Cyber-Physical Systems Group

"Making the interconnected world work in a flexible and efficient, but safe and reliable manner to the benefit of society"

Cyber-physical Systems that combine the physical world with the virtual world are starting to play an ever more important role in our daily lives. In this research group, we're looking at the fundamental concepts and challenges to realize the vision of an interconnected world. In particular, we focus on industrial communication systems.

In contrast to human-to-human communication, communication between machines requires a fundamentally new approach. While humans are inherently able to cope with imperfections in communication, machines require predictability. This covers aspects of correctness, latency, and context sensitivity, but also new sensing paradigms.

In our group, we especially focus on (safety-)critical industrial applications (Industry 4.0), but also on enabling new simulation methodologies for complex networked systems. Solving the fundamental challenges in these areas therefore enables the Internet of Everything.

Hot Topics

  • In-network processing techniques for industrial control
    • Co-design approaches
    • Predictable system behavior
    • Theoretical and practical limits
  • Low-latency ultra-reliable wireless systems
    • Network design
    • Reliability-enhancing strategies
    • Theoretical and practical limits
  • Systems engineering and tool development
    • Replacement of Expected Values (mean), with hard guarantees
    • Guided design

Methodology and Tools

To convince stakeholders, new approaches need a solid base in theory, but – more importantly – also need validation and demonstration in practical prototypes. This leads to the following design circle.

  1. Requirements analysis
  2. Analytical studies using abstract models
  3. Simulations and/or verification
  4. Real-world experiments
  5. Start over


Current Projects

  • Internet of Production: Technical foundations enabling cross-domain collaboration in production
    (Interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence)
  • REFLEXES: A Co-Designed Architecture for In-Network Control
    (DFG within Priority Program 1914 "Cyber-Physical Networking")

Selected Past Projects

  • CONSENT: Conformance-driven and Auto-configured Security for Home and Industrial Networks
    (within the NRW Postgraduate Training Programme)
  • FootPath: Infrastructure-less indoor navigation on smartphones
  • HODRIAN: Development of a frequency agile, decentralized, reliable wireless system
  • KoI: Development of a centralized, reliable, 1ms wireless system
  • MemoSim: Avoiding of Redundant Computations in Simulation Parameter Studies by Memoization
    (DFG project)
  • PREserv: Privacy Enhanced Sensing, Encoding, Relaying & Visualization
  • Psychologist in a Pocket: Mental health (depression) screening on smartphones
  • RatPack: Analysis of animal ecological and social networks with programmable sensor nodes
  • WARPsim: A code-transparent simulation environment for WARP devices

Available Theses

The Cyber-Physical Systems Group always has a range of thesis topics available for motivated and talented students. An excerpt of available theses can be seen from inside the RWTH University network.

Group publications

Mirko Stoffers, Ralf Bettermann, and Klaus Wehrle
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017), Rome, Italy, page 33-42.
Publisher: IEEE,
October 2017
Design and Evaluation of an Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Wireless Network Protocol
RWTH Aachen University, Shaker Verlag GmbH, Herzogenrath, Germany
June 2017
ISBN: 978-3-8440-5510-8
Ismet Aktas, Alexander Bentkus, Florian Bonanati, Armin Dekorsy, Christian Dombrowski, Michael Doubrava, Ali Golestani, Frank Hofmann, Mike Heidrich, Stefan Hiensch, Rüdiger Kays, Michael Meyer, Andreas Müller, Stephan ten Brink, Neda Petreska, Milan Popovic, Lutz Rauchhaupt, Ahmad Saad, Hans Schotten, Christoph Wöste, and Ingo Wolff
Funktechnologien für Industrie 4.0
VDE Positionspapier,
June 2017
Martin Serror, Jörg Christian Kirchhof, Mirko Stoffers, Klaus Wehrle, and James Gross
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17), Singapore, Singapore
Publisher: ACM,
May 2017
ISBN: 978-1-4503-4489-0
Shehzad Ali Ashraf, Y.-P. Eric Wang, Sameh Eldessoki, Bernd Holfeld, Donald Parruca, Martin Serror, and James Gross
Proc. of 23rd European Wireless Conference (EW17), Dresden, Germany
Publisher: IEEE,
May 2017
Junaid Ansari, Ismet Aktas, Christian Brecher, Christoph Pallasch, Nicolai Hoffmann, Markus Obdenbusch, Martin Serror, Klaus Wehrle, and James Gross
International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2017)
Göttingen, Germany
Publisher: IEEE,
March 2017
Communication and Networking for the Industrial Internet of Things
Industrial Internet of Things
page 317-346.
Publisher: Springer,
ISBN: 978-3-319-42558-0
Christian Dombrowski, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, and James Gross
Model-Checking Assisted Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Low-Latency Wireless Networks
Proc. of IEEE 35th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, page 307--316.
September 2016
Performance Analysis of Cooperative ARQ Systems for Wireless Industrial Networks
17th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2016), Coimbra, Portugal
Publisher: IEEE,
June 2016
Mirko Stoffers, Daniel Schemmel, Oscar Soria Dustmann, and Klaus Wehrle
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’16), Banff, AB, Canada, page 221-232.
Publisher: ACM, New York, NY
May 2016
Parallel Expanded Event Simulation of Tightly Coupled Systems
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 26(2):12:1--12:26
January 2016
IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications (GC'15 - ULTRA2), San Diego, USA
Publisher: IEEE,
December 2015
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