicate with the station devices using MMS by using the station RTU as a proxy. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED workshop on Increasing Distribution Network Hosting Capacity 2024, June 19-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria Vienna CIRED workshop on Increasing Distribution Network Hosting Capacity 2024 June 19-20, 2024 1 MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink GerritErichsen GuosongLin ThomasHammer BurkhardBorkenhagen SebastianSchneider ChristofMaahsen KlausWehrle article 2023_pennekamp_purchase_inquiries Offering Two-Way Privacy for Evolved Purchase Inquiries ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2023 11 17 23 4 Dynamic and flexible business relationships are expected to become more important in the future to accommodate specialized change requests or small-batch production. Today, buyers and sellers must disclose sensitive information on products upfront before the actual manufacturing. However, without a trust relation, this situation is precarious for the involved companies as they fear for their competitiveness. Related work overlooks this issue so far: Existing approaches only protect the information of a single party only, hindering dynamic and on-demand business relationships. To account for the corresponding research gap of inadequately privacy-protected information and to deal with companies without an established trust relation, we pursue the direction of innovative privacy-preserving purchase inquiries that seamlessly integrate into today's established supplier management and procurement processes. Utilizing well-established building blocks from private computing, such as private set intersection and homomorphic encryption, we propose two designs with slightly different privacy and performance implications to securely realize purchase inquiries over the Internet. In particular, we allow buyers to consider more potential sellers without sharing sensitive information and relieve sellers of the burden of repeatedly preparing elaborate yet discarded offers. We demonstrate our approaches' scalability using two real-world use cases from the domain of production technology. Overall, we present deployable designs that offer two-way privacy for purchase inquiries and, in turn, fill a gap that currently hinders establishing dynamic and flexible business relationships. In the future, we expect significantly increasing research activity in this overlooked area to address the needs of an evolving production landscape. bootstrapping procurement; secure industrial collaboration; private set intersection; homomorphic encryption; Internet of Production internet-of-production ACM 1533-5399 10.1145/3599968 1 JanPennekamp MarkusDahlmanns FrederikFuhrmann TimoHeutmann AlexanderKreppein DennisGrunert ChristophLange Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023_bader_reputation-systems Reputation Systems for Supply Chains: The Challenge of Achieving Privacy Preservation 2023 11 Consumers frequently interact with reputation systems to rate products, services, and deliveries. While past research extensively studied different conceptual approaches to realize such systems securely and privacy-preservingly, these concepts are not yet in use in business-to-business environments. In this paper, (1) we thus outline which specific challenges privacy-cautious stakeholders in volatile supply chain networks introduce, (2) give an overview of the diverse landscape of privacy-preserving reputation systems and their properties, and (3) based on well-established concepts from supply chain information systems and cryptography, we further propose an initial concept that accounts for the aforementioned challenges by utilizing fully homomorphic encryption. For future work, we identify the need of evaluating whether novel systems address the supply chain-specific privacy and confidentiality needs. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) SCM; confidentiality; anonymity; voter; votee; FHE internet-of-production Springer Proceedings of the 20th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous '23), November 14-17, 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Melbourne, VIC, Australia November 14-17, 2023 accepted 1867-8211 1 LennartBader JanPennekamp EmildeonThevaraj MariaSpiß Salil S.Kanhere KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-redefine-mpc-cosimulation Delay-aware Model Predictive Control for Fast Frequency Control Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023) 2023 10 redefine IEEE Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023) 10.1109/SmartGridComm57358.2023.10333921 1 TobiasHeins RenéGlebke MirkoStoffers SriramGurumurthy JanHeesemann MartinaJosevski AntonelloMonti KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-kunze-spin-bit-in-the-wild Does It Spin? On the Adoption and Use of QUIC’s Spin Bit 2023 10 ACM Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '23) Internet Measurement Conference 2023 10.1145/3618257.3624844 1 IkeKunze ConstantinSander KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-sander-quic-ecn ECN with QUIC: Challenges in the Wild 2023 10 legato ACM Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '23) Internet Measurement Conference 2023 979-8-4007-0382-9/23/10 10.1145/3618257.3624821 1 ConstantinSander IkeKunze LeoBlöcher MikeKosek KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-wolsing-xluuvlab XLab-UUV – A Virtual Testbed for Extra-Large Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles 2023 10 Roughly two-thirds of our planet is covered with water, and so far, the oceans have predominantly been used at their surface for the global transport of our goods and commodities. Today, there is a rising trend toward subsea infrastructures such as pipelines, telecommunication cables, or wind farms which demands potent vehicles for underwater work. To this end, a new generation of vehicles, large and Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (XLUUVs), is currently being engineered that allow for long-range, remotely controlled, and semi-autonomous missions in the deep sea. However, although these vehicles are already heavily developed and demand state-of-the-art communi- cation technologies to realize their autonomy, no dedicated test and development environments exist for research, e.g., to assess the implications on cybersecurity. Therefore, in this paper, we present XLab-UUV, a virtual testbed for XLUUVs that allows researchers to identify novel challenges, possible bottlenecks, or vulnerabilities, as well as to develop effective technologies, protocols, and procedures. Maritime Simulation Environment, XLUUV, Cyber Range, Autonomous Shipping, Operational Technology IEEE 1st IEEE LCN Workshop on Maritime Communication and Security (MarCaS) Daytona Beach, Florida, USA 1st IEEE LCN Workshop on Maritime Communication and Security (MarCaS) Oktober 1-5, 2023 accepted en 10.1109/LCN58197.2023.10223405 1 KonradWolsing AntoineSaillard ElmarPadilla JanBauer inproceedings 2023-bader-metrics METRICS: A Methodology for Evaluating and Testing the Resilience of Industrial Control Systems to Cyberattacks 2023 9 28 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems & of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICPS '23), co-located with the the 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS '23) The Hague, The Netherlands 9th Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems & of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICPS '23) September 28, 2023 accepted 10.1007/978-3-031-54204-6_2 1 LennartBader EricWagner MartinHenze MartinSerror inproceedings 2023_bodenbenner_fairsensor FAIR Sensor Ecosystem: Long-Term (Re-)Usability of FAIR Sensor Data through Contextualization 2023 7 20 The long-term utility and reusability of measurement data from production processes depend on the appropriate contextualization of the measured values. These requirements further mandate that modifications to the context need to be recorded. To be (re-)used at all, the data must be easily findable in the first place, which requires arbitrary filtering and searching routines. Following the FAIR guiding principles, fostering findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data, in this paper, the FAIR Sensor Ecosystem is proposed, which provides a contextualization middleware based on a unified data metamodel. All information and relations which might change over time are versioned and associated with temporal validity intervals to enable full reconstruction of a system's state at any point in time. A technical validation demonstrates the correctness of the FAIR Sensor Ecosystem, including its contextualization model and filtering techniques. State-of-the-art FAIRness assessment frameworks rate the proposed FAIR Sensor Ecosystem with an average FAIRness of 71%. The obtained rating can be considered remarkable, as deductions mainly result from the lack of fully appropriate FAIRness metrics and the absence of relevant community standards for the domain of the manufacturing industry. FAIR Data; Cyber-Physical Systems; Data Management; Data Contextualization; Internet of Production internet-of-production IEEE Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN '23), July 17-20, 2023, Lemgo, Germany Lemgo, Germany July 17-20, 2023 978-1-6654-9313-0 2378-363X 10.1109/INDIN51400.2023.10218149 1 MatthiasBodenbenner JanPennekamp BenjaminMontavon KlausWehrle Robert H.Schmitt inproceedings 2023-schemmel-kdalloc-tool KDAlloc: The KLEE Deterministic Allocator: Deterministic Memory Allocation during Symbolic Execution and Test Case Replay 2023 7 13 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023) 10.1145/3597926.3604921 1 DanielSchemmel JulianBüning FrankBusse MartinNowack CristianCadar inproceedings 2023-dahlmanns-docker Secrets Revealed in Container Images: An Internet-wide Study on Occurrence and Impact 2023 7 10 797-811 Containerization allows bundling applications and their dependencies into a single image. The containerization framework Docker eases the use of this concept and enables sharing images publicly, gaining high momentum. However, it can lead to users creating and sharing images that include private keys or API secrets—either by mistake or out of negligence. This leakage impairs the creator's security and that of everyone using the image. Yet, the extent of this practice and how to counteract it remains unclear. In this paper, we analyze 337,171 images from Docker Hub and 8,076 other private registries unveiling that 8.5% of images indeed include secrets. Specifically, we find 52,107 private keys and 3,158 leaked API secrets, both opening a large attack surface, i.e., putting authentication and confidentiality of privacy-sensitive data at stake and even allow active attacks. We further document that those leaked keys are used in the wild: While we discovered 1,060 certificates relying on compromised keys being issued by public certificate authorities, based on further active Internet measurements, we find 275,269 TLS and SSH hosts using leaked private keys for authentication. To counteract this issue, we discuss how our methodology can be used to prevent secret leakage and reuse. network security; security configuration; secret leakage; container ven2us, internet-of-production, ACM Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS '23), July 10-14, 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Melbourne, VIC, Australia ASIA CCS '23 July 10-14, 2023 979-8-4007-0098-9/23/07 10.1145/3579856.3590329 1 MarkusDahlmanns ConstantinSander RobinDecker KlausWehrle article Jakobs_2023_3 Preserving the Royalty-Free Standards Ecosystem European Intellectual Property Review 2023 7 45 7 371-375 It has long been recognized in Europe and elsewhere that standards-development organizations (SDOs) may adopt policies that require their participants to license patents essential to the SDO’s standards (standards-essential patents or SEPs) to manufacturers of standardized products (“implementers”) on a royalty-free (RF) basis. This requirement contrasts with SDO policies that permit SEP holders to charge implementers monetary patent royalties, sometimes on terms that are specified as “fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory” (FRAND). As demonstrated by two decades of intensive litigation around the world, FRAND royalties have given rise to intractable disputes regarding the manner in which such royalties should be calculated and adjudicated. In contrast, standards distributed on an RF basis are comparatively free from litigation and the attendant transaction costs. Accordingly, numerous SDOs around the world have adopted RF licensing policies and many widely adopted standards, including Bluetooth, USB, IPv6, HTTP, HTML and XML, are distributed on an RF basis. This note briefly discusses the commercial considerations surrounding RF standards, the relationship between RF standards and open source software (OSS) and the SDO policy mechanisms – including “universal reciprocity” -- that enable RF licensing to succeed in the marketplace. 0142-0461 10.2139/ssrn.4235647 1 JorgeContreras RudiBekkers BradBiddle EnricoBonadio Michael A.Carrier BernardChao CharlesDuan RichardGilbert JoachimHenkel ErikHovenkamp MartinHusovec KaiJakobs Dong-hyuKim Mark A.Lemley Brian J.Love LukeMcDonagh Fiona M.Scott Morton JasonSchultz TimothySimcoe Jennifer M.Urban Joy YXiang inproceedings 2023_pennekamp_benchmarking_comparison Designing Secure and Privacy-Preserving Information Systems for Industry Benchmarking 2023 6 15 13901 489-505 Benchmarking is an essential tool for industrial organizations to identify potentials that allows them to improve their competitive position through operational and strategic means. However, the handling of sensitive information, in terms of (i) internal company data and (ii) the underlying algorithm to compute the benchmark, demands strict (technical) confidentiality guarantees—an aspect that existing approaches fail to address adequately. Still, advances in private computing provide us with building blocks to reliably secure even complex computations and their inputs, as present in industry benchmarks. In this paper, we thus compare two promising and fundamentally different concepts (hardware- and software-based) to realize privacy-preserving benchmarks. Thereby, we provide detailed insights into the concept-specific benefits. Our evaluation of two real-world use cases from different industries underlines that realizing and deploying secure information systems for industry benchmarking is possible with today's building blocks from private computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 13901 real-world computing; trusted execution environments; homomorphic encryption; key performance indicators; benchmarking internet-of-production Springer Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '23), June 12-16, 2023, Zaragoza, Spain Zaragoza, Spain 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '23) June 12-16, 2023 978-3-031-34559-3 0302-9743 10.1007/978-3-031-34560-9_29 1 JanPennekamp JohannesLohmöller EduardVlad JoschaLoos NiklasRodemann PatrickSapel Ina BereniceFink SethSchmitz ChristianHopmann MatthiasJarke GüntherSchuh KlausWehrle MartinHenze inproceedings 2023-grote-mvca-fairness Instant Messaging Meets Video Conferencing: Studying the Performance of IM Video Calls 2023 6 IFIP/IEEE Proceedings of the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA '23) 978-3-903176-58-4 10.23919/TMA58422.2023.10199019 1 LaurenzGrote IkeKunze ConstantinSander KlausWehrle incollection 2023_klugewilkes_crd-b2.iv Modular Control and Services to Operate Line-less Mobile Assembly Systems 2023 2 8 303-328 The increasing product variability and lack of skilled workers demand for autonomous, flexible production. Since assembly is considered a main cost driver and accounts for a major part of production time, research focuses on new technologies in assembly. The paradigm of Line-less Mobile Assembly Systems (LMAS) provides a solution for the future of assembly by mobilizing all resources. Thus, dynamic product routes through spatiotemporally configured assembly stations on a shop floor free of fixed obstacles are enabled. In this chapter, we present research focal points on different levels of LMAS, starting with the macroscopic level of formation planning, followed by the mesoscopic level of mobile robot control and multipurpose input devices and the microscopic level of services, such as interpreting autonomous decisions and in-network computing. We provide cross-level data and knowledge transfer through a novel ontology-based knowledge management. Overall, our work contributes to future safe and predictable human-robot collaboration in dynamic LMAS stations based on accurate online formation and motion planning of mobile robots, novel human-machine interfaces and networking technologies, as well as trustworthy AI-based decisions. Lineless mobile assembly systems (LMAS); Formation planning; Online motion planning; In-network computing; Interpretable AI; Human-machine collaboration; Ontology-based knowledge management internet-of-production Springer Interdisciplinary Excellence Accelerator Series Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Applications and Proceedings 978-3-031-44496-8 10.1007/978-3-031-44497-5_13 1 AlineKluge-Wilkes RalphBaier DanielGossen IkeKunze AleksandraMüller AmirShahidi DominikWolfschläger ChristianBrecher BurkhardCorves MathiasHüsing VerenaNitsch Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle incollection 2023_pennekamp_crd-a.i Evolving the Digital Industrial Infrastructure for Production: Steps Taken and the Road Ahead 2023 2 8 35-60 The Internet of Production (IoP) leverages concepts such as digital shadows, data lakes, and a World Wide Lab (WWL) to advance today’s production. Consequently, it requires a technical infrastructure that can support the agile deployment of these concepts and corresponding high-level applications, which, e.g., demand the processing of massive data in motion and at rest. As such, key research aspects are the support for low-latency control loops, concepts on scalable data stream processing, deployable information security, and semantically rich and efficient long-term storage. In particular, such an infrastructure cannot continue to be limited to machines and sensors, but additionally needs to encompass networked environments: production cells, edge computing, and location-independent cloud infrastructures. Finally, in light of the envisioned WWL, i.e., the interconnection of production sites, the technical infrastructure must be advanced to support secure and privacy-preserving industrial collaboration. To evolve today’s production sites and lay the infrastructural foundation for the IoP, we identify five broad streams of research: (1) adapting data and stream processing to heterogeneous data from distributed sources, (2) ensuring data interoperability between systems and production sites, (3) exchanging and sharing data with different stakeholders, (4) network security approaches addressing the risks of increasing interconnectivity, and (5) security architectures to enable secure and privacy-preserving industrial collaboration. With our research, we evolve the underlying infrastructure from isolated, sparsely networked production sites toward an architecture that supports high-level applications and sophisticated digital shadows while facilitating the transition toward a WWL. Cyber-physical production systems; Data streams; Industrial data processing; Industrial network security; Industrial data security; Secure industrial collaboration internet-of-production Springer Interdisciplinary Excellence Accelerator Series Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Applications and Proceedings 978-3-031-44496-8 10.1007/978-3-031-44497-5_2 1 JanPennekamp AnastasiiaBelova ThomasBergs MatthiasBodenbenner AndreasBührig-Polaczek MarkusDahlmanns IkeKunze MoritzKröger SandraGeisler MartinHenze DanielLütticke BenjaminMontavon PhilippNiemietz LuciaOrtjohann MaximilianRudack Robert H.Schmitt UweVroomen KlausWehrle MichaelZeng incollection 2023_rueppel_crd-b2.ii Model-Based Controlling Approaches for Manufacturing Processes 2023 2 8 221-246 The main objectives in production technology are quality assurance, cost reduction, and guaranteed process safety and stability. Digital shadows enable a more comprehensive understanding and monitoring of processes on shop floor level. Thus, process information becomes available between decision levels, and the aforementioned criteria regarding quality, cost, or safety can be included in control decisions for production processes. The contextual data for digital shadows typically arises from heterogeneous sources. At shop floor level, the proximity to the process requires usage of available data as well as domain knowledge. Data sources need to be selected, synchronized, and processed. Especially high-frequency data requires algorithms for intelligent distribution and efficient filtering of the main information using real-time devices and in-network computing. Real-time data is enriched by simulations, metadata from product planning, and information across the whole process chain. Well-established analytical and empirical models serve as the base for new hybrid, gray box approaches. These models are then applied to optimize production process control by maximizing the productivity under given quality and safety constraints. To store and reuse the developed models, ontologies are developed and a data lake infrastructure is utilized and constantly enlarged laying the basis for a World Wide Lab (WWL). Finally, closing the control loop requires efficient quality assessment, immediately after the process and directly on the machine. This chapter addresses works in a connected job shop to acquire data, identify and optimize models, and automate systems and their deployment in the Internet of Production (IoP). Process control; Model-based control; Data aggregation; Model identification; Model optimization internet-of-production Springer Interdisciplinary Excellence Accelerator Series Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Applications and Proceedings 978-3-031-44496-8 10.1007/978-3-031-44497-5_7 1 Adrian KarlRüppel MuzafferAy BenediktBiernat IkeKunze MarkusLandwehr SamuelMann JanPennekamp PascalRabe Mark P.Sanders DominikScheurenberg SvenSchiller TiandongXi DirkAbel ThomasBergs ChristianBrecher UweReisgen Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle article Jakobs_2023_4 The Evolution of Telecom Business, Economy, Policies and Regulations IEEE Communications Magazine 2023 61 7 16-17 From the late 1970s onward, the global telecommunication industry has gone through several waves of regulatory and technological changes. Today, the very definition of telecommunication has changed. First, the traffic is no longer confined to voice and/or limited data services. Second, the boundary line between telecommunication and information sectors is increasingly blurred. Third, the parties that offer products and services for consumers, businesses and industrial users operate under different regulatory regimes, ranging from strict regulations to no regulations at all. Fourth, the merging of the physical and virtual worlds through immersive technologies opens new social, cultural and business dimensions. Finally, the post-covid environment has opened unprecedented avenues for virtual workplaces (E-work). 10.1109/MCOM.2023.10192269 EvaIbarrola KaiJakobs Mostafa HashemSherif DuncanSparrell inproceedings 2023-lorz-cired Interconnected grid protection systems - reference grid for testing an adaptive protection scheme 2023 3286-3290 ven2us 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy, June 12-15, 2023 Rome, Italy International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) June 12-15, 2023 10.1049/icp.2023.0864 1 TobiasLorz JohannJaeger AntigonaSelimaj ImmanuelHacker AndreasUlbig Jan-PeterHeckel ChristianBecker MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink KlausWehrle GerritErichsen MichaelSchindler RainerLuxenburger GuosongLin inproceedings 2022-wireless-anycast Harnessing Cooperative Anycast Communication for Increased Resilience in Wireless Control Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 2022 12 reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992864 1 RenéGlebke JanScheiper StefanLenz MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2022-serror-ccs-inside Poster: INSIDE - Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection in Power Grids with Automated Facility Monitoring 2022 11 7 ACM online Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security Los Angeles, CA, USA November 8, 2022 10.1145/3548606.3563500 1 MartinSerror LennartBader MartinHenze ArneSchwarze KaiNürnberger inproceedings 2022-wolsing-ipal IPAL: Breaking up Silos of Protocol-dependent and Domain-specific Industrial Intrusion Detection Systems 2022 10 26 The increasing interconnection of industrial networks exposes them to an ever-growing risk of cyber attacks. To reveal such attacks early and prevent any damage, industrial intrusion detection searches for anomalies in otherwise predictable communication or process behavior. However, current efforts mostly focus on specific domains and protocols, leading to a research landscape broken up into isolated silos. Thus, existing approaches cannot be applied to other industries that would equally benefit from powerful detection. To better understand this issue, we survey 53 detection systems and find no fundamental reason for their narrow focus. Although they are often coupled to specific industrial protocols in practice, many approaches could generalize to new industrial scenarios in theory. To unlock this potential, we propose IPAL, our industrial protocol abstraction layer, to decouple intrusion detection from domain-specific industrial protocols. After proving IPAL’s correctness in a reproducibility study of related work, we showcase its unique benefits by studying the generalizability of existing approaches to new datasets and conclude that they are indeed not restricted to specific domains or protocols and can perform outside their restricted silos. /fileadmin/papers/2022/2022-wolsing-ipal.pdf Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022) 10.1145/3545948.3545968 1 KonradWolsing EricWagner AntoineSaillard MartinHenze inproceedings 2022-rechenberg-cim Guiding Ship Navigators through the Heavy Seas of Cyberattacks 2022 10 Maritime Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection System, Integrated Bridge System, IEC 61162-450, NMEA 0183 Zenodo European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2022) Bremerhaven, Germany 10.5281/zenodo.7148794 1 Merlinvon Rechenberg NinaRößler MariSchmidt KonradWolsing FlorianMotz MichaelBergmann ElmarPadilla JanBauer proceedings 2022-wolsing-radarsec Network Attacks Against Marine Radar Systems: A Taxonomy, Simulation Environment, and Dataset 2022 9 rfc IEEE Edmonton, Canada 47th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) September 26-29, 2022 10.1109/LCN53696.2022.9843801 1 KonradWolsing AntoineSaillard JanBauer EricWagner Christianvan Sloun Ina BereniceFink MariSchmidt KlausWehrle MartinHenze proceedings 2022-serror-cset PowerDuck: A GOOSE Data Set of Cyberattacks in Substations 2022 8 8 5 data sets, network traffic, smart grid security, IDS ACM
New York, NY, USA
online Virtual Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop (CSET 2022) August 8, 2022 978-1-4503-9684-4/22/08 10.1145/3546096.3546102 1 SvenZemanek ImmanuelHacker KonradWolsing EricWagner MartinHenze MartinSerror
inproceedings 2022-sander-h3-prio-hol Analyzing the Influence of Resource Prioritization on HTTP/3 HOL Blocking and Performance 2022 6 27 legato IFIP Proceedings of the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA '22) Enschede Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference 27.06.22-30.06.22 978-3-903176-47-8 1 ConstantinSander IkeKunze KlausWehrle inproceedings 2022-schemmel-kdalloc A Deterministic Memory Allocator for Dynamic Symbolic Execution 2022 6 safe European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022) 10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2022.9 1 DanielSchemmel JulianBüning FrankBusse MartinNowack CristianCadar inproceedings WagnerSWH2022 BP-MAC: Fast Authentication for Short Messages 2022 5 18 201-206 /fileadmin/papers/2022/2022-wagner-bpmac.pdf ACM Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '22) San Antonio, Texas, USA 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '22) 978-1-4503-9216-7/22/05 10.1145/3507657.3528554 1 EricWagner MartinSerror KlausWehrle MartinHenze inproceedings 2022-lorenz-ven2us Interconnected network protection systems - the basis for the reliable and safe operation of distribution grids with a high penetration of renewable energies and electric vehicle 2022 Power grids are increasingly faced with the introduction of decentralized, highly volatile power supplies from renewable energies and high loads occurring from e-mobility. However, today’s static grid protection cannot manage all upcoming conditions while providing a high level of dependability and security. It forms a bottleneck of a future decarbonizing grid development. In our research project, we develop and verify an adaptive grid protection algorithm. It calculates situation dependent protection parameters for the event of power flow shifts and topology changes caused by volatile power supplies due to the increase of renewable generation and the rapid expansion of e-mobility. As a result the distribution grid can be operated with the optimally adapted protection parameters and functions for changing operating states. To safely adjust the values on protection hardware in the field, i.e., safe from hardware failures and cyberattacks, we research resilient and secure communication concepts for the adaptive and interconnected grid protection system. Finally, we validate our concept and system by demonstrations in the laboratory and field tests. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Porto, Portugal Porto CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022 June 2-3, 2022 10.1049/icp.2022.0768 1 MatthiasLorenz Tobias MarkusPletzer MalteSchuhmacher TorstenSowa MichaelDahms SimonStock DavoodBabazadeh ChristianBecker JohannJaeger TobiasLorz MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink KlausWehrle AndreasUlbig PhilippLinnartz AntigonaSelimaj ThomasOffergeld inproceedings 2021_kiesel_5g Development of a Model to Evaluate the Potential of 5G Technology for Latency-Critical Applications in Production 2021 12 15 739-744 Latency-critical applications in production promise to be essential enablers for performance improvement in production. However, they require the right and often wireless communication system. 5G technology appears to be an effective way to achieve communication system for these applications. Its estimated economic benefit on production gross domestic product is immense ($740 billion Euro until 2030). However, 55% of production companies state that 5G technology deployment is currently not a subject matter for them and mainly state the lack of knowledge on benefits as a reason. Currently, it is missing an approach or model for a use case specific, data-based evaluation of 5G technology influence on the performance of production applications. Therefore, this paper presents a model to evaluate the potential of 5G technology for latency-critical applications in production. First, we derive requirements for the model to fulfill the decision-makers' needs. Second, we analyze existing evaluation approaches regarding their fulfillment of the derived requirements. Third, based on outlined research gaps, we develop a model fulfilling the requirements. Fourth, we give an outlook for further research needs. 5G technology; latency-critical applications; production; evaluation model IEEE Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM '21), December 13-16, 2021, Singapore, Singapore Singapore, Singapore December 13-16, 2021 978-1-6654-3771-4 10.1109/IEEM50564.2021.9673074 1 RaphaelKiesel FalkBoehm JanPennekamp Robert H.Schmitt inproceedings 2021-krude-nfp-pred Determination of Throughput Guarantees for Processor-based SmartNICs 2021 12 7 maki ACM The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21) 978-1-4503-9098-9/21/12 10.1145/3485983.3494842 1 JohannesKrude JanRüth DanielSchemmel FelixRath Iohannes-HeorhFolbort KlausWehrle inproceedings 2021-kunze-spin-tracker Tracking the QUIC Spin Bit on Tofino 2021 12 7 15–21 ACM Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Evolution, Performance and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ '21) 9781450391351 10.1145/3488660.3493804 1 IkeKunze ConstantinSander KlausWehrle JanRüth inproceedings 2021_pennekamp_bootstrapping Confidential Computing-Induced Privacy Benefits for the Bootstrapping of New Business Relationships 2021 11 15 RWTH-2021-09499 In addition to quality improvements and cost reductions, dynamic and flexible business relationships are expected to become more important in the future to account for specific customer change requests or small-batch production. Today, despite reservation, sensitive information must be shared upfront between buyers and sellers. However, without a trust relation, this situation is precarious for the involved companies as they fear for their competitiveness following information leaks or breaches of their privacy. To address this issue, the concepts of confidential computing and cloud computing come to mind as they promise to offer scalable approaches that preserve the privacy of participating companies. In particular, designs building on confidential computing can help to technically enforce privacy. Moreover, cloud computing constitutes an elegant design choice to scale these novel protocols to industry needs while limiting the setup and management overhead for practitioners. Thus, novel approaches in this area can advance the status quo of bootstrapping new relationships as they provide privacy-preserving alternatives that are suitable for immediate deployment. bootstrapping procurement; business relationships; secure industrial collaboration; privacy; Internet of Production internet-of-production RWTH Aachen University Blitz Talk at the 2021 Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW '21), co-located with the 28th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '21), November 15-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea RWTH Aachen University Seoul, Korea November 14, 2021 10.18154/RWTH-2021-09499 JanPennekamp FrederikFuhrmann MarkusDahlmanns TimoHeutmann AlexanderKreppein DennisGrunert ChristophLange Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2021-sander-shardingrevisited Sharding and HTTP/2 Connection Reuse Revisited: Why Are There Still Redundant Connections? 2021 11 2 legato /fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-sander-sharding-revisited.pdf ACM Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '21) Internet Measurement Conference 2021 02.11.21 - 04.11.21 978-1-4503-9129-0/21/11 10.1145/3487552.3487832 1 ConstantinSander LeoBlöcher KlausWehrle JanRüth proceedings fink-lcn-demons-2021 DEMONS: Extended Manufacturer Usage Description to Restrain Malicious Smartphone Apps 2021 10 4 nerd-nrw IEEE online Edmonton, Canada 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) October 4-7, 2021 10.1109/LCN52139.2021.9524879 1 Ina BereniceFink MartinSerror KlausWehrle inproceedings 2021-glebke-service-based-forwarding Service-based Forwarding via Programmable Dataplanes 2021 6 10 reflexes /fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-glebke-service-based-forwarding.pdf IEEE Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing: Workshop on Semantic Addressing and Routing for Future Networks (SARNET-21) 978-1-6654-4005-9 2325-5609 10.1109/HPSR52026.2021.9481814 1 RenéGlebke DirkTrossen IkeKunze DavidLou JanRüth MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2021-kunze-coordinate-transformation Investigating the Applicability of In-Network Computing to Industrial Scenarios 2021 5 11 334-340 in-network computing; latency; approximation internet-of-production,reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS '21) 978-1-7281-6207-2 10.1109/ICPS49255.2021.9468247 1 IkeKunze RenéGlebke JanScheiper MatthiasBodenbenner Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle article 2021_buckhorst_lmas Holarchy for Line-less Mobile Assembly Systems Operation in the Context of the Internet of Production Procedia CIRP 2021 5 3 99 448-453 Assembly systems must provide maximum flexibility qualified by organization and technology to offer cost-compliant performance features to differentiate themselves from competitors in buyers' markets. By mobilization of multipurpose resources and dynamic planning, Line-less Mobile Assembly Systems (LMASs) offer organizational reconfigurability. By proposing a holarchy to combine LMASs with the concept of an Internet of Production (IoP), we enable LMASs to source valuable information from cross-level production networks, physical resources, software nodes, and data stores that are interconnected in an IoP. The presented holarchy provides a concept of how to address future challenges, meet the requirements of shorter lead times, and unique lifecycle support. The paper suggests an application of decision making, distributed sensor services, recommender-based data reduction, and in-network computing while considering safety and human usability alike. Proceedings of the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME '20), July 14-17, 2020, Gulf of Naples, Italy Internet of Production; Line-less Mobile Assembly System; Industrial Assembly; Smart Factory internet-of-production Elsevier Gulf of Naples, Italy July 14-17, 2020 2212-8271 10.1016/j.procir.2021.03.064 1 Armin F.Buckhorst BenjaminMontavon DominikWolfschläger MelanieBuchsbaum AmirShahidi HenningPetruck IkeKunze JanPennekamp ChristianBrecher MathiasHüsing BurkhardCorves VerenaNitsch KlausWehrle Robert H.Schmitt inproceedings 2021-kunze-aqm-tofino-p4 Tofino + P4: A Strong Compound for AQM on High-Speed Networks? 2021 5 72-80 internet-of-production IFIP/IEEE Proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM '21) Virtual Event International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM '21) May 2021 978-1-7281-9041-9 1 IkeKunze MoritzGunz DavidSaam KlausWehrle JanRüth inproceedings 2021_dahlmanns_entrust Transparent End-to-End Security for Publish/Subscribe Communication in Cyber-Physical Systems 2021 4 28 78–87 The ongoing digitization of industrial manufacturing leads to a decisive change in industrial communication paradigms. Moving from traditional one-to-one to many-to-many communication, publish/subscribe systems promise a more dynamic and efficient exchange of data. However, the resulting significantly more complex communication relationships render traditional end-to-end security futile for sufficiently protecting the sensitive and safety-critical data transmitted in industrial systems. Most notably, the central message brokers inherent in publish/subscribe systems introduce a designated weak spot for security as they can access all communication messages. To address this issue, we propose ENTRUST, a novel solution for key server-based end-to-end security in publish/subscribe systems. ENTRUST transparently realizes confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for publish/subscribe systems without any modification of the underlying protocol. We exemplarily implement ENTRUST on top of MQTT, the de-facto standard for machine-to-machine communication, showing that ENTRUST can integrate seamlessly into existing publish/subscribe systems. cyber-physical system security; publish-subscribe security; end-to-end security internet-of-production, rfc ACM Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS '21), co-located with the 11th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY '21), April 26-28, 2021, Virtual Event, USA Virtual Event, USA ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems April 28, 2021 978-1-4503-8319-6/21/04 10.1145/3445969.3450423 1 MarkusDahlmanns JanPennekamp Ina BereniceFink BerndSchoolmann KlausWehrle MartinHenze inproceedings 2021-sander-zoom-cc Video Conferencing and Flow-Rate Fairness: A First Look at Zoom and the Impact of Flow-Queuing AQM 2021 3 internet-of-production /fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-sander-zoom-fairness-aqm.pdf Springer Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '21) Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2021) 10.1007/978-3-030-72582-2_1 1 ConstantinSander IkeKunze KlausWehrle JanRüth phdthesis 2021-serror-phd-thesis On the Benefits of Cooperation for Dependable Wireless Communications 2021 3 Shaker Verlag
Shaker Verlag, Düren, Germany
Reports on Communications and Distributed Systems 21 RWTH Aachen University Ph.D. Thesis 978-3-8440-7923-4 MartinSerror
article 2021_schomakers_insights Insights on Data Sensitivity from the Technical, Legal and the Users' Perspectives Computer Law Review International 2021 2 15 22 1 8-15 Social media, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things connect people around the globe, offering manifold benefits. However, the technological advances and increased user participation generate novel challenges for users' privacy. From the users' perspective, the consequences of data disclosure depend on the perceived sensitivity of that data. But in light of the new technological opportunities to process and combine data, it is questionable whether users can adequately evaluate risks of data disclosures. As mediating authority, data protection laws such as the European General Data Protection Regulation try to protect user data, granting enhanced protection to "special categories" of data. This article assesses the legal, technological, and users' perspectives on information sensitivity and their interplay. Technologically, all data can be referred to as "potentially sensitive." The legal and users' perspective on information sensitivity deviate from this standpoint, as some data types are granted special protection by law but are not perceived as very sensitive by users and vice versa. The key findings here suggest the GDPR adequately protecting users' privacy but for small adjustments. Information Sensitivity, Privacy, European Data Protection Law 1610-7608 10.9785/cri-2021-220103 1 Eva-MariaSchomakers ChantalLidynia DirkMüllmann RomanMatzutt KlausWehrle IndraSpiecker gen. Döhmann MartinaZiefle inproceedings 2019_rut_schomakers_privacy Putting Privacy into Perspective -- Comparing Technical, Legal, and Users' View of Information Sensitivity 2021 1 27 857-870 Social media, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things connect people around the globe, offering manifold benefits. However, the technological advances and increased user participation generate novel challenges for users' privacy. From the users' perspective, the consequences of data disclosure depend on the perceived sensitivity of that data. But in light of the new technological opportunities to process and combine data, it is questionable whether users can adequately evaluate risks of data disclosures. As mediating authority, data protection laws such as the European General Data Protection Regulation try to protect user data, granting enhanced protection to "special categories" of data. In this paper, we assess the legal, technological, and users' perspectives on information sensitivity and their interplay. Technologically, all data can be referred to as "potentially sensitive." The legal and users' perspective on information sensitivity deviate from this standpoint, as some data types are granted special protection by law but are not perceived as very sensitive by users and vice versa. Our key findings still suggest the GDPR adequately protecting users' privacy but for small adjustments. Information Sensitivity,Privacy,European Data Protection Law mynedata Gesellschaft für Informatik
INFORMATIK 2020 Karlsruhe, Germany INFORMATIK 2020 2020-09-28 to 2020-10-01 English 10.18420/inf2020_76 1 Eva-MariaSchomakers ChantalLidynia DirkMüllmann RomanMatzutt KlausWehrle IndraSpiecker gen. Döhmann MartinaZiefle
inproceedings 2020_pennekamp_benchmarking Revisiting the Privacy Needs of Real-World Applicable Company Benchmarking 2020 12 15 31-44 Benchmarking the performance of companies is essential to identify improvement potentials in various industries. Due to a competitive environment, this process imposes strong privacy needs, as leaked business secrets can have devastating effects on participating companies. Consequently, related work proposes to protect sensitive input data of companies using secure multi-party computation or homomorphic encryption. However, related work so far does not consider that also the benchmarking algorithm, used in today's applied real-world scenarios to compute all relevant statistics, itself contains significant intellectual property, and thus needs to be protected. Addressing this issue, we present PCB — a practical design for Privacy-preserving Company Benchmarking that utilizes homomorphic encryption and a privacy proxy — which is specifically tailored for realistic real-world applications in which we protect companies' sensitive input data and the valuable algorithms used to compute underlying key performance indicators. We evaluate PCB's performance using synthetic measurements and showcase its applicability alongside an actual company benchmarking performed in the domain of injection molding, covering 48 distinct key performance indicators calculated out of hundreds of different input values. By protecting the privacy of all participants, we enable them to fully profit from the benefits of company benchmarking. practical encrypted computing; homomorphic encryption; algorithm confidentiality; benchmarking; key performance indicators; industrial application; Internet of Production internet-of-production Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC '20), December 15, 2020, Virtual Event Virtual Event December 15, 2020 978-3-00-067798-4 10.25835/0072999 1 JanPennekamp PatrickSapel Ina BereniceFink SimonWagner SebastianReuter ChristianHopmann KlausWehrle MartinHenze proceedings fink-lcn-demons-2020 Extending MUD to Smartphones 2020 11 15 nerd-nrw IEEE online Sydney, Australia 45th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) November 16-19, 2020 10.1109/LCN48667.2020.9314782 1 Ina BereniceFink MartinSerror KlausWehrle article serror-iiotsec-tii-2020 Challenges and Opportunities in Securing the Industrial Internet of Things IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2020 9 11 17 5 2985-2996 nerd-nrw online 1941-0050 10.1109/TII.2020.3023507 1 MartinSerror SachaHack MartinHenze MarkoSchuba KlausWehrle inproceedings 2020-kirchhof-wowmom-ccncps Improving MAC Protocols for Wireless Industrial Networks via Packet Prioritization and Cooperation 2020 8 31 internet-of-production, reflexes IEEE Computer Society online International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks: Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems (WoWMoM-CCNCPS'2020), August 31 - September 3, 2020, Cork, Ireland Cork, Ireland August 31 - September 3, 2020 10.1109/WoWMoM49955.2020.00068 1 Jörg ChristianKirchhof MartinSerror RenéGlebke KlausWehrle inproceedings 2020-schemmel-porse Symbolic Partial-Order Execution for Testing Multi-Threaded Programs 2020 7 symbiosys Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2020) 32nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification 10.1007/978-3-030-53288-8_18 1 DanielSchemmel JulianBüning CésarRodríguez DavidLaprell KlausWehrle inproceedings 2020-serror-networking-qwin QWIN: Facilitating QoS in Wireless Industrial Networks Through Cooperation 2020 6 21 consent IFIP online Proceedings of the 19th IFIP Networking 2020 Conference (NETWORKING '20), June 22-26, 2020, Paris, France Paris, France IFIP NETWORKING Conference June 22-26, 2020 978-3-903176-28-7 1 MartinSerror EricWagner RenéGlebke KlausWehrle inproceedings 2020-mann-ur-weldseamstudy Study on weld seam geometry control for connected gas metal arc welding systems 2020 6 Proceedings of the 2020 Internal Conference on Ubiquitous Robots Internal Conference on Ubiquitous Robots June 22-26, 2020 10.1109/UR49135.2020.9144839 1 SamuelMann RenéGlebke IkeKunze DominikScheurenberg RahulSharma UweReisgen KlausWehrle DirkAbel article 2020_gleim_factDAG FactDAG: Formalizing Data Interoperability in an Internet of Production IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2020 4 14 7 4 3243-3253 In the production industry, the volume, variety and velocity of data as well as the number of deployed protocols increase exponentially due to the influences of IoT advances. While hundreds of isolated solutions exist to utilize this data, e.g., optimizing processes or monitoring machine conditions, the lack of a unified data handling and exchange mechanism hinders the implementation of approaches to improve the quality of decisions and processes in such an interconnected environment. The vision of an Internet of Production promises the establishment of a Worldwide Lab, where data from every process in the network can be utilized, even interorganizational and across domains. While numerous existing approaches consider interoperability from an interface and communication system perspective, fundamental questions of data and information interoperability remain insufficiently addressed. In this paper, we identify ten key issues, derived from three distinctive real-world use cases, that hinder large-scale data interoperability for industrial processes. Based on these issues we derive a set of five key requirements for future (IoT) data layers, building upon the FAIR data principles. We propose to address them by creating FactDAG, a conceptual data layer model for maintaining a provenance-based, directed acyclic graph of facts, inspired by successful distributed version-control and collaboration systems. Eventually, such a standardization should greatly shape the future of interoperability in an interconnected production industry. Data Management; Data Versioning; Interoperability; Industrial Internet of Things; Worldwide Lab internet-of-production IEEE 2327-4662 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2966402 1 LarsGleim JanPennekamp MartinLiebenberg MelanieBuchsbaum PhilippNiemietz SimonKnape AlexanderEpple SimonStorms DanielTrauth ThomasBergs ChristianBrecher StefanDecker GerhardLakemeyer KlausWehrle article 2020_mann_welding_layers Connected, digitalized welding production — Secure, ubiquitous utilization of data across process layers Advanced Structured Materials 2020 4 1 125 101-118 A connected, digitalized welding production unlocks vast and dynamic potentials: from improving state of the art welding to new business models in production. For this reason, offering frameworks, which are capable of addressing multiple layers of applications on the one hand and providing means of data security and privacy for ubiquitous dataflows on the other hand, is an important step to enable the envisioned advances. In this context, welding production has been introduced from the perspective of interlaced process layers connecting information sources across various entities. Each layer has its own distinct challenges from both a process view and a data perspective. Besides, investigating each layer promises to reveal insight into (currently unknown) process interconnections. This approach has been substantiated by methods for data security and privacy to draw a line between secure handling of data and the need of trustworthy dealing with sensitive data among different parties and therefore partners. In conclusion, the welding production has to develop itself from an accumulation of local and isolated data sources towards a secure industrial collaboration in an Internet of Production. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes (AJP '19) Welding Production; Industrie 4.0; Internet of Production; Data Security; Data Privacy Internet-of-Production Springer Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal October 24-25, 2019 978-981-15-2956-6 1869-8433 10.1007/978-981-15-2957-3_8 1 SamuelMann JanPennekamp TobiasBrockhoff AnahitaFarhang MahsaPourbafrani LukasOster Merih SeranUysal RahulSharma UweReisgen KlausWehrle Wilvan der Aalst article 2020-wehrle-digitalshadows Mit "Digitalen Schatten" Daten verdichten und darstellen : Der Exzellenzcluster "Internet der Produktion" forscht über die Produktionstechnik hinaus Der Profilbereich "Information & Communication Technology" 2020 0179-079X 10.18154/RWTH-2021-02496 MatthiasJarke Wilvan der Aalst ChristianBrecher MatthiasBrockmann IstvánKoren GerhardLakemeyer BernhardRumpe GüntherSchuh KlausWehrle MartinaZiefle inproceedings 2019-glebke-in-network-cv Towards Executing Computer Vision Functionality on Programmable Network Devices 2019 12 9 reflexes,maki,internet-of-production Online ACM 1st ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Emerging in-Network Computing Paradigms (ENCP '19) en 978-1-4503-7000-4/19/12 10.1145/3359993.3366646 1 RenéGlebke JohannesKrude IkeKunze JanRüth FelixSenger KlausWehrle inproceedings 2019_pennekamp_dataflows Dataflow Challenges in an Internet of Production: A Security & Privacy Perspective 2019 11 11 27-38 The Internet of Production (IoP) envisions the interconnection of previously isolated CPS in the area of manufacturing across institutional boundaries to realize benefits such as increased profit margins and product quality as well as reduced product development costs and time to market. This interconnection of CPS will lead to a plethora of new dataflows, especially between (partially) distrusting entities. In this paper, we identify and illustrate these envisioned inter-organizational dataflows and the participating entities alongside two real-world use cases from the production domain: a fine blanking line and a connected job shop. Our analysis allows us to identify distinct security and privacy demands and challenges for these new dataflows. As a foundation to address the resulting requirements, we provide a survey of promising technical building blocks to secure inter-organizational dataflows in an IoP and propose next steps for future research. Consequently, we move an important step forward to overcome security and privacy concerns as an obstacle for realizing the promised potentials in an Internet of Production. Internet of Production; dataflows; Information Security internet-of-production ACM Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy (CPS-SPC '19), co-located with the 26th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19), November 11-15, 2019, London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom November 11-15, 2019 978-1-4503-6831-5/19/11 10.1145/3338499.3357357 1 JanPennekamp MartinHenze SimoSchmidt PhilippNiemietz MarcelFey DanielTrauth ThomasBergs ChristianBrecher KlausWehrle book 2019-stoffers-dissertation Automated Optimization of Discrete Event Simulations without Knowing the Model 2019 10 Discrete Event Simulation; Parallelization; Memoization memosim Klaus Wehrle Shaker Reports on Communications and Distributed Systems en 978-3-8440-6973-0 1 MirkoStoffers inproceedings 2019-sander-depcci DeePCCI: Deep Learning-based Passive Congestion Control Identification 2019 8 18 maki ACM In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI '19) Beijing, China Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML 18.08.2019 10.1145/3341216.3342211 1 ConstantinSander JanRüth OliverHohlfeld KlausWehrle techreport 2019-rueth-blitzstart Blitz-starting QUIC Connections 2019 5 8 arXiv:1905.03144 [cs.NI] 1--8 Online COMSYS, RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
COMSYS, RWTH Aachen University Technical Report en JanRüth KonradWolsing MartinSerror KlausWehrle OliverHohlfeld
techreport 2019-hohlfeld-santa-tr Application-Agnostic Offloading of Packet Processing 2019 4 1 arXiv:1904.00671 [cs.NI] 1--14 maki Online COMSYS, RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
COMSYS, RWTH Aachen University Technical Report en OliverHohlfeld HelgeReelfs JanRüth FlorianSchmidt TorstenZimmermann JensHiller KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2019-glebke-wirelessgain Enabling Wireless Network Support for Gain Scheduled Control 2019 3 25 reflexes,spp ACM In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2019) Dresden, Germany International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2019) 25.03.2019 10.1145/3301418.3313943 1 SebastianGallenmüller RenéGlebke StephanGünther EricHauser MauriceLeclaire StefanReif JanRüth AndreasSchmidt GeorgCarle ThorstenHerfet WolfgangSchröder-Preikschat KlausWehrle article 2019_wehrle_dagstuhl_beginners The Dagstuhl Beginners Guide to Reproducibility for Experimental Networking Research ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2019 1 49 1 24-30 Reproducibility is one of the key characteristics of good science, but hard to achieve for experimental disciplines like Internet measurements and networked systems. This guide provides advice to researchers, particularly those new to the field, on designing experiments so that their work is more likely to be reproducible and to serve as a foundation for follow-on work by others. 0146-4833 10.1145/3314212.3314217 VaibhavBajpai AnnaBrunstrom AnjaFeldmann WolfgangKellerer AikoPras HenningSchulzrinne GeorgiosSmaragdakis MatthiasWählisch KlausWehrle proceedings 2018-QuicTesting Interoperability-Guided Testing of QUIC Implementations using Symbolic Execution 2018 12 4 erc,symbiosys ACM Heraklion, Greece EPIQ'18 Workshop Paper 4.12.2018 en 978-1-4503-6082-1 10.1145/3284850.3284853 1 FelixRath DanielSchemmel KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-tzimmermann-toplists A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists 2018 10 31 maki ACM Proceedings of the 2018 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Boston, USA Boston, US Internet Measurement Conference 2018 31.10.18 - 2.11.18 en 10.1145/3278532.3278574 1 QuirinScheitle OliverHohlfeld JulienGamba JonasJelten TorstenZimmermann Stephen D.Strowes NarseoVallina-Rodriguez article 2018-stoffers-on-automated-memoization On Automated Memoization in the Field of Simulation Parameter Studies ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 2018 10 28 4 Article 26 26:1-26:25 memosim,symbiosys file:2213 10.1145/3186316 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-hiller-lcn-lowlatencyiiot Secure Low Latency Communication for Constrained Industrial IoT Scenarios 2018 10 connect,iop,nerd-nrw IEEE 43rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Chicago, USA Chicago, USA 43nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) October 1-4, 2018 en 978-1-5386-4413-3 10.1109/LCN.2018.8638027 1 JensHiller MartinHenze MartinSerror EricWagner Jan NiklasRichter KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-hohlfeld-santa Application-Agnostic Offloading of Datagram Processing 2018 9 3 maki,ssiclops,reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 2018 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30), Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria International Teletraffic Congress ITC 30 03.09.2018 - 07-09.2018 en 10.1109/ITC30.2018.00015 1 OliverHohlfeld Jens HelgeReelfs JanRüth FlorianSchmidt TorstenZimmermann JensHiller KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-soria-dustmann-parti PARTI: A Multi-interval Theory Solver for Symbolic Execution 2018 9 symbiosys file:2195 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'18) 10.1145/3238147.3238179 1 OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle CristianCadar inproceedings 2018-serror-ares-iotsec Towards In-Network Security for Smart Homes 2018 8 27 consent, iotrust ACM online Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security and Forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR), co-located with the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018), Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security August 27--30, 2018 978-1-4503-6448-5 10.1145/3230833.3232802 1 MartinSerror MartinHenze SachaHack MarkoSchuba KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-krude-circuit Circuit Switched VM Networks for Zero-Copy IO 2018 8 20 1-7 maki ACM Proceedings of the 2018 Afternoon Workshop on Kernel Bypassing Networks (KBNets'18) Budapest, Hungary Afternoon Workshop on Kernel Bypassing Networks 20.8.2018 10.1145/3229538.3229539 1 JohannesKrude MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-cav-schemmel-liveness Symbolic Liveness Analysis of Real-World Software 2018 7 14 symbiosys Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2018) Oxford, Great Britain 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification 2018-07-14 to 2018-07-17 en 10.1007/978-3-319-96142-2_27 1 DanielSchemmel JulianBüning OscarSoria Dustmann ThomasNoll KlausWehrle article 2018-serror-tvt-fb Finite Blocklength Performance of Cooperative Multi-Terminal Wireless Industrial Networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2018 7 67 7 5778-5792 koi IEEE online 0018-9545 10.1109/TVT.2018.2794178 1 YulinHu MartinSerror KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2018-serror-wowmom-relaying Practical Evaluation of Cooperative Communication for Ultra-Reliability and Low-Latency 2018 6 11 iop IEEE online 19th IEEE International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (IEEE WoWMoM 2018), Chania, Greece Chania, Crete, Greece WoWMoM June 12-15, 2018 978-1-5386-4725-7 10.1109/WoWMoM.2018.8449807 1 MartinSerror SebastianVaaßen KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2018-hiller-ic2e-cpplintegration Giving Customers Control over Their Data: Integrating a Policy Language into the Cloud 2018 4 19 241-249 ssiclops,iop IEEE Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2018), Orlando, Florida, USA Orlando, Florida, USA 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2018) 2018-04-19 978-1-5386-5008-0 10.1109/IC2E.2018.00050 1 JensHiller MaelKimmerlin MaxPlauth SeppoHeikkila StefanKlauck VilleLindfors FelixEberhardt DariuszBursztynowski Jesus LlorenteSantos OliverHohlfeld KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-cpsbench-schemmel-equiv Towards Benchmark Optimization by Automated Equivalence Detection 2018 4 10 symbiosys,reflexes file:2196 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench'18) Porto, Portugal 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems 2018-04-10 978-1-5386-6742-2 10.1109/CPSBench.2018.00011 1 DanielSchemmel RenéGlebke MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle article 2018-scheitle-ccr-caa A First Look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR) 2018 4 48 10-23 internet-measurements 2018-06-05 10.1145/3213232.3213235 1 QuirinScheitle TaejoongChung JensHiller OliverGasser JohannesNaab Rolandvan Rijswijk-Deij OliverHohlfeld RalphHolz DaveChoffnes AlanMislove GeorgCarle inproceedings 2017-poormohammady Dynamic Algorithm Selection for the Logic of Tasks in IoT Stream Processing Systems 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management 2017 11 26 Online IEEE 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management, Tokyo, Japan en 10.23919/CNSM.2017.8256009 1 EhsanPoormohammady Jens HelgeReelfs MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle ApostolosPapageorgiou inproceedings 2017-liew-schemmel-fp Floating-Point Symbolic Execution: A Case Study in N-Version Programming 2017 10 30 symbiosys file:1848 Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA en 978-1-5386-2684-9/17 1 DanielLiew DanielSchemmel CristianCadar AlastairDonaldson RafaelZähl KlausWehrle inproceedings 2017-stoffers-dsrt-memo-ident Automated Memoization: Automatically Identifying Memoization Units in Simulation Parameter Studies 2017 10 18 33-42 Automatic Memoization; Accelerating Parameter Studies; Performance Prediction memosim,symbiosys Online IEEE Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017), Rome, Italy Rome, Italy en 10.1109/DISTRA.2017.8167664 1 MirkoStoffers RalfBettermann KlausWehrle conference 2017-fink-brainlab-gmds BrainLab - Ein Framework für mobile neurologische Untersuchungen 2017 8 29 Best Abstract Award 06.09.19 German Medical Science GMS Publishing House (2017) 62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS). Oldenburg GMDS 2017 17-21 September 2017 10.3205/17gmds137 1 Ina BereniceFink BerndHankammer ThomasStopinski YannicTitgemeyer RoannRamos EkaterinaKutafina Jó AgilaBitsch Stephan MichaelJonas proceedings 2017-SymPerfPoster SymPerf: Predicting Network Function Performance 2017 8 21 spp,erc,symbiosys,reflexes ACM Los Angeles, USA ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Poster 21.8.2017 - 25.8.2017 en 978-1-4503-5057-0/17/08 10.1145/3123878.3131977 1 FelixRath JohannesKrude JanRüth DanielSchemmel OliverHohlfeld Jó AgilaBitsch Link KlausWehrle article 2017-ziegeldorf-bmcmedgenomics-bloom BLOOM: BLoom filter based Oblivious Outsourced Matchings BMC Medical Genomics 2017 7 26 10 Suppl 2 29-42 Whole genome sequencing has become fast, accurate, and cheap, paving the way towards the large-scale collection and processing of human genome data. Unfortunately, this dawning genome era does not only promise tremendous advances in biomedical research but also causes unprecedented privacy risks for the many. Handling storage and processing of large genome datasets through cloud services greatly aggravates these concerns. Current research efforts thus investigate the use of strong cryptographic methods and protocols to implement privacy-preserving genomic computations. We propose FHE-Bloom and PHE-Bloom, two efficient approaches for genetic disease testing using homomorphically encrypted Bloom filters. Both approaches allow the data owner to securely outsource storage and computation to an untrusted cloud. FHE-Bloom is fully secure in the semi-honest model while PHE-Bloom slightly relaxes security guarantees in a trade-off for highly improved performance. We implement and evaluate both approaches on a large dataset of up to 50 patient genomes each with up to 1000000 variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms). For both implementations, overheads scale linearly in the number of patients and variations, while PHE-Bloom is faster by at least three orders of magnitude. For example, testing disease susceptibility of 50 patients with 100000 variations requires only a total of 308.31 s (σ=8.73 s) with our first approach and a mere 0.07 s (σ=0.00 s) with the second. We additionally discuss security guarantees of both approaches and their limitations as well as possible extensions towards more complex query types, e.g., fuzzy or range queries. Both approaches handle practical problem sizes efficiently and are easily parallelized to scale with the elastic resources available in the cloud. The fully homomorphic scheme, FHE-Bloom, realizes a comprehensive outsourcing to the cloud, while the partially homomorphic scheme, PHE-Bloom, trades a slight relaxation of security guarantees against performance improvements by at least three orders of magnitude. Proceedings of the 5th iDASH Privacy and Security Workshop 2016 Secure outsourcing; Homomorphic encryption; Bloom filters sscilops; mynedata; rfc Online BioMed Central Chicago, IL, USA November 11, 2016 en 1755-8794 10.1186/s12920-017-0277-y 1 Jan HenrikZiegeldorf JanPennekamp DavidHellmanns FelixSchwinger IkeKunze MartinHenze JensHiller RomanMatzutt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2017-henze-tma-cloudemail Veiled in Clouds? Assessing the Prevalence of Cloud Computing in the Email Landscape 2017 6 21 trinics, ssiclops Online IEEE / IFIP Proceedings of the 2017 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2017), Dublin, Ireland en 978-3-901882-95-1 10.23919/TMA.2017.8002910 1 MartinHenze Mary PeytonSanford OliverHohlfeld inproceedings 2017-zimmermann-secon Resource and Execution Control for Mobile Offloadee Devices 2017 6 12 maki IEEE 14th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2017), San Diego, USA San Diego, USA 14th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2017) 12.06.2017 - 14.06.2017 en 978-1-5090-6599-8 10.1109/SAHCN.2017.7964939 1 TorstenZimmermann HannoWirtz Jan HenrikZiegeldorf ChristianSteinhaus KlausWehrle article dombrowski-vdi Funktechnologien für Industrie 4.0 VDE Positionspapier 2017 6 1 VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e.V.
Stresemannallee 15, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
IsmetAktas AlexanderBentkus FlorianBonanati ArminDekorsy ChristianDombrowski MichaelDoubrava AliGolestani FrankHofmann MikeHeidrich StefanHiensch RüdigerKays MichaelMeyer AndreasMüller Stephanten Brink NedaPetreska MilanPopovic LutzRauchhaupt AhmadSaad HansSchotten ChristophWöste IngoWolff
inproceedings 2017-serror-pads-cows Code-transparent Discrete Event Simulation for Time-accurate Wireless Prototyping 2017 5 24 memosim,symbiosys ACM online Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17), Singapore, Singapore Singapore, Singapore 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17) May 24-26, 2017 978-1-4503-4489-0 10.1145/3064911.3064913 1 MartinSerror Jörg ChristianKirchhof MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2017-serror-ew-koi From Radio Design to System Evaluations for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication 2017 5 17 koi IEEE Proc. of 23rd European Wireless Conference (EW17), Dresden, Germany Dresden, Germany Proc. of 23rd European Wireless Conference (EW17) 17.-19. May 2017 1 Shehzad AliAshraf Y.-P. EricWang SamehEldessoki BerndHolfeld DonaldParruca MartinSerror JamesGross conference 2017-fink-brainlab BrainLab – towards mobile brain research 2017 4 24 2 /fileadmin/papers/2017/2017-fink-brainlab.pdf 2017-05-09 Online Informatics for Health 2017, Manchester UK Manchester, UK Informatics for Health 2017, Manchester UK 24-26 April 2017 en 1 Ina BereniceFink BerndHankammer ThomasStopinsky RoannRamos EkaterinaKutafina Jó AgilaBitsch Link StephanJonas proceedings 2017-serror-netsys-industrial Demo: A Realistic Use-case for Wireless Industrial Automation and Control 2017 3 16 koi IEEE Göttingen, Germany International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2017) 10.1109/NetSys.2017.7931496 1 JunaidAnsari IsmetAktas ChristianBrecher ChristophPallasch NicolaiHoffmann MarkusObdenbusch MartinSerror KlausWehrle JamesGross incollection 2016-iiot-rueth-comm Communication and Networking for the Industrial Internet of Things 2017 317-346 Online Jeschke, Sabina and Brecher, Christian and Song, Houbing and Rawat, Danda B. Springer Industrial Internet of Things en 978-3-319-42558-0 10.1007/978-3-319-42559-7_12 1 JanRüth FlorianSchmidt MartinSerror KlausWehrle TorstenZimmermann inproceedings 2017-matzutt-mynedata myneData: Towards a Trusted and User-controlled Ecosystem for Sharing Personal Data 2017 1073-1084 Personal user data is collected and processed at large scale by a handful of big providers of Internet services. This is detrimental to users, who often do not understand the privacy implications of this data collection, as well as to small parties interested in gaining insights from this data pool, e.g., research groups or small and middle-sized enterprises. To remedy this situation, we propose a transparent and user-controlled data market in which users can directly and consensually share their personal data with interested parties for monetary compensation. We define a simple model for such an ecosystem and identify pressing challenges arising within this model with respect to the user and data processor demands, legal obligations, and technological limits. We propose myneData as a conceptual architecture for a trusted online platform to overcome these challenges. Our work provides an initial investigation of the resulting myneData ecosystem as a foundation to subsequently realize our envisioned data market via the myneData platform. Presentation slides are in German Personal User Data, Personal Information Management, Data Protection Laws, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Platform Design, Profiling mynedata_show Presentation slides Eibl, Maximilian and Gaedke, Martin Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn INFORMATIK 2017 Chemnitz INFORMATIK 2017 2017-09-28 English 978-3-88579-669-5 1617-5468 10.18420/in2017_109 1 RomanMatzutt DirkMüllmann Eva-MariaZeissig ChristianeHorst KaiKasugai SeanLidynia SimonWieninger Jan HenrikZiegeldorf GerhardGudergan IndraSpiecker gen. Döhmann KlausWehrle MartinaZiefle inproceedings 2016-henze-cloudcom-trinics Towards Transparent Information on Individual Cloud Service Usage 2016 12 12 366-370 trinics Online IEEE Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Luxembourg, Luxembourg en 978-1-5090-1445-3 10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0064 1 MartinHenze DanielKerpen JensHiller MichaelEggert DavidHellmanns ErikMühmer OussamaRenuli HenningMaier ChristianStüble RogerHäußling KlausWehrle inproceedings 2016-ahmed-sensys-poster-incremental Poster Abstract: Incremental Checkpointing for Interruptible Computations 2016 11 14 1--2 We propose incremental checkpointing techniques enabling transiently powered devices to retain computational state across multiple activation cycles. As opposed to the existing approaches, which checkpoint complete program state, the proposed techniques keep track of modified RAM locations to incrementally update the retained state in secondary memory, significantly reducing checkpointing overhead both in terms of time and energy. /fileadmin/misc/2016/2016-ahmed-sensys-poster-incremental.pdf 2016-11-20 Online ACM Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2016), Stanford, CA, USA Stanford, CA, USA Sensys '16 November 14-16, 2016 en 978-1-4503-4263-6/16/11 1 SaadAhmed HassanKhan Junaid HaroonSiddiqui Jó AgilaBitsch Link Muhammad HamadAlizai inproceedings 2016-henze-wpes-cppl CPPL: Compact Privacy Policy Language 2016 10 24 99-110 ssiclops Online ACM Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), co-located with the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Vienna, Austria en 978-1-4503-4569-9 10.1145/2994620.2994627 1 MartinHenze JensHiller SaschaSchmerling Jan HenrikZiegeldorf KlausWehrle article 2015-cheng-piap-jmu Psychologist in a Pocket: Lexicon Development and Content Validation of a Mobile-Based App for Depression Screening JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2016 7 20 4 3 e88 piap Online en 2291-5222 10.2196/mhealth.5284 1 Paula Glenda FerrerCheng Roann MunozRamos Jó AgilaBitsch Link Stephan MichaelJonas TimIx Portia Lynn QuetulioSee KlausWehrle inproceedings 2016-serror-wowmom-arq Performance Analysis of Cooperative ARQ Systems for Wireless Industrial Networks 2016 6 21 koi IEEE online 17th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2016), Coimbra, Portugal Coimbra, Portugal en 10.1109/WoWMoM.2016.7523534 1 MartinSerror YulinHu ChristianDombrowski KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2016-werner-networking-stean STEAN: A Storage and Transformation Engine for Advanced Networking Context 2016 5 17 maki IEEE Proceedings of the 15th International IFIP Networking Conference (NETWORKING'16), Vienna, Austira Vienna, Austria IFIP Networking 2016 17.-19.5.2016 978-3-9018-8283-8 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2016.7497203 1 MarcWerner JohannesSchwandtke MatthiasHollick OliverHohlfeld TorstenZimmermann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2016-stoffers-pads-memo Automated Memoization for Parameter Studies Implemented in Impure Languages 2016 5 15 221-232 Best Paper Award Automatic Memoization; Accelerating Parameter Studies; Impure Languages memosim,symbiosys Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’16), Banff, AB, Canada Banff, AB, Canada en 10.1145/2901378.2901386 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle
article 2016-kunz-tomacs-horizon Parallel Expanded Event Simulation of Tightly Coupled Systems ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 2016 1 26 2 12:1--12:26 The technical evolution of wireless communication technology and the need for accurately modeling these increasingly complex systems causes a steady growth in the complexity of simulation models. At the same time, multi-core systems have become the de facto standard hardware platform. Unfortunately, wireless systems pose a particular challenge for parallel execution due to a tight coupling of network entities in space and time. Moreover, model developers are often domain experts with no in-depth understanding of parallel and distributed simulation. In combination, both aspects severely limit the performance and the efficiency of existing parallelization techniques. We address these challenges by presenting parallel expanded event simulation, a novel modeling paradigm that extends discrete events with durations which span a period in simulated time. The resulting expanded events form the basis for a conservative synchronization scheme that considers overlapping expanded events eligible for parallel processing. We furthermore put these concepts into practice by implementing Horizon, a parallel expanded event simulation framework specifically tailored to the characteristics of multi-core systems. Our evaluation shows that Horizon achieves considerable speedups in synthetic as well as real-world simulation models and considerably outperforms the current state-of-the-art in distributed simulation. Parallel discrete event simulation, Multi-core Systems, Wireless Systems, Simulation Modeling Paradigm, Conservative Synchronization horizon ACM en 10.1145/2832909 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers OlafLandsiedel KlausWehrle JamesGross phdthesis 2015-schmidt-heuristic-header-recovery Heuristic Header Recovery for Corrupted Network Packets 2015 12 31 refector Shaker Verlag GmbH
Aachen, Germany
Reports on Communications and Distributed Systems 12 RWTH Aachen University Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems Ph.D. Thesis 978-3844041743 FlorianSchmidt
inproceedings 2015-serror-channel-coding Channel Coding Versus Cooperative ARQ: Reducing Outage Probability in Ultra-Low Latency Wireless Communications 2015 12 koi file:1704 IEEE online IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications (GC'15 - ULTRA2), San Diego, USA San Diego, USA IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications December 6-10 2015 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7414150 1 MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2015-stoffers-mswim-data-deps Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks 2015 11 2 291-300 Simulation of wireless systems is highly complex and can only be efficient if the simulation is executed in parallel. To this end, independent events have to be identified to enable their simultaneous execution. Hence, the number of events identified as independent needs to be maximized in order to increase the level of parallelism. Traditionally, dependencies are determined only by time and location of events: If two events take place on the same simulation entity, they must be simulated in timestamp order. Our approach to overcome this limitation is to also investigate data-dependencies between events. This enables event reordering and parallelization even for events at the same simulation entity. To this end, we design the simulation language PSimLa, which aids this process. In this paper, we discuss the PSimLa design and compiler as well as our data-dependency analysis approach in detail and present case studies of wireless network models, speeded up by a factor of 10 on 12 cores where time-based parallelization only achieves a 1.6x speedup. Best Paper Award Parallel simulation; Static code analysis; Data dependencies horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Cancún, Mexico (MSWiM'15) Cancún, Mexico en 10.1145/2811587.2811593 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2015-wirtz-wifi-sharing Collaborative On-demand Wi-Fi Sharing 2015 10 19-27 Online IEEE 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater Beach, USA Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) October 26-29 2015 en 10.1109/LCN.2015.7366279 1 HannoWirtz TorstenZimmermann MartinSerror KlausWehrle poster serror-zdn-2015 How to Benefit from Cooperation in Latency-Constrained Wireless Communications 2015 9 25 cps,koi,hodrian VDE online ITG-Fachtagung "Zukunft der Netze 2015" – Poster Session, Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2015-schmidt-santa Santa: Faster Packet Delivery for Commonly Wished Replies [Poster Abstract] 2015 8 19 ssiclops Online ACM Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM '15), London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom 43rd ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM '15) 17–21 August, 2015 en 10.1145/2785956.2790014 1 FlorianSchmidt OliverHohlfeld RenéGlebke KlausWehrle inproceedings 2015-wirtz-secon Enabling Ubiquitous Interaction with Smart Things 2015 6 24 256-264 maki Online IEEE 12th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2015), Seattle, USA Seattle, USA 12th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2015) 22.06.2015 - 25.06.2015 en 10.1109/SAHCN.2015.7338324 1 HannoWirtz JanRüth MartinSerror TorstenZimmermann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2015-wowmom-schumacher-warpsim WARPsim: A Code-Transparent Network Simulator for WARP Devices 2015 6 14 cps,koi file:1688 IEEE online 16th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks: Demos (IEEE WoWMoM 2015 - Demos), Boston, USA Boston, USA IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks 14.-17. June 2015 10.1109/WoWMoM.2015.7158181 1 AndreasSchumacher MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski JamesGross inproceedings 2015-stoffers-pads-data-deps Analyzing Data Dependencies for Increased Parallelism in Discrete Event Simulation 2015 6 10 73-74 horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’15), London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom en 10.1145/2769458.2769487 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2015-bitsch-phealth-brain Towards Brain Research in a Pocket: Bringing EEG Research and Diagnostics out of the Lab 2015 6 2 211 185 -- 190 Bringing brain research tools like EEG devices out of the lab into the pockets of practitioners and researchers may fundamentally change the way we perform diagnostics and research. While most of the current techniques are limited to research clinics and require excessive set-up, new consumer EEG devices connected to standard, off-the-shelf mobile devices allow us to lift these limitations. This allows neuropsychological assessment and research in mobile settings, possibly even in remote areas with limited accessibility and infrastructure, thus bringing the equip- ment to the patient, instead of bringing the patient to the equipment. We are developing an Android based mobile framework to perform EEG studies. By connecting a mobile consumer EEG headset directly to an unmodified mobile device, presenting auditory and visual stimuli, as well as user interaction, we create a self-contained experimental plat- form. We complement this platform by a toolkit for immediate evalua- tion of the recorded data directly on the device, even without internet connectivity. Initial results from the replication of two Event Related Potentials studies indicate the feasibility of the approach. fileadmin/papers/2015/2015-bitsch-phealth-brain.pdf Print Blobel, Bernd and Lindén, Maria and Ahmed, Mobyen Uddin IOS Press
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health Västerås, Sweden 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health June 2-4, 2015 en 978-1-61499-515-9 0926-9630 10.3233/978-1-61499-516-6-185 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link RoannRamos CassandraSeverijns KlausWehrle
inproceedings virtualcoordinate_li_lin_stoffers_gross_2015 Channel-Aware Virtual Coordinates Assignment Protocol and Routing in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Network 2015 5 20 Online IFIP
Laxenburg, Austria
Proc. of the 14th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference (NETWORKING'15), Toulouse, France Toulouse, France en 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2015.7145337 1 DiLi ZhichaoLin MirkoStoffers JamesGross
proceedings 2015-sdnflex-heuschkel-dyns Protocol Virtualization through Dynamic Network Stacks 2015 3 9 IEEE Cottbus SDNFlex Workshop (NetSys 2015) March 2015, 9-12 en 10.1109/NetSys.2015.7089055 1 JensHeuschkel ImmanuelSchweizer TorstenZimmermann KlausWehrle MaxMühlhäuser inproceedings 2015-ewsn-schmidt-canttaketheheat If You Can't Take The Heat: Temperature Effects On Low-Power Wireless Networks And How To Mitigate Them 2015 2 10 Online Springer Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015), Porto, Portugal Porto, Portugal 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015) 9-11 February, 2015 en 978-3-319-15581-4 10.1007/978-3-319-15582-1_19 1 FlorianSchmidt MatteoCeriotti NiklasHauser KlausWehrle phdthesis 2015-schimdt-phdthesis Heuristic Header Error Recovery for Corrupted Network Packets 2015 RWTH Aachen University FlorianSchmidt techreport 2015-aib-schmidt-hotbox HotBox: Testing Temperature Effects in Sensor Networks 2014 12 4 AIB-2014-14 arXiv:1412.2257 [cs.NI] 1--17 senserr fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-schmidt-aib-hotbox.pdf Online Department of Computer Science, RWTH Aachen
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Department of Computer Science, RWTH Aachen Technical Report en 0935-3232 FlorianSchmidt MatteoCeriotti NiklasHauser KlausWehrle
conference Schumacher2014 A Code-transparent MAC Simulator for WARP 2014 11 19 hodrian,cps Proc. of European workshop on testbed based wireless research Stockholm, Sweden European workshop on testbed based wireless research 19/11/2014 AndreasSchumacher ChristianDombrowski JamesGross inproceedings 2014-aktas-wintech-a-framework-for-remote-automation-configuration-and-monitoring A Framework for Remote Automation, Configuration, and Monitoring of Real-World Experiments 2014 9 7 1--8 crawler fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-aktas-wintech-remote-cross-layer.pdf Online ACM Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2014), Hawaii, USA Hawaii, USA 9th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2014) 7 September 2014 en 978-1-4503-3072-5 10.1145/2643230.2643236 1 IsmetAktas OscarPuñal FlorianSchmidt TobiasDrüner KlausWehrle inproceedings 2014-chants-wirtz-disco Opportunistic Interaction in the Challenged Internet of Things 2014 9 7 1-8 fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-wirtz-chants-challenged_iot.pdf online ACM Proceedings of the 9th ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS 2014), Maui, USA Maui, Hawaii, USA Proceedings of the 9th ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS 2014) 7 September 2014 en 978-1-4503-3071-8 10.1145/2645672.2645679 1 HannoWirtz JanRüth MartinSerror Jó AgilaBitsch Link KlausWehrle inproceedings 2014-stoffers-omnet-parallel-inet Enabling Distributed Simulation of OMNeT++ INET Models 2014 9 3 arXiv:1409.0994 Online Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, United States
Proceedings of the 1st OMNeT++ Community Summit, Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany en MirkoStoffers RalfBettermann JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2014-hummen-delegation Delegation-based Authentication and Authorization for the IP-based Internet of Things 2014 6 30 284-292 iotsec; sensorcloud Online IEEE 11th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2014) Singapore 11th IEEE International Conference on Sensor, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2014) 30.06. - 03.07.2014 en 10.1109/SAHCN.2014.6990364 1 RenéHummen HosseinShafagh ShahidRaza ThiemoVoigt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2014-schmidt-piccett Piccett: Protocol-Independent Classification of Corrupted Error-Tolerant Traffic 2014 6 24 refector IEEE Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Madeira, Portugal en 10.1109/ISCC.2014.6912582 1 FlorianSchmidt MartinHenze KlausWehrle inproceedings 2014-aktas-punal-wowmom-machine-learning-based-jamming-detection-for-80211-conference Machine Learning-based Jamming Detection for IEEE 802.11: Design and Experimental Evaluation Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14), Sydney, Australia 2014 6 16 1--10 crawler fileadmin/papers/2014/2014-aktas-wowmom-jammingdetection.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14), Sydney, Australia Sydney 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'14) 16-19 June, 2014 en 1 OscarPuñal IsmetAktas Caj-JulianSchnelke GloriaAbidin JamesGross KlausWehrle conference 2014-hohlfeld-harvester The Harvester, the Botmaster, and the Spammer: On the Relations Between the Different Actors in the Spam Landscape 2014 6 ACM 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security 10.1145/2590296.2590302 1 GianlucaStringhini OliverHohlfeld ChristopherKruegel GiovanniVigna inproceedings 2014-stoffers-simutools-distributed-horizon Large-Scale Network Simulation: Leveraging the Strengths of Modern SMP-based Compute Clusters 2014 3 17 31-40 horizon Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools'14), Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal en 978-1-63190-007-5 10.4108/icst.simutools.2014.254622 1 MirkoStoffers SaschaSchmerling GeorgKunz JamesGross KlausWehrle
techreport 2013-schmidt-rtp-extended Support for Error Tolerance in the Real-Time Transport Protocol 2013 12 20 AIB-2013-19 arXiv:1312.5892 [cs.NI] 1--24 refector fileadmin/papers/2013/2013-schmidt-aib-rtp.pdf Online Department of Computer Science, RWTH Aachen
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Department of Computer Science, RWTH Aachen Technical Report en 0935-3232 FlorianSchmidt DavidOrlea KlausWehrle
techreport 2013-draft-hummen-dtls-extended-session-resumption-01 Extended DTLS Session Resumption for Constrained Network Environments 2013 10 18 draft-hummen-dtls-extended-session-resumption-01 This draft defines two extensions for the existing session resumption mechanisms of TLS that specifically apply to Datagram TLS (DTLS) in constrained network environments. Session resumption type negotiation enables the client and the server to explicitly agree on the session resumption mechanism for subsequent handshakes, thus avoiding unnecessary overheads occurring with the existing specifications. Session resumption without client-side state additionally enables a constrained DTLS client to resume a session without the need to maintain state while the session is inactive. The extensions defined in this draft update [RFC5077] and [RFC5246]. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en RenéHummen JohannesGilger HosseinShafagh article 2013-elsevir-aktas-harnessing-cross-layer-design Harnessing Cross-Layer Design Elsevir Ad-hoc Networks 2013 10 1 crawler 1 IsmetAktas Muhammad HamadAlizai FlorianSchmidt HannoWirtz KlausWehrle article 2013-raza-lithe Lithe: Lightweight Secure CoAP for the Internet of Things IEEE Sensors Journal 2013 10 13 10 3711-3720 Internet of Things;operating systems (computers);personal area networks;protocols;security of data;6LoWPAN standard;Contiki operating system;DTLS;Internet of Things;IoT;Lithe;authenticated confidential communication;constrained application protocol;datagram transport layer security;e-health domain;end-to-end security;lightweight secure CoAP;resource-constrained devices;Encoding;Internet;Payloads;Protocols;Security;Sensors;Standards;6LoWPAN;CoAP;CoAPs;DTLS;IoT;security iotsec en 1530-437X 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2277656 1 ShahidRaza HosseinShafagh KasunHewage RenéHummen ThiemoVoigt inproceedings 2013-wintech-schmidt-senserr Bit Error Distribution and Mutation Patterns of Corrupted Packets in Low-Power Wireless Networks 2013 9 30 49--56 Online ACM Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2013), Miami, USA Miami, USA 8th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2013) 30 September 2013 en 10.1145/2505469.2505475 1 FlorianSchmidt MatteoCeriotti KlausWehrle techreport 2013-draft-garcia-core-security-06 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2013 9 11 draft-garcia-core-security-06 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik inproceedings 2013-smith-extremecom-demo Demo: Opportunistic Deployment Support for Wireless Sensor Networks 2013 8 24 1--2 won "coolest demo award" fileadmin/papers/2013/2013-smith-extremecom-opportunistic-deployment-support.pdf Online Hui, Pan and Lindgren, Anders ACM Proceedings of the 5th Extreme Conference on Communication Thorsmork, Iceland 5th Extreme Conference on Communication August 24-30, 2013 en 978-1-4503-2171-6 1 PaulSmith Jó AgilaBitsch Link KlausWehrle inproceedings Dombrowski2013WiOpt Energy-Efficient Multi-Hop Transmission for Machine-to-Machine Communications 2013 5 13 341-348 energy minimization;quality-of-service;outage probability;deadline;optimization;multi-hop;average csi;instantaneous csi 11th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2013) Tsukuba Science City, Japan English 1 ChristianDombrowski NedaPetreska SimonGörtzen AnkeSchmeink JamesGross inproceedings 2013-hummen-towards Towards Viable Certificate-based Authentication for the Web of Things 2013 4 19 iotsec fileadmin/papers/2013/2013-hummen-towards.pdf ACM Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics on Wireless Network Security and Privacy (HotWiSec '13) Budapest, Hungary 2nd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics on Wireless Network Security and Privacy en 978-1-4503-2003-0 10.1145/2463183.2463193 1 RenéHummen Jan HenrikZiegeldorf HosseinShafagh ShahidRaza KlausWehrle inproceedings 2013-hummen-6lowpan 6LoWPAN Fragmentation Attacks and Mitigation Mechanisms 2013 4 17 iotsec; sensorcloud fileadmin/papers/2013/2013-hummen-6lowpan.pdf ACM Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '13) Budapest, Hungary 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '13) en 978-1-4503-1998-0 10.1145/2462096.2462107 1 RenéHummen JensHiller HannoWirtz MartinHenze HosseinShafagh KlausWehrle inproceedings 2013-schmidt-wons-rtp A Heuristic Header Error Recovery Scheme for RTP 2013 3 19 186--190 refector fileadmin/papers/2013/2013-schmidt-wons-rtp-refector.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS'13), Banff, Canada Banff, Canada 10th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS'13) 17-20 March 2013 en 978-1-4799-0747-2 10.1109/WONS.2013.6578345 1 FlorianSchmidt DavidOrlea KlausWehrle techreport 2013-draft-garcia-core-security-05 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2013 3 11 draft-garcia-core-security-05 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik phdthesis 2013-sasnaukas-phdthesis Symbolic Execution of Distributed Systems 2013 RWTH Aachen University RaimondasSasnaukas inproceedings 2012-IPIN-Peter-Versatile-Maps Versatile Geo-referenced Maps for Indoor Navigation of Pedestrians 2012 11 13 1--4 fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-bitsch-IPIN-vegemite.pdf Online Li, Binghao Li and Gallagher, Thomas School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation November 13--15, 2012 en 978-0-646-57851-4 1 MichaelPeter DieterFritsch BernhardtSchäfer AlfredKleusberg Jó AgilaBitsch Link KlausWehrle inproceedings 2012-IPIN-Bitsch-FlowPath Indoor Navigation on Wheels (and on Foot) using Smartphones 2012 11 13 10 S. fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-bitsch-IPIN-navigation-on-wheels.pdf Print
Piscataway, NJ, USA
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 11-13 November 2012 Sydney, Australia IEEE Sydney, Australia 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation November 13--15, 2012 en 978-1-4673-1955-3 10.1109/IPIN.2012.6418931 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link FelixGerdsmeier PaulSmith KlausWehrle
article 2012-stoffers-pik-probabilistic-sync Behavior-aware Probabilistic Synchronization in Parallel Simulations and the Influence of the Simulation Model Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK Journal) 2012 11 35 4 297--304 horizon Print Otto Spaniol De Gruyter en 0930-5157 10.1515/pik-2012-0042 MirkoStoffers article 2012-soriadustmann-pik-effizient-sde Effizientes Auffinden von Fehlern in Verteilten Systemen mit Symbolischer Ausführung Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK Journal) 2012 11 35 4 289–295 Zum Testen verteilter bzw. vernetzter Systeme existieren zahlreiche Werkzeuge, welche für das Rapid Prototyping und die Fehler-Rekonstruktion unerlässlich sind. Durch verschieden stark abstrahierte Modelle lassen sich auf diese Weise, bereits früh in der Entwicklung verteilter Systeme, Aussagen über Performanz, Konsistenz und Korrektheit von Netzwerkprotokollen treffen. Diese Verfahren arbeiten auf explizit für den Testvorgang entworfenen Modellimplementierungen, welche zwar teilweise Quelltext mit der Produktionssoftware gemein haben, aber viele Aspekte und potentielle Fehlerquellen einer tatsächlichen Software unberücksichtigt lassen. In diesem Artikel werden die Grundlagen von Testparadigmen beschrieben, welche die Ausführung unmodifizierter Software erlauben und dabei ermöglichen, eine hohe Zuversicht in die getesteten Systeme zu gewinnen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Optimierung von Algorithmen um die redundante Ausführung des Systems zu minimieren, wodurch sich die zum Testen benötigte Zeit um Größenordnungen verringert. Print Otto Spaniol De Gruyter de 0930-5157 10.1515/pik-2012-0043 OscarSoria Dustmann inproceedings 2012-mass-wirtz-dlsd DHT-based Localized Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks 2012 10 10 S. fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-mass-wirtz-dlsd.pdf Online IEEE Computer Society
Washington, DC, USA
Proceedings of The Ninth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2012), October 8-11 2012, Las Vegas, NV, USA Las Vegas, USA Ninth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2012) 8-11 October 2012 en 978-1-4673-2433-5 10.1109/MASS.2012.6502498 1 HannoWirtz TobiasHeer MartinSerror KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2012-wripe-sasnauskas-symnet Integration Testing of Protocol Implementations using Symbolic Distributed Execution 2012 10 6 S. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-09-wripe-sasnauskas-SymNet.pdf Print Online
Piscataway, NJ, USA
The 2nd International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE 2012), 30 October - 02 November 2012, Austin, TX, USA IEEE Austin, TX, USA The 2nd International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE 2012) October 30 - November 02 2012 en 978-1-4673-2445-8 10.1109/ICNP.2012.6459940 1 RaimondasSasnauskas PhilippKaiser Russ LucasJukić KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2012-pimrc-schmidt-ofra A Receiver-Based 802.11 Rate Adaptation Scheme with On-Demand Feedback 2012 9 10 1--7 Classical 802.11 rate adaptation algorithms rely on feedback from the receiver to correctly choose a sending rate, typically in the form of acknowledgments (ACKs). In the absence of such frames, novel techniques are required for rate selection. We present OFRA, a receiver-based rate adaptation algorithm that works with ACK-less traffic. Feedback information is sent on-demand using a control frame to explicitly inform the transmitter about which bit rate to use on subsequent data frames. This approach guarantees standard conformity and exhibits fast and accurate bit rate adaptation at the cost of a modest overhead increase. We evaluate the performance of OFRA against various state-of-the-art rate adaptation schemes by means of simulations. If ACK frames are to be transmitted, OFRA performs better than related work in most considered scenarios, and on par in the others. In the absence of ACKs, OFRA provides large goodput gains under good channel conditions and comparable goodput in other situations. OFRA refector fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-schmidt-pimrc-ofra.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'12), Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'12) 9-12 September 2012 en 978-1-4673-2566-0 2166-9570 10.1109/PIMRC.2012.6362818 1 FlorianSchmidt AnwarHithnawi OscarPuñal JamesGross KlausWehrle inproceedings 2012-aktas-new2an-AnAdaptiveCodecSwitchingSchemeforSIPbasedVoIP-conference An Adaptive Codec Switching Scheme for SIP-based VoIP Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012) 2012 8 27 1-12 Contemporary Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) systems typically ne- gotiate only one codec for the entire VoIP session life time. However, as different codecs perform differently well under certain network conditions like delay, jitter or packet loss, this can lead to a reduction of quality if those conditions change during the call. This paper makes two core contributions: First, we compare the speech quality of a set of stan- dard VoIP codecs given different network conditions. Second, we propose an adaptive end-to-end based codec switching scheme that fully conforms to the SIP standard. Our evaluation with a real-world prototype based on Linphone shows that our codec switching scheme adapts well to changing network conditions, improving overall speech quality. crawler fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-new2an-codecswitching.pdf Online LNCS Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012), St. Pettersburg, Russia. St. Pettersburg, Russia 12th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2012) 27-29 August, 2012 en 978-3-642-32685-1 10.1007/978-3-642-32686-8_32 1 IsmetAktas FlorianSchmidt EliasWeingaertner Caj-JulianSchnelke KlausWehrle inproceedings 2012-stoffers-mascots-ns3-propagation-models Comparing the ns–3 Propagation Models 2012 8 61--67 nonRWTH Print IEEE Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'12), Washington D.C., USA Washington D.C., USA 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'10) en 978-1-4673-2453-3 10.1109/MASCOTS.2012.17 1 MirkoStoffers GeorgeRiley inproceedings 2012-kunz-pads-gpu Multi-level Parallelism for Time- and Cost-efficient Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on GPUs 2012 7 20 23--32 horizon Print IEEE Proceedings of the 26th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS'12), Zhangjiajie, China en 978-0-7695-4714-5 1087-4097 10.1109/PADS.2012.27 1 GeorgKunz DanielSchemmel JamesGross KlausWehrle article 2012-JLBS-Bitsch-FootPath Accurate Map-based Indoor Navigation on the Mobile Journal of Location Based Services 2012 7 11 7 1 23-43 We present FootPath, a self-contained, map-based indoor navigation system. Using only the accelerometer and the compass readily available in modern smartphones, we accurately localise a user on her route and provide her with turn-by-turn instructions to her destination. To compensate for inaccuracies in step detection and heading estimation, we match the detected steps onto the expected route using sequence alignment algorithms from the field of bioinformatics. As our solution integrates well with OpenStreetMap, it allows painless and cost-efficient collaborative deployment, without the need for additional infrastructure. Online Taylor & Francis
Bristol, PA, USA
en 1748-9733 10.1080/17489725.2012.692620 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link PaulSmith NicolaiViol KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2012-stoffers-pads-hybrid-simulation Hybrid Simulation of Packet-Level Networks and Functional-Level Routers 2012 7 111--119 nonRWTH Print IEEE Proceedings of the 26th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS'12), Zhangjiajie, China Zhangjiajie, China en 978-0-7695-4714-5 1087-4097 10.1109/PADS.2012.22 1 MirkoStoffers GeorgeRiley inproceedings 2012-aktas-wowmom-CRAWLER:AnExperimentationPlatformforSystemMonitoringandCross-Layer-Coordination-conference CRAWLER: An Experimentation Architecture for System Monitoring and Cross-Layer-Coordination Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12), San Francisco, USA 2012 6 25 1--9 crawler fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-wowmom-crawler.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12), San Francisco, USA San Francisco 13th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and MultimediaNetworks (WoWMoM'12) 25-28 June, 2012 en 978-1-4673-1238-7 10.1109/WoWMoM.2012.6263686 1 IsmetAktas FlorianSchmidt Muhammad HamadAlizai TobiasDrüner KlausWehrle inproceedings 2012-taicpart-dustmann-symbolic-time Position Paper: Symbolic System Time in Distributed Systems Testing 2012 4 We propose an extension of symbolic execution of distributed systems to test software parts related to timing. Currently, the execution model is limited to symbolic input for individual nodes, not capturing the important class of timing errors resulting from varying network conditions. In this paper, we introduce symbolic system time in order to systematically find timing-related bugs in distributed systems. Instead of executing time events at a concrete time, we execute them at a set of times and analyse possible event interleavings on demand. We detail on the resulting problem space, discuss possible algorithmic optimisations, and highlight our future research directions. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-04-taicpart-soriadustmann-symtime.pdf TAICPART'2012 en 1 OscarSoria Dustmann RaimondasSasnauskas KlausWehrle techreport 2012-draft-garcia-core-security Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2012 3 26 draft-garcia-core-security-04 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik inproceedings 2012-kunz-simutools-probabilistic-sync Know Thy Simulation Model: Analyzing Event Interactions for Probabilistic Synchronization in Parallel Simulations 2012 3 20 119-128 horizon Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools'12), Desenzano del Garda, Italy Desenzano, Italy en 978-1-4503-1510-4 10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247716 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2012-aktas-simutools-FANTASY:FullyAutomaticNetworkEmulationArchitecturewithCross-LayerSupport-conference FANTASY: Fully Automatic Network Emulation Architecture with Cross-Layer Support 2012 3 19 57-64 crawler, fantasy fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-aktas-simutools-fantasy.pdf Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 5th ACM International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools '12), Desenzano del Garda, Italy Desenzano, Italy 5th ACM International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools '12) 19-23 March, 2012 en 978-1-4503-1510-4 10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247759 1 IsmetAktas Hendrikvom Lehn ChristophHabets FlorianSchmidt KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-12-conext-schmidt-refector Refector: Heuristic Header Error Recovery for Error-Tolerant Transmissions 2011 12 6 1--12 refector fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-schmidt-refector-conext.pdf Online ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan 7th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT) 6-9 December, 2011 en 978-1-4503-1041-3 10.1145/2079296.2079318 1 FlorianSchmidt Muhammad HamadAlizai IsmetAktas KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-globecom-bitsch-geodtn geoDTN: Geographic Routing in Disruption Tolerant Networks 2011 12 5 1 -- 5 In this paper we present a disruption tolerant routing algorithm based on geographic location information, which improves upon the hop count compared to the current state of the art by up to a factor of three in large scale human networks. Leveraging only the history of geographic movement patterns in the two-hop neighborhood, our algorithm is able to perform well in the absence of knowledge of social interaction between nodes and without detailed future schedule information. Representing previously visited locations as probability distributions encoded in an efficient vector, we formalize a heuristic for efficiently forwarding messages in disruption tolerant networks, implement a framework for comparing our approach with the state of the art, and evaluate key metrics, such as hop count and delivery rate, as well as energy consumption and battery depletion fairness on real world data. We are able to outperform the state of the art in human mobility based networks considerably in terms of energy usage per node, thereby extending data network availability further into areas devoid of otherwise necessary communication infrastructure. fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-GlobeCom-bitsch-geoDTN.pdf Online
Piscataway, NJ, USA
IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Next Generation Networking Symposium (GC'11 - NGN), Houston, Texas, USA IEEE Houston, Texas, USA IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Next Generation Networking Symposium (GC'11 - NGN) 5-9 December 2011 en 978-1-4244-9268-8 1930-529X 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link DanielSchmitz KlausWehrle
techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-03 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 10 31 draft-garcia-core-security-03 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik inproceedings 2011-extremecom-bitsch-neighbordiscovery Perfect Difference Sets for Neighbor Discovery 2011 9 26 1--6 We present an energy efficient neighbor discovery framework that enables Linux and TinyOS based systems to discover and connect to neighbors via IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4, which are only available sporadically. Using quorum schemes, we schedule on and off times of the wireless transmitters, to guarantee mutual discovery with minimum power given a specific latency requirement. Neighbor discovery is fundamental to intermittently connected networks, such as disruption and delay tolerant networks and optimizing it, can lead to significant overall energy savings. Using perfect difference sets, our results indicate that we reduce the latency by up to 10 times at a duty cycle of 2% compared to the state of the art. We further define and characterize our neighbor discovery scheme with respect to fairness for asymmetric energy scenarios. Using these results, we allow energy-harvesting applications to adjust neighbor discovery based on their current energy requirements as a well defined trade-off. Neighbor Discovery; Sporadic Connectivity; Wireless Networks fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-ExtremeCom-bitsch-NeighborDiscovery.pdf Online Hui, Pan and Lindgren, Anders ACM Proceedings of the 3rd Extreme Conference of Communication (ExtremeCom 2011), Manaus, Brazil Manaus, Brazil ExtremeCom 2011 26-30 September 2011 en 978-1-4503-1079-6 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link ChristophWollgarten StefanSchupp KlausWehrle inproceedings 2011-ipin-bitsch-footpath-long FootPath: Accurate Map-based Indoor Navigation Using Smartphones 2011 9 21 1--8 We present FootPath, a self-contained, map-based indoor navigation system. Using only the accelerometer and the compass readily available in modern smartphones we accurately localize a user on her route, and provide her with turn-by-turn instructions to her destination. To compensate for inaccuracies in step detection and heading estimation, we match the detected steps onto the expected route using sequence alignment algorithms from the field of bioinformatics. As our solution integrates well with OpenStreetMap, it allows painless and cost-efficient collaborative deployment, without the need for additional infrastructure. footpath fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-IPIN-bitsch-footpath-long.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Guimaraes, Portugal Guimarães, Portugal 2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) 21-23 September 2011 en 978-1-4577-1803-8 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link PaulSmith NicolaiViol KlausWehrle inproceedings 2011-ipin-bitsch-footpath FootPath: Accurate Map-based Indoor Navigation Using Smartphones (short paper) 2011 9 21 1--4 We present FootPath, a self-contained, map-based indoor navigation system. Using only the accelerometer and the compass readily available in modern smartphones we accurately localize a user on her route, and provide her with turn-by-turn instructions to her destination. To compensate for inaccuracies in step detection and heading estimation, we match the de- tected steps onto the expected route using sequence alignment algorithms from the field of bioinformatics. As our solution integrates well with OpenStreetMap, it allows painless and cost-efficient collaborative deployment, without the need for additional infrastructure. short paper (long paper is also available) footpath fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-IPIN-bitsch-footpath.pdf fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-IPIN-bitsch-footpath-slides.pdf Online IEEE Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Guimaraes, Portugal Guimarães, Portugal 2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) 21-23 September 2011 en 978-972-8692-63-6 1 Jó AgilaBitsch Link PaulSmith KlausWehrle techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-02 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 7 11 draft-garcia-core-security-02 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik inproceedings 2011-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde Scalable Symbolic Execution of Distributed Systems 2011 6 333-342 Recent advances in symbolic execution have proposed a number of promising solutions to automatically achieve high-coverage and explore non-determinism during testing. This attractive testing technique of unmodified software assists developers with concrete inputs and deterministic schedules to analyze erroneous program paths. Being able to handle complex systems' software, these tools only consider single software instances and not their distributed execution which forms the core of distributed systems. The step to symbolic distributed execution is however steep, posing two core challenges: (1) additional state growth and (2) the state intra-dependencies resulting from communication. In this paper, we present SDE—a novel approach enabling scalable symbolic execution of distributed systems. The key contribution of our work is two-fold. First, we generalize the problem space of SDE and develop an algorithm significantly eliminating redundant states during testing. The key idea is to benefit from the nodes' local communication minimizing the number of states representing the distributed execution. Second, we demonstrate the practical applicability of SDE in testing with three sensornet scenarios running Contiki OS. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-06-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde.pdf Druck IEEE Computer Society
Los Alamitos, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2011), June 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA en 978-0-7695-4364-2 1063-6927 10.1109/ICDCS.2011.28 1 RaimondasSasnauskas OscarSoria Dustmann Benjamin LucienKaminski CarstenWeise StefanKowalewski KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-nsdi-slicetime-weingaertner SliceTime: A platform for scalable and accurate network emulation 2011 3 30 Online USENIX
Berkeley, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '11), Boston, MA, USA Boston, Massachusetts en 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt Hendrikvom Lehn TobiasHeer KlausWehrle
article 22011-itag-samad-cadplus CAD+: Detecting Colluding Nodes in Gray Hole Attacks Lecture Notes in Informatics GI-Edition 2011 3 25 S-10 Informatiktage 2011 279-282 Druck Köllen Verlag GmbH
Bonn, Germany
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) S-10 en 978-3-88579- 444-8 1614-3213 ShankarKaruppayah FahadSamad
inproceedings 2011-kunz-omnetpp-horizon Runtime Efficient Event Scheduling in Multi-threaded Network Simulation 2011 3 21 359-366 Developing an efficient parallel simulation framework for multiprocessor systems is hard. A primary concern is the considerable amount of parallelization overhead imposed on the event handling routines of the simulation framework. Besides more complex event scheduling algorithms, the main sources of overhead are thread synchronization and locking of shared data structures. As a result, the overhead of parallelization may easily outweigh the benefits of parallelization in comparison to classic sequential simulation. We introduce two efficient event handling schemes based on our parallel-simulation extension Horizon for the OMNeT++ simulator.First, we present a \emph{push-based event handling scheme} to minimize the overhead of thread synchronization and locking. Second, we complement this scheme with a novel \emph{event scheduling algorithm} that significantly reduces the overhead of parallel event scheduling. Lastly, we prove the correctness of our scheduling algorithm. Our evaluation reveals a total reduction in the event handling overhead of up to 16x when combining both schemes. horizon fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-kunz-horizon-omnetworkshop.pdf Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11), Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11) March 21, 2011 en 978-1-936968-00-8 10.4108/icst.simutools.2011.245504 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers JamesGross KlausWehrle
techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-01 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 3 14 draft-garcia-core-security-01 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-00 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 3 7 draft-garcia-core-security-00 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik article 2011-03-Zimmermann IP address assignment in wireless mesh networks Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2011 3 11 3 321-337 Online John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Hoboken, NJ, USA
en 10.1002/wcm.982 1 AlexanderZimmermann ArndHannemann BenjaminSchleinzer
inproceedings 2010-krebs-Globecom10-clustering-mesh-conference Topology Stability-Based Clustering for Wireless Mesh Networks 2010 12 1 1-5 In the past, many clustering algorithms for ad-hoc networks have been proposed. Their main objective is to solve the scalability issue of ad-hoc networks by grouping nodes into clusters. The challenge in MANETs for those clustering algorithms is to cope with the high node mobility which affects the stability of the cluster structures. Wireless mesh networks consist of a static backbone and a number of mobile nodes. In the backbone of a wireless mesh network the topology is relatively static. However, topology changes occur due to frequent link losses and temporary link instability. Due to the static nature of the backbone, mobility-based approaches are not suitable in this case. In this paper, we state the important aspects for stable clustering in wireless mesh networks with unidirectional links based on the investigation of a 45-node wireless mesh testbed. We analyze well-known clustering algorithms and their performance in a large-scale testbed. Finally, we propose a new clustering algorithm called Stable Link Clustering Algorithm (SLCA). fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-lora-clustering-MESH.pdf Print IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA Miami, FL, USA IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM 2010 6 - 10 December 2010 en 978-1-4244-5636-9 10.1109/GLOCOM.2010.5683417 1 MartinKrebs AndréStein Mónica AlejandraLora Girón inproceedings 2010-sensys-sasnauskas-coojakleenet Demo Abstract: Integrating Symbolic Execution with Sensornet Simulation for Efficient Bug Finding 2010 11 383--384 High-coverage testing of sensornet applications is vital for pre-deployment bug cleansing, but has previously been difficult due to the limited set of available tools. We integrate the KleeNet symbolic execution engine with the COOJA network simulator to allow for straight-forward and intuitive high-coverage testing initiated from a simulation environment. A tight coupling of simulation and testing helps detect, narrow down, and fix complex interaction bugs in an early development phase. We demonstrate the seamless transition between COOJA simulation and KleeNet symbolic execution. Our framework enables future research in how high-coverage testing tools could be used in cooperation with simulation tools. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-osterlind_sasnauskas-sensys-coojakleenet.pdf Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2010), Zurich, Switzerland en 978-1-4503-0344-6 1 FredrikÖsterlind RaimondasSasnauskas AdamDunkels OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle
inproceedings schleinzer10 A Security Pattern for Data Integrity in P2P Systems 2010 10 16 Online ACM PLoP 2010, Reno, NV, USA Reno PLoP 2010 unpublished en 1 BenjaminSchleinzer NobukazuYoshioka conference 2010-08-lcn-samad-ASSA Adaptive Security Established on the Requirements and Resource Abilities of Network Nodes 2010 10 11 1 752-755 Online IEEE The 10th IEEE Wireless Local Networks(WLN 2010) in the 35th IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN 2010), Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Denver, Colorado, United States IEEE Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN 2010) 11-14 Oct. 2010 en 978-1-4244-8388-4 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram inproceedings 2010softcomweingaertnerprotocolanalysis Flexible Analysis of Distributed Protocol Implementations using Virtual Time 2010 9 23 225 - 229 available in IEEE Xplore Online FESB
Split, Croatia
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2010) Hvar, Croatia en 978-1-4244-8663-2 1 EliasWeingaertner MarkoRitter RaimondasSasnauskas KlausWehrle
conference 2010-08-icccn-samad-PiCAT PiCAT: Palliating Channel Assignment Assaults using Adjustable Trust in Wireless Mesh Networks IEEE ICCCN 2010 2010 8 2 1 1 - 7 Online IEEE Medienkombination The 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2010), Zurich, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2010) August 2–5, 2010 en 978-1-4244-7114-0 1095-2055 10.1109/ICCCN.2010.5560076 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram inbook 2010-simtools-sasnauskas-transport Modeling Transport Layer Protocols 2010 6 389-399 Print Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Guenes, James Gross Springer
17 Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation en 978-3-642-12330-6 1 RaimondasSasnauskas EliasWeingaertner
inproceedings icc2010vpsim Towards Network Centric Development of Embedded Systems 2010 5 23 1-6 Nowadays, the development of embedded system hardware and related system software is mostly carried out using virtual platform environments. The high level of modeling detail (hardware elements are partially modeled in a cycle-accurate fashion) is required for many core design tasks. At the same time, the high computational complexity of virtual platforms caused by the detailed level of simulation hinders their application for modeling large networks of embedded systems. In this paper, we propose the integration of virtual platforms with network simulations, combining the accuracy of virtual platforms with the versatility and scalability of network simulation tools. Forming such a hybrid toolchain facilitates the detailed analysis of embedded network systems and related important design aspects, such as resource effectiveness, prior to their actual deployment. Online IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27 en 978-1-4244-6402-9 1550-3607 10.1109/ICC.2010.5502185 1 StefanSchürmanns EliasWeingaertner TorstenKempf GerdAscheid KlausWehrle RainerLeupers inproceedings 2010-ipsn-sasnauskas-kleenet KleeNet: Discovering Insidious Interaction Bugs in Wireless Sensor Networks Before Deployment 2010 4 12 186--196 Complex interactions and the distributed nature of wireless sensor networks make automated testing and debugging before deployment a necessity. A main challenge is to detect bugs that occur due to non-deterministic events, such as node reboots or packet duplicates. Often, these events have the potential to drive a sensor network and its applications into corner-case situations, exhibiting bugs that are hard to detect using existing testing and debugging techniques. In this paper, we present KleeNet, a debugging environment that effectively discovers such bugs before deployment. KleeNet executes unmodified sensor network applications on symbolic input and automatically injects non-deterministic failures. As a result, KleeNet generates distributed execution paths at high-coverage, including low-probability corner-case situations. As a case study, we integrated KleeNet into the Contiki OS and show its effectiveness by detecting four insidious bugs in the uIP TCP/IP protocol stack. One of these bugs is critical and lead to refusal of further connections. automated protocol testing, experimentation, failure detection, wireless sensor networks kleenet fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-04-ipsn-sasnauskas-KleeNet.pdf Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2010), Stockholm, Sweden en 978-1-60558-988-6 1 RaimondasSasnauskas OlafLandsiedel Muhammad HamadAlizai CarstenWeise StefanKowalewski KlausWehrle
inproceedings 20104-IPSN-alizai-svr Poster Abstract: Statistical Vector based Point-to-Point Routing in Wireless Networks 2010 4 12 366-367 We present Statistical Vector Routing (SVR), a protocol that efficiently deals with communication link dynamics in wireless networks. It assigns virtual coordinates to nodes based on the statistical distribution of their distance from a small set of beacons. The distance metric predicts the current location of a node in its address distribution. Our initial results from a prototype implementation over real testbeds demonstrate the feasibility of SVR. wld Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2010), Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2010) April 12-16, 2010 en 978-1-60558-988-6 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai TobiasVaegs OlafLandsiedel RaimondasSasnauskas KlausWehrle
inproceedings inproceedingsreference201001221179332027 Towards a Flexible and Versatile Cross-Layer-Coordination Architecture 2010 3 15 1-5 In wireless and mobile networking, volatile environ- mental conditions are a permanent challenge, resulting in a demand for cross-layer optimizations. To further increase flexibility, we believe cross-layer architectures should adapt themselves to these changing conditions, just as they adapt the network stack, devices, and applications. In this paper, we propose CRAWLER, a novel cross-layer architecture that combines three core properties: signaling between all layers and system components; extensibility and adaptability at runtime; and high usability for cross-layer developers. CRAWLER increases flexibility, as well as expediting and simplifying cross- layer development. Work in Progress session crawler fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-03-infocom-aktas-crawler.pdf Print IEEE Proceedings of the 2010 INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, San Diego, CA, USA en 978-1-4244-6739-6 1 IsmetAktas JensOtten FlorianSchmidt KlausWehrle inproceedings inproceedingsreference201001227195395138 Iterative Source-Channel Decoding with Cross-Layer Support for Wireless VoIP 2010 1 18 1 1-6 This paper presents a cross-layer approach for iterative source-channel decoding (ISCD) in wireless VoIP networks. The novelty of the proposed method is the incorporation of both, speech bits as well as protocol header bits, into the ISCD process. The header bits take the role of pilot bits having perfect reliability. These bits are distributed over the frame as strong supporting points for the MAP decoder which results in a significant enhancement of the output speech quality compared to the benchmark scheme using ISCD for speech only. For this approach, we exploit new cross-layer concepts that support the direct communication between non-adjacent layers. These concepts enable the iterative exchange of extrinsic information between the source decoder located on the application layer and the channel decoder located on the physical layer. This technique can also be applied to audio and video transmission. refector fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-01-scc-breddermann-iscd.pdf CD-ROM / DVD-ROM Rudolf Mathar, Christoph Ruland VDE Verlag
Berlin, Germany
Proceedings of International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding Proceedings of International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding ITG Siegen International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding 2010 January 18-21, 2010 en 978-3-8007-3211-1 1 TobiasBreddermann HelgeLueders PeterVary IsmetAktas FlorianSchmidt
inproceedings Eisenblaetter10 <prt>A Two-Stage Approach to WLAN Planning: Detailed Performance Evaluation Along the Pareto Frontier</prt> 2010 227 -236 Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'10) AndreasEisenblätter Hans-FlorianGeerdes JamesGross OscarPuñal JonasSchweiger conference 2009-q2swinet-samad-REALISM REALISM: Rendering Anonymity and Lightweight Security with Mobility in Wireless Ad hoc and Mesh Networks ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks 2009 10 26 97-102 Online ACM New York, NY, USA The 5th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2009), Tenerife, The Canary Islands, Spain Tenerife, The Canary Islands, Spain ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks 26-30 October, 2009 en 978-1-60558-619-9 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram conference 2009-ngmast-samad-pcwmn Protection based on Neighborhood-Trust in Clustered Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 9 15 1 487-493 IEEE Misc IEEE NGMAST 2009 Cardiff, U.K. International Conference and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobil Applications, Services and Technologies en 978-0-7695-3786-3 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram conference 2009-iscc-samad-NNCQ Neighborhood Nodes Collaboration to Support QoS Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 7 5 763-769 Online IEEE IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009), Sousse, Tunisia Sousse, Tunisia IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications en 978-1-4244-4671-1 SadeqAli Makram FahadSamad MesutGuenes conference 2009-mwns-samad-hsvc Handling Security Vulnerabilities in Clustered Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 5 15 51-62 Print Shaker Verlag The 2nd International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security in conjunction with IFIP NETWORKING 2009, Aachen, Germany. Aachen, Germany International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security (MWNS 2009) en 978-3-8322-8177-9 FahadSamad Sadeq AliMakram article inproceedingsreference200903099502213244 Time accurate integration of software prototypes with event-based network simulations Proceedings of the 11th Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS/Performance 2009) 2009 37 2 49-50 Accepted as poster presentation. Print ACM SIGMETRICS
New York, NY, USA
ACM en 0163-5999 10.1145/1639562.1639580 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt TobiasHeer KlausWehrle
conference 2008-ntms-samad-RFID Controlling Physical Objects with Privacy using Secure RFID System 2008 11 5 1-5 Online IEEE 2nd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility, and Security (NTMS 2008), Tangier, Morocco Tangier, Morocco International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security 5-7 Nov. 2008 en 978-2-9532443-0-4 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram inproceedings 2008-sensys-sasnauskas-kleenet Poster Abstract: KleeNet - Automatic Bug Hunting in Sensor Network Applications 2008 11 425--426 We present KleeNet, a Klee based bug hunting tool for sensor network applications before deployment. KleeNet automatically tests code for all possible inputs, ensures memory safety, and integrates well into TinyOS based application development life cycle, making it easy for developers to test their applications. bug finding, memory safety, tinyos, type safety kleenet fileadmin/papers/2008/2008-11-Sasnauskas-SenSys08-KleeNet.pdf Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems (SenSys'08), Raleigh, NC, USA en 978-1-59593-990-6 1 RaimondasSasnauskas Jó AgilaBitsch Link Muhammad HamadAlizai KlausWehrle
techreport 2008-fgsn-sasnauskas-kleenet Bug Hunting in Sensor Network Applications 2008 9 Testing sensor network applications is an essential and a difficult task. Due to their distributed and faulty nature, severe resource constraints, unobservable interactions, and limited human interaction, sensor networks, make monitoring and debugging of applications strenuous and more challenging. In this paper we present KleeNet - a Klee based platform independent bug hunting tool for sensor network applications before deployment - which can automatically test applications for all possible inputs, and hence, ensures memory safety for TinyOS based applications. Upon finding a bug, KleeNet generates a concrete test case with real input values identifying a specific error path in a program. Additionally, we show that KleeNet integrates well into TinyOS application development life cycle with minimum manual effort, making it easy for developers to test their applications. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2008/2008-09-Sasnauskas-FGSN08-BugHunting.pdf Print Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Computer Science
Berlin, Germany
Proceedings of the 7th GI/ITG Fachgespraech Wireless Sensor Networks, Berlin, Germany Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems (ComSys) en 1 RaimondasSasnauskas Jó AgilaBitsch Link Muhammad HamadAlizai KlausWehrle
article 200808WeingaertnerSIGMETRICSPERSyncNetWorkEmulation Synchronized network emulation: matching prototypes with complex simulations SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2008 36 2 58-63 Network emulation, in which real systems interact with a network simulation, is a common evaluation method in computer networking research. Until now, the simulation in charge of representing the network has been required to be real-time capable, as otherwise a time drift between the simulation and the real network devices may occur and corrupt the results. In this paper, we present our work on synchronized network emulation. By adding a central synchronization entity and by virtualizing real systems for means of control, we can build-up network emulations which contain both unmodified x86 systems and network simulations of any complexity. This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the ACM HotMetrics 2008 workshop. print en 0163-5999 10.1145/1453175.1453185 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt TobiasHeer KlausWehrle inbook 2008-thissen-LNCS-multimedia Multimedia and VR Support for Direct Communication of Designers 2008 268-299 Print M. Nagl, W. Marquardt Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering, From Understanding to Substantial Design Process Support en 978-3-540-70551-2 AndréSchüppen OttoSpaniol DirkThißen IngoAssenmacher EdmundHaberstroh ThorstenKuhlen inbook 2008-thissen-LNCS-management Service Management for Development Tools 2008 401-429 Print M. Nagl, W. Marquardt Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering, From Understanding to Substantial Design Process Support en 978-3-540-70551-2 YuriBabich OttoSpaniol DirkThißen inbook 2008-thissen-LNCS-synergy Synergy by Integrating New Functionality 2008 519-526 Print M. Nagl, W. Marquardt Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering, From Understanding to Substantial Design Process Support en 978-3-540-70551-2 SimonBecker MarkusHeller MatthiasJarke WolfgangMarquardt ManfredNagl OttoSpaniol DirkThißen conference 2007-aktas-VTC-ApplicabilityofaMulti-ModeMACProtocol-Conference Applicability of a Multi-Mode MAC Protocol 2007 4 22 969 - 973 Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007. VTC2007-Spring. IEEE 65th ArifOtyakmaz IsmetAktas MarcSchinnenburg RalfPabst conference 2007-aktas-WCNC2007-AMulti-ModeMACProtocolwithRelaySupport-Conference A Multi-Mode MAC Protocol with Relay Support 2007 3 11 328 - 333 Future mobile radio networks will have the requirement of very high data rates. Typical wireless data communication will not only occur in short range scenarios like hotspots in airports, city centres, exhibition halls, etc., but also in wide area environments, e.g. a moving car in a rural environment. Data services will require a ubiquitous mobile radio system and demand better quality of service, like high data rates and low delays. Two promising concepts for future mobile radio communication are the deployment of relays and the ability to adapt to various deployment strategies by using different radio access technologies, i.e. modes with a common technology basis. The former concept allows enlarging the cell coverage. Relays are not wired connected and consequently a cost-efficient alternative to base stations that work in a decode-and-forward principle. The latter concept provides modes that are tailored solutions for specific environments and thus allow the adaptation to various scenarios by selecting the most adequate one. The aim of this work is to merge the advantages taken from both concepts to one solution. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2007. WCNC 2007 ArifOtyakmaz IsmetAktas MarcSchinnenburg RalfPabst article 200707ITp2p Peer-to-Peer Systems (Editorial) Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer of the it - Information Technology Journal 2007 49 ISSN 0935-3232 RalfSteinmetz KlausWehrle NicolasLiebau inproceedings 200706juriFGSN07platform Simulation von plattformunabhängigen TinyOS-Applikationen mit ns-2 2007
Aachen, Germany
Proceedings of 6th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Wireless Sensor Networks" JuriSaragazki OlafLandsiedel KlausWehrle
inproceedings 200707SchmidtFGSN07composition Smart Composition of Sensor Network Applications 2007
Aachen, Germany
Proceedings of 6th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Wireless Sensor Networks", Aachen StefanSchmitz OlafLandsiedel KlausWehrle
inproceedings 200605NSDIOCALA OCALA: An Architecture for Supporting Legacy Applications over Overlays 2006 In order for overlays and new network architectures to gain real user acceptance, users should be able to leverage overlay functionality without any modifications to their applications and operating systems. We present our design, implementation, and experience with OCALA, an overlay convergence architecture that achieves this goal. OCALA interposes an overlay convergence layer below the transport layer. This layer is composed of an overlay independent sub-layer that interfaces with legacy applications, and an overlay dependent sub-layer that delivers packets to the overlay. Unlike previous efforts, OCALA enables: (a) simultaneous access to multiple overlays (b) communication between hosts in different overlays (c) communication between overlay hosts and legacy hosts (d) extensibility, allowing researchers to incorporate their overlays into OCALA. We currently support five overlays, i3 [32], RON [1], HIP [19], DOA [39] and OverDoSe [31] on Linux, Windows XP/2000 and Mac OS X. We (and a few other research groups and end-users) have used OCALA for over a year with many legacy applications ranging from web browsers to remote desktop applications. San Jose, California USENIX / ACM Proceedings of 3rd ACM Sigcomm/ACM Sigops Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2006) ACM Dilip AJoseph KarthikLakshminarayanan IonStoica KlausWehrle techreport 200605OCALATechReportUCB OCALA: An Architecture for Supporting Legacy Applications over Overlays 2005 UCB/CSD-005/1397 The ever increasing demand of new applications coupled with the increasing rigidity of the Internet has led researchers to propose overlay networks as a means of introducing new functionality in the Internet. However, despite sustained efforts, few overlays are used widely. Providing support for legacy Internet applications to access such overlays would significantly expand the user base of the overlays, as the users can instantly benefit from the overlay functionality. We present the design and implementation of OCALA, an Overlay Convergence Architecture for Legacy Applications. Unlike previous efforts, OCALA allows users to access different overlays simultaneously, as well as hosts in different overlays to communicate with each other. In addition, OCALA reduces the implementation burden on the overlay developers, by factoring out the functions commonly required to support legacy applications, such as tapping legacy traffic, authentication and encryption. Our implementation of OCALA as a proxy requires no changes to the applications or operating systems. We currently support two overlays, i3 and RON, on Linux and Windows XP/2000 platforms. We (and a few other research groups and end-users) have used the proxy over a eleven-month period with many legacy applications ranging from web browsers to remote desktop applications.
UCB, Berkeley, USA
University of California at Berkeley DilipJoseph JayanthkumarKannan AyumuKubota IonStoica KlausWehrle
article 2004steinmetzwehrleP2PNetworking Peer-to-Peer-Networking &amp; -Computing Informatik-Spektrum 2004 27 1 51-54 RalfSteinmetz KlausWehrle inproceedings 200410acmmultimediai3composition Support for Service Composition in i3 2004
New York, USA
Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2004 ACM KarthikLakshminarayanan IonStoica KlausWehrle
techreport 200606i3proxytechreport Supporting Legacy Applications over i3 2004 UCB/CSD-04-1342 Providing support for legacy applications is a crucial component of many overlay networks, as it allows end-users to instantly benefit from the functionality introduced by these overlays. This paper presents the design and implementation of a proxy-based solution to support legacy applications in the context of the i3 overlay [24]. The proxy design relies on an address virtualization technique which allows the proxy to tunnel the legacy traffic over the overlay transparently. Our solution can preserve IP packet headers on an end-to-end basis, even when end-host IP addresses change, or when endhosts live in different address spaces (e.g., behind NATs). In addition, our solution allows the use of human-readable names to refer to hosts or services, and requires no changes to applications or operating systems. To illustrate how the proxy enables legacy applications to take advantage of the overlay (i.e., i3) functionality, we present four examples: enabling access to machines behind NAT boxes, secure Intranet access, routing legacy traffic through Bro, an intrusion detection system, and anonymous web download. We have implemented the proxy on Linux andWindows XP/2000 platforms, and used it over the i3 service on PlanetLab over a three month period with a variety of legacy applications ranging from web browsers to operating system-specific file sharing.
UCB, Berkeley, USA
University of California at Berkeley Technical Report JayanthkumarKannan AyumuKubota KarthikLakshminarayanan IonStoica KlausWehrle
inbook 1999-thissen-springer-management Dienstmanagement und -vermittlung für Entwicklungswerkzeuge 1999 371-386 Print M. Nagl, B. Westfechtel Springer Integration von Entwicklungssystemen in Ingenieuranwendungen, Substantielle Verbesserung der Entwicklungsprozesse de 3-540-63920-9 OttoSpaniol DirkThißen BerndMeyer ClaudiaLinnhoff-Popien article 1997-thissen-IM-corba Industrieller Einsatz von CORBA: Situation und zukünftige Entwicklungen Industrie Management 1997 6 Print de OttoSpaniol BerndMeyer DirkThißen