This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-03 Creation time: 11-34-01 --- Number of references 12 book 2010-kai-igi-applications New Applications in IT Standards: Developments and Progress 2010 print IGI Global
Hershey, PA, US
en 1 KaiJakobs
book 2010-kai-euras2 Services Standardisation. Proceedings of the 15th EURAS Conference. EURAS contributions to standardisation research, vol. 2. 2010 print EURAS
Hamburg, DE
en 978-3-86130-245-2 1 Jean-ChristopheGraz KaiJakobs
book 2010-kai-siit Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Standardisation & Innovation, SIIT 2009. EURAS contributions to standardisation research, vol. 1 2010 print EURAS
Hamburg, DE
en 978-3-86130-243-8 1 KaiJakobs
inbook 2010-kai-igi The European Union’s ICT Standardisation Policy - Changes Ahead!? 2010 XIV-XXVII print Kai Jakobs IGI Global
Hershey, PA, US
Introduction New Applications in IT Standards: Developments and Progress en 9781605669465 KaiJakobs
inbook 2010-kai-hesser ICT Standardisation – A Primer 2010 491-558 print W. Hesser; A.L. Feilzer & H.J. de Vries Helmut Schmidt University
Hamburg, DE
12 Standardisation in Companies and Markets en 9783940385970 KaiJakobs
inbook 2010-kai-standardsedge_coordination Coordination in ICT Standards Setting 2010 235-248 print S. Bolin The Bolin Group
San Francisco, CA, US
27 The Standards Edge - Unifier or Divider? en 0974864854 KaiJakobs KnutBlind
inbook 2010-kai-standardsedge_esos ESOS, Open Standards, and New Deliverables 2010 149-158 print S. Bolin The Bolin Group
San Francisco, CA, US
17 The Standards Edge - Unifier od Divider? en 0974864854 KaiJakobs
inbook 2010-kai-wifi Creating a Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11 2010 53-109 print W. Lemstra; J. Groenewegen; V. Hayes Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, UK
3 The Innovation Journey of WiFi 9780521199711 KaiJakobs WolterLemstra VicHayes BruceTuch CessLinks
inproceedings 2010-kai-webist.pdf Shaping Standards – People and Voting Rights and the Case of IEEE802.11 2010 5-12 CD Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
Setubal, PT
Proc. WebIST 2010, Valencia, Spain en 978-989-674-025-2 1 KaiJakobs
inproceedings 2010-kai-mccsis.pdf Standardising the IoT – Collaboration or Competition? 2010 62-66 CD Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Gurmit Singh, Maggie McPherson IADIS, International Association for Development of the Information Society Proc. e-Democracy, Equity and Social Justice - EDEM2010, Freiburg, Germany en 978-972-8939-24-3 1 KaiJakobs ThomasWagner KaiReimers inproceedings 2010-kai-twente.pdf Governing Future ICT Standardisation. 2010 55-57 online U. of Twente
Twente, NL
Proc. Tentative governance in emerging science and technology en 1 KaiJakobs
inproceedings 2010-kai-erima Developing Standards for the IoT - A Collaborative Exercise!? 2010 3 108-116 Online, CD L. Legardeur; K. North ERIMA
Bidart, FR
Towards new challenges for innovative management practices en 2100-0778 1 KaiJakobs ThomasWagner KaiReimers