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Computer Science Department - Annual Report 2011

For those who are interested in what happend at the Department in 2011 - check out the report. The cover offers some insight into how doing Computer Science looks like in practice ....  [more]


ComSys at ITU-T's 'Kaleidoscope' conference in Cape Town, ZA

ComSys was well represented at the 4th ITU 'Kaleidoscope' conference that took place at Cape Town on 12 - 14 December. Klaus had been invited to present the, errh, invited paper of the 'Social, economic and policy aspects' track....[more]


Doctoral Defense of Tobias Heer

On December 14th, Tobias Heer successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations![more]


Cooperation between HIIT and COMSYS receives Best Paper Award

The paper "Secure Resolution of End-Host Identifiers for Mobile Clients", a cooperation between the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology and COMSYS, received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Globecom Next Generation...[more]


Guest Talk "Investigating the OpenPGP Web of Trust", Friday (2011-16-09)

We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Ralph Holz (Technical University Munich TUM) on the OpenPGP Web of Trust.When: Friday 16th of September,  at 16:00hWhere: i4 seminar room, building E1, room 4105, 1. floor---Abstract:This...[more]


Guest Talk "Towards Guaranteeing Communication Quality in Real World WSN Deployments" this Friday (2011-08-26)

We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Matteo Ceriotti (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento).When: this Friday (2011-08-26) at 12:30hWhere: i4 seminar room, building E1, room 4105, 1. floor---Title: Towards Guaranteeing...[more]


Tag der Offenen Tür (open house) on the Horizon

On 28th June, 2011 we will open the bar at ComSys for the students, the industry partners and significant others who want to know about the life and work at ComSys. [more]

Displaying results 134 to 140 out of 152
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