This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-03-07 Creation time: 02-46-31 --- Number of references 7 inproceedings 2024-fink-cired Resilient Control Center to Substation Device Communication 2024 11 7 Resilient communication is essential for reliably exchanging parameters and measurements in distribution systems. Thus, deploying redundant hardware for both local and wide area communication, along with protocols that leverage these redundancies for automatic and timely failovers, is fundamental. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of key protocols (PRP/HSR, MPLS-TP, and MPTCP) which offer robust recovery mechanisms. Additionally, it provides a specific concept and topology that effectively combine the presented protocols to ensure resilient communication from the control center to substation devices. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED Chicago Workshop 2024 on Resilience of Electric Distribution Systems, November 7-8, 2024, Chicago, USA Chicago CIRED Chicago Workshop 2024 on Resilience of Electric Distribution Systems November 7-8, 2024 10.1049/icp.2024.2609 1 Ina BereniceFink MarkusDahlmanns GerritErichsen KlausWehrle inproceedings 2024-dahlmanns-cired Reliable and Secure Control Center to Station Device Communication 2024 6 19 The increasing demands on the power grid require intelligent and flexible solutions that ensure the grid's stability. Many of these measures involve sophisticated communication between the control center and the stations that is not efficiently realizable using traditional protocols, e.g., IEC 60870-5-104. To this end, IEC 61850 introduces data models which allow flexible communication. Still, the specification leaves open how DSOs should interconnect their stations to realize resilient communication between the control center and station devices. However, DSOs require such communication to adapt modern solutions increasing the grid's capacity, e.g., adaptive protection systems. In this paper, we present our envisioned network and communication concept for future DSO's ICT infrastructures that enables the control center to resiliently and flexibly communicate with station devices. For resilience, we suggest interconnecting each station with two distinct communication paths to the control center, use MPLS-TP and MPTCP for fast failovers when a single link fails, and mTLS to protect the communication possibilities against misuse. Additionally, in accordance with IEC 61850, we envision the control center to communicate with the station devices using MMS by using the station RTU as a proxy. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED workshop on Increasing Distribution Network Hosting Capacity 2024, June 19-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria Vienna CIRED workshop on Increasing Distribution Network Hosting Capacity 2024 June 19-20, 2024 10.1049/icp.2024.2096 1 MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink GerritErichsen GuosongLin ThomasHammer BurkhardBorkenhagen SebastianSchneider ChristofMaahsen KlausWehrle poster 2024-dahlmanns-sul Poster: Trusted Execution Environment-basierte Sicherheit für digitale Umspannwerke 2024 3 5 19 ven2us VDE ETG/FNN-Tutorial 2024 Schutz- und Leittechnik, March 05-06, 2024, Leipzig, Germany Leipzig, Germany VDE ETG/FNN-Tutorial 2024 Schutz- und Leittechnik March 05-06, 2024 1 MarkusDahlmanns AndreasWark Carl-HeinzGenzel KlausWehrle poster 2024-fink-sul Poster: Resiliente Kommunikation für die Fernwirktechnik in digitalen Umspannwerken 2024 3 5 19 ven2us VDE ETG/FNN-Tutorial 2024 Schutz- und Leittechnik, March 05-06, 2024, Leipzig, Germany Leipzig, Germany VDE ETG/FNN-Tutorial 2024 Schutz- und Leittechnik March 05-06, 2024 1 Ina BereniceFink MarkusDahlmanns KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-dahlmanns-docker Secrets Revealed in Container Images: An Internet-wide Study on Occurrence and Impact 2023 7 10 797-811 Containerization allows bundling applications and their dependencies into a single image. The containerization framework Docker eases the use of this concept and enables sharing images publicly, gaining high momentum. However, it can lead to users creating and sharing images that include private keys or API secrets—either by mistake or out of negligence. This leakage impairs the creator's security and that of everyone using the image. Yet, the extent of this practice and how to counteract it remains unclear. In this paper, we analyze 337,171 images from Docker Hub and 8,076 other private registries unveiling that 8.5% of images indeed include secrets. Specifically, we find 52,107 private keys and 3,158 leaked API secrets, both opening a large attack surface, i.e., putting authentication and confidentiality of privacy-sensitive data at stake and even allow active attacks. We further document that those leaked keys are used in the wild: While we discovered 1,060 certificates relying on compromised keys being issued by public certificate authorities, based on further active Internet measurements, we find 275,269 TLS and SSH hosts using leaked private keys for authentication. To counteract this issue, we discuss how our methodology can be used to prevent secret leakage and reuse. network security; security configuration; secret leakage; container ven2us, internet-of-production, ACM Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS '23), July 10-14, 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Melbourne, VIC, Australia ASIA CCS '23 July 10-14, 2023 979-8-4007-0098-9/23/07 10.1145/3579856.3590329 1 MarkusDahlmanns ConstantinSander RobinDecker KlausWehrle inproceedings 2023-lorz-cired Interconnected grid protection systems - reference grid for testing an adaptive protection scheme 2023 3286-3290 ven2us 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy, June 12-15, 2023 Rome, Italy International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) June 12-15, 2023 10.1049/icp.2023.0864 1 TobiasLorz JohannJaeger AntigonaSelimaj ImmanuelHacker AndreasUlbig Jan-PeterHeckel ChristianBecker MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink KlausWehrle GerritErichsen MichaelSchindler RainerLuxenburger GuosongLin inproceedings 2022-lorenz-ven2us Interconnected network protection systems - the basis for the reliable and safe operation of distribution grids with a high penetration of renewable energies and electric vehicle 2022 Power grids are increasingly faced with the introduction of decentralized, highly volatile power supplies from renewable energies and high loads occurring from e-mobility. However, today’s static grid protection cannot manage all upcoming conditions while providing a high level of dependability and security. It forms a bottleneck of a future decarbonizing grid development. In our research project, we develop and verify an adaptive grid protection algorithm. It calculates situation dependent protection parameters for the event of power flow shifts and topology changes caused by volatile power supplies due to the increase of renewable generation and the rapid expansion of e-mobility. As a result the distribution grid can be operated with the optimally adapted protection parameters and functions for changing operating states. To safely adjust the values on protection hardware in the field, i.e., safe from hardware failures and cyberattacks, we research resilient and secure communication concepts for the adaptive and interconnected grid protection system. Finally, we validate our concept and system by demonstrations in the laboratory and field tests. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Porto, Portugal Porto CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022 June 2-3, 2022 10.1049/icp.2022.0768 1 MatthiasLorenz Tobias MarkusPletzer MalteSchuhmacher TorstenSowa MichaelDahms SimonStock DavoodBabazadeh ChristianBecker JohannJaeger TobiasLorz MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink KlausWehrle AndreasUlbig PhilippLinnartz AntigonaSelimaj ThomasOffergeld