This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-22 Creation time: 18-06-36 --- Number of references 8 inproceedings 2009-sensys-alizai-burstytraffic Bursty Traffic over Bursty Links 2009 11 71-84 wld fileadmin/papers/2009/2009-alizai-sensys-bre.pdf ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceeding of 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys 09), Berkeley, CA, USA Berkley, California Sensys 09 November 2009 en 978-1-60558-519-2 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai OlafLandsiedel Jó AgilaBitsch Link StefanGötz KlausWehrle
conference 2009-q2swinet-samad-REALISM REALISM: Rendering Anonymity and Lightweight Security with Mobility in Wireless Ad hoc and Mesh Networks ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks 2009 10 26 97-102 Online ACM New York, NY, USA The 5th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2009), Tenerife, The Canary Islands, Spain Tenerife, The Canary Islands, Spain ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks 26-30 October, 2009 en 978-1-60558-619-9 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram conference 2009-ngmast-samad-pcwmn Protection based on Neighborhood-Trust in Clustered Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 9 15 1 487-493 IEEE Misc IEEE NGMAST 2009 Cardiff, U.K. International Conference and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobil Applications, Services and Technologies en 978-0-7695-3786-3 FahadSamad SadeqAli Makram techreport 200908munawarfgsndynamictinyos Remote Incremental Adaptation of Sensor Network Applications 2009 9 9-12 fileadmin/papers/2009/2009-08-munawar-fgsn-dynamic-tinyos.pdf Print Technical University Hamburg
Technical University Hamburg
Proceedings of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Wireless Sensor Networks", Hamburg, Germany Technical University Hamburg en WaqaasMunawar OlafLandsiedel Muhammad HamadAlizai KlausWehrle
techreport 200908alizaifgsnburstyrouting Routing Over Bursty Wireless Links 2009 9 63-66 Accurate estimation of link quality is the key to enable efficient routing in wireless sensor networks. Current link estimators focus mainly on identifying long-term stable links for routing, leaving out a potentiality large set of intermediate links offering significant routing progress. Fine-grained analysis of link qualities reveals that such intermediate links are bursty, i.e., stable in the short term. In this paper, we use short-term estimation of wireless links to accurately identify short-term stable periods of transmission on bursty links. Our approach allows a routing protocol to forward packets over bursty links if they offer better routing progress than long-term stable links. We integrate a Short Term Link Estimator and its associated routing strategy with a standard routing protocol for sensor networks. Our evaluation reveals an average of 22% reduction in the overall transmissions when routing over long-range bursty links. Our approach is not tied to any special routing protocol and integrates seamlessly with existing routing protocols and link estimators. wld fileadmin/papers/2009/2009-08-alizai-fgsn-bursty-routing.pdf Print Technical University Hamburg
Technical University Hamburg
Proceedings of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Wireless Sensor Networks", Hamburg, Germany en 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai OlafLandsiedel Jó AgilaBitsch Link StefanGötz KlausWehrle
proceedings 2009-aktas-maple-ModeldrivenSupportforSourceCodeVariabilityinAutomotiveSoftwareEngineering-Workshop Model-driven Support for Source Code Variability in Automotive Software Engineering 2009 8 44-51 Variability on source code level in automotive soft- ware engineering is handled by C/C++ preprocessing directives. It provides fine-grained definition of variation points, but brings highly complex structures into the source code. The software gets more difficult to understand, to maintain and to integrate changes. Current approaches for modeling and managing vari- ability on source code do not consider the specific requirements of the automotive domain. To close this gap, we propose a model- driven approach to support software engineers in handling source code variability and configuration of software variants. For this purpose, a variability model is developed that is linked with the source code. Using this approach, a software engineer can shift work steps to the variability model in order to model and manage variation points and implement their variants in the source code. automotive software engineering; programming; model-driven engineering; variability modeling; Online CEUR 1st International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE), San Francisco, CA, USA 1613-0073 1 CemMengi ChristianFuß RubenZimmermann IsmetAktas conference 2009-iscc-samad-NNCQ Neighborhood Nodes Collaboration to Support QoS Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks 2009 7 5 763-769 Online IEEE IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009), Sousse, Tunisia Sousse, Tunisia IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications en 978-1-4244-4671-1 SadeqAli Makram FahadSamad MesutGuenes article 2009AlizaiPIKtimingenergy Modelling Execution Time and Energy Consumption in Sensor Node Simulation PIK Journal, Special Issue on Energy Aware Systems 2009 2 32 2 127-132 fileadmin/papers/2009/2009-2-alizai-modeling-energy.pdf Print en 0930-5157 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai OlafLandsiedel KlausWehrle