% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: CEST % Creation date: 2024-07-03 % Creation time: 13-38-08 % --- Number of references % 5 % @Article { Jakobs_2017_5, title = {Two Dimensions of Success in ICT Standardization – A Review}, journal = {ICT Express}, year = {2017}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {231 - 244}, author = {Jakobs, Kai} } @Book { Jakobs_2017_1, title = {Digitalisation: Challenge and Opportunity for Standardisation. Proc. 22nd EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference}, year = {2017}, volume = {12}, misc2 = {Hiert gibt es keine Autoren, nur Herausgeber.}, editor = {Kai Jakobs, Knut Blind}, publisher = {Mainz Publishers}, series = {EURAS contributions to standardisation research,}, ISBN = {978-3-95886-172-5}, author = {Jakobs, Kai and Blind, Knut} } @Inbook { Jakobs_2017_3, title = {Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th Edition)}, year = {2017}, pages = {4679 - 4691}, editor = {Mehdi Khosrow-Pour,}, publisher = {IGI Gloabl}, chapter = {ICT Standardization}, author = {Jakobs, Kai} } @Inbook { Jakobs_2017_2, title = {Handbook of Standards and Innovation}, year = {2017}, pages = {377 - 397}, editor = {Richard Hawkins}, publisher = {Edward Elgar}, chapter = {Corporate Standardisation Management and Innovation}, author = {Jakobs, Kai} } @Inproceedings { Jakobs_2017_4, title = {Emerging Smart Technologies and the European Standardisation System.}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {Proc. 30th Bled eConference: Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives}, author = {Jakobs, Kai} }