Welcome to the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems at RWTH Aachen University. The chair, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Wehrle, conducts research in diverse areas related to computer networks and distributed systems:
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In the last week of February, COMSYS researcher Christian van Sloun took part in the 32nd edition of the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium in San Diego, USA. There, he presented the latest results of COMSYS' work on lower-overhead ransomware detection.[more]
Last week, COMSYS researcher Ike Kunze was presented with the 2024 ICT Young Researcher Runner-Up Award from the RWTH Profile Area "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) for his outstanding research conducted during his Ph.D. studies.[more]
The SUSTAINET_guarDian project aims to enhance the resilience, cybersecurity, and sustainability of high-performance communication networks critical to Europe's infrastructure through international collaboration and innovative technologies.[more]
This December, COMSYS researcher Johannes Lohmöller attended the BuildSEC '24 conference in New Delhi, India, where he presented his research on trusted computations within data ecosystems and also met Salil Kanhere, a former guest professor at COMSYS.[more]