COMSYS presents two projects of the UMIC research cluster at the 2012 Mobile World Congess (MWC 2012) -- the world's largest exhibition on mobile communications and mobile Internet technology[more]
Just in time for the Mobile World Congress, we filed a patent for our new camera based navigation system. This system allows pedestrians, but also people bound to the wheelchair to navigate without the use of GPS or other...[more]
For those who are interested in what happend at the Department in 2011 - check out the report. The cover offers some insight into how doing Computer Science looks like in practice .... [more]
ComSys was well represented at the 4th ITU 'Kaleidoscope' conference that took place at Cape Town on 12 - 14 December. Klaus had been invited to present the, errh, invited paper of the 'Social, economic and policy aspects' track....[more]
On December 14th, Tobias Heer successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations![more]
The paper "Secure Resolution of End-Host Identifiers for Mobile Clients", a cooperation between the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology and COMSYS, received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Globecom Next Generation...[more]
We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Ralph Holz (Technical University Munich TUM) on the OpenPGP Web of Trust.When: Friday 16th of September, at 16:00hWhere: i4 seminar room, building E1, room 4105, 1. floor---Abstract:This...[more]