This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-04 Creation time: 19-17-43 --- Number of references 8 article 2018-stoffers-on-automated-memoization On Automated Memoization in the Field of Simulation Parameter Studies ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 2018 10 28 4 Article 26 26:1-26:25 memosim,symbiosys file:2213 10.1145/3186316 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-soria-dustmann-parti PARTI: A Multi-interval Theory Solver for Symbolic Execution 2018 9 symbiosys file:2195 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'18) 10.1145/3238147.3238179 1 OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle CristianCadar inproceedings 2018-cav-schemmel-liveness Symbolic Liveness Analysis of Real-World Software 2018 7 14 symbiosys Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2018) Oxford, Great Britain 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification 2018-07-14 to 2018-07-17 en 10.1007/978-3-319-96142-2_27 1 DanielSchemmel JulianBüning OscarSoria Dustmann ThomasNoll KlausWehrle inproceedings 2016-stoffers-pads-memo Automated Memoization for Parameter Studies Implemented in Impure Languages 2016 5 15 221-232 Best Paper Award Automatic Memoization; Accelerating Parameter Studies; Impure Languages memosim,symbiosys Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’16), Banff, AB, Canada Banff, AB, Canada en 10.1145/2901378.2901386 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle
article 2012-soriadustmann-pik-effizient-sde Effizientes Auffinden von Fehlern in Verteilten Systemen mit Symbolischer Ausführung Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK Journal) 2012 11 35 4 289–295 Zum Testen verteilter bzw. vernetzter Systeme existieren zahlreiche Werkzeuge, welche für das Rapid Prototyping und die Fehler-Rekonstruktion unerlässlich sind. Durch verschieden stark abstrahierte Modelle lassen sich auf diese Weise, bereits früh in der Entwicklung verteilter Systeme, Aussagen über Performanz, Konsistenz und Korrektheit von Netzwerkprotokollen treffen. Diese Verfahren arbeiten auf explizit für den Testvorgang entworfenen Modellimplementierungen, welche zwar teilweise Quelltext mit der Produktionssoftware gemein haben, aber viele Aspekte und potentielle Fehlerquellen einer tatsächlichen Software unberücksichtigt lassen. In diesem Artikel werden die Grundlagen von Testparadigmen beschrieben, welche die Ausführung unmodifizierter Software erlauben und dabei ermöglichen, eine hohe Zuversicht in die getesteten Systeme zu gewinnen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Optimierung von Algorithmen um die redundante Ausführung des Systems zu minimieren, wodurch sich die zum Testen benötigte Zeit um Größenordnungen verringert. Print Otto Spaniol De Gruyter de 0930-5157 10.1515/pik-2012-0043 OscarSoria Dustmann inproceedings 2012-taicpart-dustmann-symbolic-time Position Paper: Symbolic System Time in Distributed Systems Testing 2012 4 We propose an extension of symbolic execution of distributed systems to test software parts related to timing. Currently, the execution model is limited to symbolic input for individual nodes, not capturing the important class of timing errors resulting from varying network conditions. In this paper, we introduce symbolic system time in order to systematically find timing-related bugs in distributed systems. Instead of executing time events at a concrete time, we execute them at a set of times and analyse possible event interleavings on demand. We detail on the resulting problem space, discuss possible algorithmic optimisations, and highlight our future research directions. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2012/2012-04-taicpart-soriadustmann-symtime.pdf TAICPART'2012 en 1 OscarSoria Dustmann RaimondasSasnauskas KlausWehrle inproceedings 2011-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde Scalable Symbolic Execution of Distributed Systems 2011 6 333-342 Recent advances in symbolic execution have proposed a number of promising solutions to automatically achieve high-coverage and explore non-determinism during testing. This attractive testing technique of unmodified software assists developers with concrete inputs and deterministic schedules to analyze erroneous program paths. Being able to handle complex systems' software, these tools only consider single software instances and not their distributed execution which forms the core of distributed systems. The step to symbolic distributed execution is however steep, posing two core challenges: (1) additional state growth and (2) the state intra-dependencies resulting from communication. In this paper, we present SDE—a novel approach enabling scalable symbolic execution of distributed systems. The key contribution of our work is two-fold. First, we generalize the problem space of SDE and develop an algorithm significantly eliminating redundant states during testing. The key idea is to benefit from the nodes' local communication minimizing the number of states representing the distributed execution. Second, we demonstrate the practical applicability of SDE in testing with three sensornet scenarios running Contiki OS. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-06-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde.pdf Druck IEEE Computer Society
Los Alamitos, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2011), June 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA en 978-0-7695-4364-2 1063-6927 10.1109/ICDCS.2011.28 1 RaimondasSasnauskas OscarSoria Dustmann Benjamin LucienKaminski CarstenWeise StefanKowalewski KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2010-sensys-sasnauskas-coojakleenet Demo Abstract: Integrating Symbolic Execution with Sensornet Simulation for Efficient Bug Finding 2010 11 383--384 High-coverage testing of sensornet applications is vital for pre-deployment bug cleansing, but has previously been difficult due to the limited set of available tools. We integrate the KleeNet symbolic execution engine with the COOJA network simulator to allow for straight-forward and intuitive high-coverage testing initiated from a simulation environment. A tight coupling of simulation and testing helps detect, narrow down, and fix complex interaction bugs in an early development phase. We demonstrate the seamless transition between COOJA simulation and KleeNet symbolic execution. Our framework enables future research in how high-coverage testing tools could be used in cooperation with simulation tools. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2010/2010-osterlind_sasnauskas-sensys-coojakleenet.pdf Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2010), Zurich, Switzerland en 978-1-4503-0344-6 1 FredrikÖsterlind RaimondasSasnauskas AdamDunkels OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle